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Tracking prices


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Is there any way I can track prices of items everyday w/o looking up every one on GE?

I have a drop tab and would like a program that tracks value of my tab and tells me if I lost or gained money from GE update.


I think I saw that somewhere but not sure...


Mamiću odlazi!

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You could just use the price checker every day, but not sure on anything that auto-calcs prices for you... :-k


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Offical Harpy Therapist of the Mad


Barrows drops: Dharok's helm x2, Guthan's helm, Ahrim's top, Hood and skirt, Torag's hammers, Karils skirt, Karil's top, Torag's helm, Verac's skirt, Verac's Flail, Dharok's Platebody.

Dag kings drops: Lost count! :wall:

4k+ Glacors, 7 Ragefires, 4 Steadfasts, 4 Glaivens, 400+ shards![/hide]

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I don't know of any generic calculator offhand, but it would pretty easy to do a personalized one in Google Docs for ya.

The problem is that google docs automatically updates, so you can't really track it. I could think of a couple of solutions, though.

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Just all waterfiends drops,I have drop tab for them on my way to 96 summon and want to keep track of it's worth


water orb

rune med

water talisman

water battlestaff


snape grass

death rune

blood rune

watermelon seeds

mithril arrows

ranarr seed



It's a longer list,but if you can make google docs remember prices just make it for 1 item and I'll add the rest :)


Mamiću odlazi!

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Since it's 4AM, I've only allowed Meredith to edit it (I think so at least). If you have a gmail account, pm it to me and I'll add you to the list of people that can access it.


It's a starting point at least. *shrugs*


Waterfiends PC


Edit: Searched their drop table and added some of their more valuable drops.

Edited by Lord Paul

Working on max and completionist capes.


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Since it's 4AM, I've only allowed Meredith to edit it (I think so at least). If you have a gmail account, pm it to me and I'll add you to the list of people that can access it.


It's a starting point at least. *shrugs*


Waterfiends PC


Edit: Searched their drop table and added some of their more valuable drops.



thanks a lot,copied it to my own sheet,22m drop tab from wfs so far =)


only 1 more thing,I can calculate with -20 but I can't do anything with +20,how to remove that +?


nvm did it


Mamiću odlazi!

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Edit your quantities with this spreadsheet. You'll need to pm me your gmail name first, though.


Then, run this ahk script:



Menu, tray, add, Get current value, getcrntval

FileDelete, WFSGEDATA.txt
URLDownloadToFile, https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AheuzHmAkHUNdDlnMDhYQ2lHZVBQdW5QWTFhVDNQblE&single=true&gid=1&output=txt, WFSGEDATA.txt
FileReadLine, Drop_Sum, WFSGEDATA.txt, 1
StringReplace, Drop_Sum, Drop_Sum, %A_Tab%,,All
FileAppend, %Drop_Sum%|, WFSTemp.txt
FileRead, WFSData, WFSTemp.txt
StringSplit, WFSData, WFSData, |
Max := WFSData0 - 1
2nd := Max - 1
Max := WFSData%Max%
2nd := WFSData%2nd%

if (Max > 2nd)
delta := "increased"
if (Max < 2nd)
delta := "decreased"
if (Max = 2nd)
delta := "remained the same"

TrayTip,WFS Drop Tracker,The price of your drop tab has %delta% since the last check.,15,1
Sleep, 900000

MsgBox, %Max%

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It checks every 15 minutes. Then it compares the value to the previous value and returns whether it increases, decreases, or stays the same. You can how often it checks by editing the number after Sleep (in milliseconds). You can also check the current price by right clicking the tray menu.

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I know,because of the URL ;)


The spredsheet alone was enoguh,thanks a lot


you guys should do bank worth tracker for tip.it site,would be awesome to have it in calculators,idk if it will take up too many resources but would be nice to have it


once again,thanks a lot =)


Mamiću odlazi!

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