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yeah cya mate.


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how is that even possible

You gambled and lost, what's not to get?

You probably could get back up to that amount if you do smaller bets. I don't know why you upped the stakes on a losing streak...



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how is that even possible

You gambled and lost, what's not to get?

You probably could get back up to that amount if you do smaller bets. I don't know why you upped the stakes on a losing streak...

make your losses back? never lost 6 times in a row before..




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Ah this makes me think of my friend who was being "smart" by saving up 7mil a go to do his friends dice game: 2 dice, need 6 6 to win d claws.

He was ranting about [cabbage] odds after he lost for the 5th time, I was like erm dude kinda obvious the odds are against ya and 5 times at 7mil a go? You coulda just bought 2 pairs of claws.


Its the fact of gambling: In the end you will lose, and the more times you gamble the greater the odds of losing are.


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You chose to gamble. It doesn't matter how many times you do so, there is always a chance of losing. That's probability.

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