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I'm actually looking for a little start-up guide. A guide that gives you quick tips and information about how to level all of the F2P skills to around 40-50, maybe even 60, the fastest. Do you know where I could come across one?

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I'm actually looking for a little start-up guide. A guide that gives you quick tips and information about how to level all of the F2P skills to around 40-50, maybe even 60, the fastest. Do you know where I could come across one?

That's pretty specific but our Archive of Wisdom forum may be of some help. That forum contains our the best guides submitted by our users and the subforum General Guides contains all the guides.


You might have a hard time finding one guide that does it all exactly like you want, but you'll find plenty of F2P guides for individual skills. As examples:


Sonic's F2P Dungeoneering Guide

Sonic's F2P Runecrafting Guide

The Best F2P Combat Guide (all levels)


If you want more specific advise catered to your exact levels and needs, you can always create your own thread in the Help & Advice forum and get tips from our community!

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That's rather creepy. :(

Only because Ms. (or is it "Mrs."?) Tripsis has a massive Skittles addiction/fetish... This one's still trying to figure out how she'd combine that with certain other things. :-?



Anywho, hi there! You'll find this one lurking around Forum Games, and even playing a few. Maybe they will see you there? :)



~D. V. "The Insane Tip.It Forum Nut..." Devnull

tifuserbar-dsavi_x4.jpg and normally with a cool mind.

(Warning: This user can be VERY confusing to some people... And talks in 3rd person for the timebeing due to how insane they are... Sometimes even to themself.)

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