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Ranger boots


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I currently use snakeskin boots, but with 91 range, I think I need to upgrade my range equipment. Are ranger boots first worth the plus 5 range boost, also is now a good time to buy with BXPW people sell stuff to get money for supplies so this might be a good time. Also the rest of my range equipment is ava accumulator, rune xbow, rune bolts, amulet of range, and barrows gloves, with karils top and bottom and zammy unholy book. Any other good upgrades?



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If you don't have an amulet of fury yet I suggest you get that. Ranger boots are worth it if you have the money, but glaivens are even better.


EDIT: Armadly chest top/skirt if you have the cash.


I'd check the forums to see what people are currently selling/buying before, or just try in the GE.


"Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night's Watch, for this night and all the nights to come."

"An imperfect man can do great deeds, and a great man imperfect ones.

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Glaivens are only 5m more than rangers on GE, and are a better choice, although not that much better. But if you're going to upgrade the snakeskin boots (virtually free) to something, I would just save for glaivens.

Maxed since Sunday, January 9th, 2014
Completionist since Wednesday, June 4th, 2014

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The highest ranged offensive power setups:


Always void, glaivens, ranging amulet, alerter/comp cape, archer's (i).

If low defence: deflector, rune knives, pernix top (Armadyl)

If medium defence (not sure if worth it): Karil's crossbow, void top

If high defence: chaotic crossbow, deflector, pernix top (Armadyl)


If you also need defence (when bossing) you should just use full Armadyl/pernix instead of void, and fury instead of ranging amulet etc. but glaivens are always the best.

Supporter of Zaros | Quest Cape owner since 22 may 2010 | No skills below 99 | Total level 2595 | Completionist Cape owner since 17th June 2013 | Suggestions

99 summoning (18th June 2011, previously untrimmed) | 99 farming (14th July 2011) | 99 prayer (8th September 2011) | 99 constitution (10th September 2011) | 99 dungeoneering (15th November 2011)

99 ranged (28th November 2011) | 99 attack, 99 defence, 99 strength (11th December 2011) | 99 slayer (18th December 2011) | 99 magic (22nd December 2011) | 99 construction (16th March 2012)

99 herblore (22nd March 2012) | 99 firemaking (26th March 2012) | 99 cooking (2nd July 2012) | 99 runecrafting (12th March 2012) | 99 crafting (26th August 2012) | 99 agility (19th November 2012)

99 woodcutting (22nd November 2012) | 99 fletching (31st December 2012) | 99 thieving (3rd January 2013) | 99 hunter (11th January 2013) | 99 mining (21st January 2013) | 99 fishing (21st January 2013)

99 smithing (21st January 2013) | 120 dungeoneering (17th June 2013) | 99 divination (24th November 2013)

Tormented demon drops: twenty effigies, nine pairs of claws, two dragon armour slices and one elite clue | Dagannoth king drops: two dragon hatchets, two elite clues, one archer ring and one warrior ring

Glacor drops: four pairs of ragefire boots, one pair of steadfast boots, six effigies, two hundred lots of Armadyl shards, three elite clues | Nex split: Torva boots | Kalphite King split: off-hand drygore mace

30/30 Shattered Heart statues completed | 16/16 Court Cases completed | 25/25 Choc Chimp Ices delivered | 500/500 Vyrewatch burned | 584/584 tasks completed | 4000/4000 chompies hunted

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