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Today is april 1rst.

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Squab unleashes Megiddo! Completed all quests and hard diaries. 75+ Skiller. (At one point.) 2000+ total. 99 Magic.
[spoiler=The rest of my sig. You know you wanna see it.]

my difinition of noob is i dont like u, either u are better then me or u are worst them me

Buying spins make you a bad person...don't do it. It's like buying nukes for North Korea.

Well if it bothers you that the game is more fun now, then you can go cry in a corner. :shame:

your article was the equivalent of a circumcized porcupine

The only thing wrong with it is the lack of a percentage for when you need to stroke it.


Poignant Purple to Lokie's Ravishing Red and Alg's Brilliant Blue.

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^It doesn't take too long for a few people to make a video one day out of the year. Having fun is okay sometimes just try not to enjoy it


About the hamster: I promised to look after a friends, Friend A, hamster while she left for the weekend to see her boyfrand (everyone left this weekend omg it sucked) and I had planned for a date/spending the day with mine on Saturday. I told him I'd have to come back to campus at some point that night to feed the dang thing (They're illegal to have, and the only people that knew about the hamster also left this weekend, so I couldn't ask someone else to). He said, basically, "oh awesome, I love hamsters, can I see him?" and since I couldn't sign a non-student into a dorm that wasn't my own, I brought the hamster outside to show him and then put him back. My boyfrand likes animals. It's really cute actually.


So we leave campus to get some lunch to picnic (SO ROMANTIC OMG)with, and I charge my phone in his car. I accidentally left my charger in my jacket pocket I left at a party on friday, derp. And after a really late lunch he checked into the hotel and I remembered to get my phone, I had 6 missed calls from Friend A, 2 from her RA and a few angry texts about how the hamster got out of his cage and had been found in the hallway, and I needed to go claim him NOW. So we had to drive back to campus and claim him, the front desk assistant made me wait for a stern lecture from the dorm manager guy who didn't get back for thirty minutes, until I could finally get the damned thing back. Once I was back in her room, I saw that he had broken the plastic lock things keeping the top of the cage in and escaped, Friend A said later to replace the duct tape (which wasn't there) if I ever open the top. The dorm manager said he'd have to do an inspection at 9am Monday to make sure he was cleared out, so I had to move him into my building along with all of her alcohol pot stuff into my closet, all while she was upset at me for having him get out and upset for "stealing" her stuff. Of course someone locked her room's door (I had left it open a crack to get back in, pretty safe dorms, at least her building is anyways) so I had to wait for her suitemate to get back from dinner.


I finally got out but we were both kind of irritated from it happening. And now I have a hamster in my dang closet for another day or two. :/


TL;DR my fault.

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Went to dinner and a movie, left again to get some Magic cards, went home and got Bioshock Infinite.


Birthday was nifty.

10:53 PM - retech9691: I feel the need
10:53 PM - retech9691: To include many chasms in my story arc
10:53 PM - Resistance: You mean plotholes?


Remember, Remember, the 4th of November

RIP Dawngate ;-;

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Went to dinner and a movie, left again to get some Magic cards, went home and got Bioshock Infinite.


Birthday was nifty.

What cards did you end up with? Or at least what noteable ones?

Squab unleashes Megiddo! Completed all quests and hard diaries. 75+ Skiller. (At one point.) 2000+ total. 99 Magic.
[spoiler=The rest of my sig. You know you wanna see it.]

my difinition of noob is i dont like u, either u are better then me or u are worst them me

Buying spins make you a bad person...don't do it. It's like buying nukes for North Korea.

Well if it bothers you that the game is more fun now, then you can go cry in a corner. :shame:

your article was the equivalent of a circumcized porcupine

The only thing wrong with it is the lack of a percentage for when you need to stroke it.


Poignant Purple to Lokie's Ravishing Red and Alg's Brilliant Blue.

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Needs a drawbridge. And maybe sharks with fricken lazer beams attached to their fricken heads.

Squab unleashes Megiddo! Completed all quests and hard diaries. 75+ Skiller. (At one point.) 2000+ total. 99 Magic.
[spoiler=The rest of my sig. You know you wanna see it.]

my difinition of noob is i dont like u, either u are better then me or u are worst them me

Buying spins make you a bad person...don't do it. It's like buying nukes for North Korea.

Well if it bothers you that the game is more fun now, then you can go cry in a corner. :shame:

your article was the equivalent of a circumcized porcupine

The only thing wrong with it is the lack of a percentage for when you need to stroke it.


Poignant Purple to Lokie's Ravishing Red and Alg's Brilliant Blue.

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Squab unleashes Megiddo! Completed all quests and hard diaries. 75+ Skiller. (At one point.) 2000+ total. 99 Magic.
[spoiler=The rest of my sig. You know you wanna see it.]

my difinition of noob is i dont like u, either u are better then me or u are worst them me

Buying spins make you a bad person...don't do it. It's like buying nukes for North Korea.

Well if it bothers you that the game is more fun now, then you can go cry in a corner. :shame:

your article was the equivalent of a circumcized porcupine

The only thing wrong with it is the lack of a percentage for when you need to stroke it.


Poignant Purple to Lokie's Ravishing Red and Alg's Brilliant Blue.

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i am now addicted to coffee

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