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lumbridge caves???


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what the heck is up with the lumbridge caves? i went there to fight some cave slime for a slayer assignment and ive never been there before. i knew a little about it so i brought what i needed- cande, rope, food and antipoisen because i herd cave slime is poisenous. i go down there then i walk a little bit then im suddenly hit with some kind of blast it hits me like 15 and my candle goes out. so i cant see crap and i start being hit constant 1s really fast, but i couldnt see anything killing me(i could see through the blackness a little) so i drink antipoisens and eat some food but i cant see where im goin and i cant tele out with glory cause im being attacked and i dont know where the exit is and then a hand comes out of the wall and i die suddenly. can somebody tell me what just happened to me??

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You forgot to bring a spiney helmet, and because of that the wall beasts hits you extra hard and because of that you candel goes out, and when your candel goes out some kinda insecst starts to hit constant 1's on you, maby Jagex shouls set up some kind of warnig singn :?:

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gas pockets








each light has worse downfalls








bullseye - nvr goes out




oil lantern - goes out if got wet




candle lantern - goes out if got wet & glass breaks




candle - goes out if got wet and explodes gas pockets


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I'm pretty sure that just happens when the light goes out. There might be bats or something that jagex wants to say to make it more rpgish, but there's not really anything literally chasing and attacking you. It's just set so you get hit 1's rapidly. I think.

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you coulda used a tenderbox to relight the candle. If you dont have light it says bugs swarm you and they are what hit the constant ones. I got killed down there doin the lost tribe quest, mainly cause i lagged and had bout 10hp b4 i could react.

Look, if your mom still drops you off at school, you ain't gangsta, pull up your damn pants!


3 down, 7 to go

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i just go in with bullseys and tinder (incase i accidently extinguish) neva goes out. or use minin helkmet (if fm hi enuff) and save a space

Back by popular demand!

And I guess I just wanted to tell you, as the light starts to fade, that you aree the reason, that I am not afraid, and I guess I just wanted to mention, as the heavens will fall, that we will be together soon if we will be anything at all.

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you coulda used a tenderbox to relight the candle. If you dont have light it says bugs swarm you and they are what hit the constant ones. I got killed down there doin the lost tribe quest, mainly cause i lagged and had bout 10hp b4 i could react.








yup, this happened to me the first time I went down there. I was lucky enough to relight my candle and beat feet out of there. I would read up on the area before returning....... :wink:

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some ppl use lumby caves to scam you by giving you a candel and a tinderbox then they ask for the tinderbox back and you go down they just wait for it to go out and then they watch you die and get your items




tinderbox is very VERY important

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thats so stupid... if it want for those 1s i wouldnt have died. u cant tele with glory while being hit with ones because the menue goes down every time someone or something attacks you. how could i have made it out of there alive, or was i screwed








Well then you should take proper heed in the numerous warnings Jagex gave with the updates.

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always bring a bullseye if you can, if you cant light it, then try an oil lantern and bring a tinder box just incase. always bring teleport runes/"item" other than a glory or dueling ring. and those constant 1's were insects that hit you, they only hit you because your light went out. if you had a slayer helmet on, i believe it could have either prevented or hindered the process of them attacking you.

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