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Funny and interessting thought...


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and the funny thing is even with all this money, Customer Support is still virtually non-existant








When you have 1.5 million screaming kids contacting 30 people (some of which are not fully knowledgeable of the game, and have to find another staff member to answer the question), its a little hard to get a reply out on the same day.








They have to prioritize customer support. Password changing takes a backseat to someone who is stuck in an area and can't get out. For example...my password recovery when I got hacked took two weeks. When a bug kept me from completing the Fremmenik Trials less than a month later, the reply came within hours (and Mod Mark personally messaged me to make sure the bug was fixed :P).


My heart is broken by the terrible loss I have sustained in my old friends and companions and my poor soldiers. Believe me, nothing except a battle lost can be half so melancholy as a battle won. -Sir Arthur Wellesley

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I think it was over the summer that jagex said they had 500,000 members. 500,000 X 5=2,500,000 a month. 2,500,000 x 12= 30 mil a year...












actually, over the summer they said their goal for 2006 was to have 500k subscriptions and begin developement of a new game, neither of which would be a good idea to put your money on, as they probably have about 300k members now, and the speed the develope things...


My account spent most of the last 10 months "locked"

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The list of employees posted was about 80 people (79 if i counted right)








say jagex really has 150 employees...








150 employees * 26k (avarge salary less then 20k + bonus + insurance + other stuff....26k should cover it easily)








thats 3.9 mill a year...round it to 4 mill...








Say theres 350k members at 5$ a month thats 21 mill a year












Thats 17 mill for whatever else needs to be done...server payments...building rent/bills...ect....








Then theres all the advertisements that they get paid for...












I think its safe to say andrew probably makes a pretty penny or 2...




I dont think hes pulling in millions a year, but hes def not making the 20k or so that his employees make lol.


Sykoknight - 1900 skill total - 132+ combat


Fighting High Scores from late 2001 - Ranked 1894

Prayer High Scores from March 2002 - Ranked 749

Ya, I've been around too long.

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Have you ever been thinking about, how much money jagex gets each month thanks to runescape members?








I calculated in big numbers:




5$ each month/player




Every day you can see over 1k p2p players on each p2p server




There are like 44 p2p servers?




Then we can count around 44k +? p2p players...




Say that we have another 21k inactive or on f2p servers,s




Then the profit to jagex is 65 000 * 5$ = 325 000$ each month.




3.9 Million dollars each year =)








Its funny to calculate on this. I know that i could be verry wrong about the numbers so correct me if I'm wrong.








The same people play everyday? Also, dedicated servers are VERY expensive. When most people think of a server they think of your average $9.99 webhosting server. Nope, I had a distribution bot on a mIRC channel with a constant of... 150-300 people! I needed 3 100 GB bandwidth servers which cost around $250, good thing for donations though. That was for 30 maximum connections at a 50MB total speed. I'm guessing one of those Runescape servers is about $300 a day. Also, if you convert 20k to US, it's over 40k. Lastly, the revenue and profits of a company definitely do not mainly go toward Andrew. Barihawk: I would say investing right before RS2 cam out would not be a good return, although you might make money, it wouldn't be a lot compared to that long of a period. My dad has traded stocks for a living for over 30 years now and he often buys and sells a stock multiple times in the same day. Lastly, you have a ticker symbol for Jagex? I searched in the world markets by company name to no avail.








Edit: Also, if they're raking in millions, then they get put into a very high tax bracket, that does wonders for them :)

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Jagex - Profile








HQ: Cambridge, UK








Founded: 1999








Management: CEO is Constant Tedder. Andrew Gower is RuneScape's inventor and co-founder of Jagex.








Investors: Insight Venture Partners made an undisclosed investment in October 2005.








Business Model: Jagex makes Java-based massive multiplayer online games (MMORPGs), ranging from smaller, free-to-play "mini-games" to its flagship online 3D adventure game, RuneScape. Here, players fight monsters, train skills such as mining and fishing to become rich, and solve quests. That game has half a million paying subscribers. Across Jagex games it has 3.5M players.








One of the product's advantages is its small size and ability for it to be downloaded quickly even over dial-up, thanks to the use of its own language - Runescript. It plans to grow by appealing to non-English speaking audiences. Jagex charges $5 per month to play Runescape. It and other games are also ad-supported.








A Rare Look At The Free Dark Wizard Rune Circle








Competitors: Sony's Everquest, AreaNet GuildWars, Ultima Online, and many others.








Dirt: A successful community-based game like Runescape is a business to behold. Players have invested in the company and product and want to see it thrive. It is amazing that Jagex is able to make $2.5M per month from paying subscribers all based on word-of-mouth growth. What a glorious quest.








$2.5M a month, almost 30mil just from subscribers...

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500k members at 5 each is 30 mill (according to that article)








112 servers at 500 a DAY (someone posted that thats what it would cost around) is 20.5 mill a year.








around 150 employees (only 75-80 listed so far) at 40k a year (someone said thats what they make around...i dont knwo the conversion rates, so ill go with 40k) is only 6 mill.












That leaves 3.5 mill for other stuff like building expenses and such....








Not to mention the income from the ads :wink:








I really dont think andrew is making millions a year, but his employees definaely dont make anything in comparison to him. he makes a pretty decent amount of money.












And as far as the members count. Im sure theres alot of member like me who only log on about 2-3 times a month. Plus i know a few of my friends have 3-4 members accounts. That adds alot to numbers.




I dont even log on rs once a week anymore and i am still a member...


Sykoknight - 1900 skill total - 132+ combat


Fighting High Scores from late 2001 - Ranked 1894

Prayer High Scores from March 2002 - Ranked 749

Ya, I've been around too long.

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and see how many employees jagex have then time that by say...ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã6-ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã7 AN HOUR. then calculate hosting/server fees, whicn most likely is 10's of thousands per month, Andy is probably just on a regular wage.


De_Pk - Level 117 - Banned September 30th '06.

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If they made only 3.9, we'd still be playing RSC with no updates and Andrew would be eating out of a cardboard box.








EDIT- However... I speculate that they amke 12 million, with adverts. I Speculate that they spend 3M of it on the servers.









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