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what did you do when you first played runescape...


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When I first got off Tut island my friend met me in Lumbridge. I can't remember his level at the time, but to me he was like God. Anyway, he took me to do the Cooks Assistant quest. I started the quest, my friend traded me the ingredients and then I finished it, I was so proud! :mrgreen:








I remember just traveling around with him as he tried to make me familiar with the world (I dragged him out to find me alot and he got sick of it <.< ) Someone did the old "Jagex blocks your pass! Look **********" trick and my friend fell for it! How I laughed, I may have been a newb but even I didn't fall for that one. My friend managed to change his password in time.








My other memory is another friend giving me a pickaxe and taking me to a Mine. On the way he logged off to go toilet, I was board so I sold the pickaxe. He comes back and we finish our journey.




"Go mine those rocks"




"With what?"




"The pickaxe I gave you"




"Oh, I sold that while you went toilet"




" :-s "












That's all I remember from my newb days.

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When I joined, there wasn't a tutorial, this was maybe, a good 6 years back I started playing, I just wondered around and had my friend tnp i tell me what to do.. I fought Goblins and I collected 1k and I thought I was extremely rich.. I didn't know 1k was not like it is in real life.. lol

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I finished tutorial island in awe, and my two friends met me in game and explained a few things, gave me armour etc. I remember being really excited that I was level 3 rather than level 1 :oops:




Then I did Doric's Quest and paid ridiculous amounts for some iron in order to complete it.




I can't really remember what else, killed some Lumbridge spiders, fished, did some quests etc :)


Thanks Choas for the Avatar and Petry for the sig (You know who you are) :)

Optimistic Elder in Runescape's only cult, The Order of Cabbage.

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well i remember how i got RS:i was at my dad's boss HQ and this kid was playing RS on a lab top know not knowing he was a member i wrote down the site and when i got home i played now after going threw tut island i wanted to steal thangs(sence that was what the kid was doing at the boss HQ) but i went across the brige across from lumbrige castle then i started killing goblins know i got like 5hps left so i go and attack a spider I died and lost all my stuff not knowing the gerneal store i wounder around and evenculy got full iron.Now look at me level 84

DoD:S ownage

what we have here is a ..um.. failur to communcate

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