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Can't remember my RS password, and having an issue with their recovery system.


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I'm not sure if anybody will be able to help me, but I decided to give it a shot anyways.


So I have a really old account that I started playing on again earlier in the year, I have emails in my email about making it my email for the account, and emails in it about members loyalty stuff...but when I try to recover my password, it tells me that the email i'm entering is not the correct email associated with the account.


I have no idea what to go about doing to get my account back, this is not right, I know its the correct email. :/


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If you made recovery questions on the account and have other account information then you can look into the Official Runescape Forums on the site under Account Help and post to request that they delete the current email associated with that account. Then when they respond that they have deleted it on the thread, you can manually recover it without the email.

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And adding onto that, Jagex has announced via the Account Help forum that their email system is having a few problems currently, which might explain your problem.


You can view their thread here


Also be sure that you are entering the original log in name when trying to recover the account. Best of luck with your recovery!




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Those replies were really helpful. I don't believe I ever set account recovery on this account, as I made it on halloween 03 simply to pick up a scythe, and when I returned to play on it I never bothered.


After reading that thread this makes sense as to why I can't get my password, and I can rest a little bit easier.


Thank you both very much!




As it turns out, that issue was not effecting my ability to get into my account. :( I sent an email to jagex but they say it will take up to 2 weeks for an answer, I guess now I play the waiting game.


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Oh boy. Sounds to me like someone might have gotten into your account and changed your email and password. You may want to be prepared for the worst.


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^^^At least I'm not the only crazy one

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I'm not really too worried about it, I'm a little turned off if you are able to change somebody's email without sending a confirmation to the original email. If that was the case then I'm not going to bother resubbing.


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