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Rust - RuneScape Stats lookup on sidebar.


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The staff has checked this out and it is safe for download. :) - Weezcake












Okay, so this may be a shameless plug, but this is something I honestly thought people would find interesting.








Anyway, I've created a sidebar for IE, Opera and FF for looking up RuneScape stats from the highsores. It is a very simple and clean way to look up on other peoples stats while playing RuneScape. No need to open other browser window or use any other application for that purpose. Just open the side bar and lookup on people's stats right there at the same time your playing RuneScape.








Don't understand? Well, here are some screenshots from different browsers to give you the idea:












http://koti.mbnet.fi/rithiur/rust/image ... _opera.png












Like the idea? Well, go ahead and read the install instructions then:
















Comments are welcome, and if you find any bugs, be sure to tell me. I wont be using it that much, so I can't honestly see right away if something goes wrong with it. Suggestions are also ok, but it's unlikely I'm going to add too much to it, since it's supposed be very simple, clean and helpful.

















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i smell a keylogger......








Could very well be, even if it wasn't it could be detected as a program running alongside Runescape, since it has to tap into Runescape higscores itself the admins will see what program it is, and if its an alien program and they catch users using it alongside RS, BAM BAM BAM bye bye another batchload of "innocent" players.

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Oh, right, I forgot this could be easily interpreted as keylogger. I assure, however, that this is nothing like that. Let me explain.








If you look at the install instructions, you can see that actually the word "install" is somewhat misleading. You are simply putting a bookmark in your web browser that will be displayed in your sidebar, and the sidebar will simply display a webpage, (this page to be exact).








If you feel threathened, then why not just load the web page after you have launched RuneScape, that way at least it couldn't capture any passwords you type, at least? The only way I can think I could turn a web page like that into a keylogger, is that if I ran javascripts or flash on that page. However, a quick look at the source will reveal that the only piece of javascript I use on that page is onfocus="this.value=''" in the form, which will automatically clear the input form when it is selected with cursor.








And as you are not actually installing any software onto your computer, a bare bookmark is hardly dangerous, or have you ever heard of viruses that were distributed by bookmarking pages by yourself? :P








Now, with all these conditions met, I'd have to some kind of computer mastermind to device a virus that could hide itself in a simple webpage using a flaw that present in all browsers. And if I were capable of that, I would hardly be stealing RuneScape user passwords ;)








And if you wanted to check on my background, you could see that I have my own website here: http://www.anthd.com/rithiur/, and that I previously ran a RuneScape related website RuneScape Hall. I dunno if GWS is still around here, but least he is one person that could confirm my identity as someone who is not likely to steal your RuneScape accounts :P








(also, note my account registeration date: I've had account here for ages, I was even "betatesting" arenascape back then, when it was first released.)








But I guess I could be just saying that all. There is always the possibility that someone hacked this account to spoil my reputation (assuming this was actually a keylogger) :P








Anyway, to summarize it all up: This is not a software, you are not asked to install anything, and the install instructions on that html page will simply tell you how to display a bookmark in a sidebar instead of the main page, so that you can view the other webpage in sidebar while playing RuneScape in the main window. That is all there is to it.

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The IE url no worky worky.








Not getting your search function up in the sidebar. Just getting an MSN search.




Hmm. I was afraid there might be problems with that. Like the installer says, it's more like a trick to get it work like that in IE. What browser version are you using? AFAIK, the requirement is to have 6.0 (dunno if 7.0 works).








Also, if anyone knows better way to get it work in IE, I'd would appreciate it.

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Jagex really needs to stop with the iegall stuff i mean if it doesnt give a advantage it should be allowed.A highscores is just a faster way to see someones high scores.Some clients people make just make it easyer to switch worlds.WITH NOTHING TO GIVE A ADVANAGE so take my advice and forget about that third party client rule because it gives nothing

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yea jagex is kinda "tight" on any programs running during runescape. Personally i dont trust any programs that are made by me.

Long time Tip.it'er short time poster

IceEmblem3 baned because same name and pass on here-got it back!

C Blue Sword my skiller-retired

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I've added page there that explains some reason as to why this would not be a keylogger: http://koti.mbnet.fi/rithiur/rust/explenation.html








This kinda is a Third party program and is a violation of the rule 7




Hmm.. Personally, I would disagree on that, but then again, I'm not Jagex. The thing is, this is not a program. It is not a macro program because it does not do any keypresses for you, it in no way gives you advantage to RuneScape itself because it does not interfere anyway with RuneScape itself. Basically, I'm not even sure if it is even possible from indetify from that client whether you have sidebar open or not, as it is simply feature of the browser.








This sidebar is perfectly comparable to running another browser window simultaneously with the highscores page opened. And I believe you don't see anything wrong with that.








However, if Jagex feels that this is violation against their rules (this could be also violation against their copyright, you know), then I have little choice but to take it down. However, unless I get such confirmation from someone reputable, I don't feel a reason to stop working on that.








I have also added my views on this to the install page.








If I find any time I will mess with it and see if I can get it to work.




If you find anything on this, I would seriously appreciate it :)








Personally i dont trust any programs that are made by me.




You must have really low self confidence, don't you? :P

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i'm sorry i said there might be a keylogger in there. you gotta admit it looked a little bit fishy ("install" in URL and you have a low post count).




no offence meant dude, i just wanted people to be careful.




i think i'll use the thing, it looks very handy. it may even stop people from using illegal runescape clients.








oh, and this is NOT an illegal third party program. you just have a sidebar with another web page on it, it aint even a program, but a web page, and like other people said, it doesnt interact with the game in any way. this is about the same as having the runescape highscores in a different tab when playing runescape (assuming your using Firefox/Opera and not that horrible explorer)








little tip: it would be cool if you could make another sidebar, with links to all the worlds on it :wink: .

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All this does is get the page with your stats in it from the Runescape site, and just parse out the actual stats from the rest of the code. I doubt Jagex could even tell if you were using this. It's just a program... Just a website.








As someone else said, it's just like the sigs that many people have with their stats in them.








Very useful though. I could see using this from time to time. I saved it in my Opera panels.

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The staff has checked this out and it is safe for download-- there is no malicious code. :)








Feel free to leave comments or feedback for the author!


Retired tip.it moderator.

Teaching and inspiring.

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just use swiftswitch or somehing if you want to use the rs highscore in the same window your playing...


^^ click my sig for my lesser ranging guide ^^

jwrm22: 4816th > 99 cooking 100% f2p !1172 total! + 140mil in items.

i dont play anymore... i think rs is ruined

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