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Should i get smite for pking?


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At low levels, the other player usually has like 52 prayer. And if they'er low def, you can easily do alot of damage really quick and make their prayer points drop extra fast. This distracts them and might allow you to smite them out if they aren't fast enough.


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This depends entirely on if you use +1 worlds or not. You have fairly low strength and i assume you want to keep it that way, so i can't think of any expensive item you'd want to keep whilst ranging...


So, no. Keep prayer as low as possible and stick to high risk wilderness as you have nothing that will give you as big a strategic advantage as their claws and stuff...


Unless you purposely want to fight in +1 worlds with the sole intention in smiting out peoples claws/AGS. In which case, good luck, you're gonna need it.


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Only people who ever get smited are pures since they are constantly taking large amounts of damage and have to be eating all the time plus remember to drink ppots. I would say don't get it, its not worth it. If you are looking to raise prayer anyway I would recommend getting 74 prayer and rigour as rigour is awesome for range tanks.

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