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So i got banned for botting. Then I got unbanned after 10 tweets, 1 ambler, and one response. GGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG




Hiya, I'm Solemn, but my friends call me Tyler! I started my adventure as Axelzjr in 2005, I've made many friends, most leave and very few stick around. I've always came back to Runescape as a way to socialize and even vent at times. My first few years I never played efficiently ( efficiency, wut is this?), and so I've played catch up on a few skills after returning to the game in May of 2012. I enjoy anime, FPS, RPGs, board games, and skyping!


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Slay for charms. Collect bones/ashes where possible for cash, aswell as alchables and such. Farm runs between tasks. Bank will increase :>


[bleep] OFF HOW ARE U SO [bleep]ING LUCKY U PIECE OF [bleep]ING SHIT [bleep] [bleep] [wagon] MUNCHER



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  • 2 months later...

Back and updating ;)


You should post your updates as a reply instead of just adding them to the OP. That way people don't have to keep scrolling up to see what you've accomplished.

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  • 2 months later...

After A long day of doing a Dagganoth task, at Dagganoth Kings i came across some nice loot! 3 Dragon hatchets (1 was Dragkng198 trolling me), 2 seers rings and few other things totalling around 5.5m!

I'm aiming for around 15m cash for 88 summoning during bxp! I have the charms but need the cash for shards and secondaries. Thanks to Sally, Jason, Cafe, and Ian for the skype chat!

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