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agility areas only accessible via whip


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Recently, people have been complaining about the sudden drop of price of whips. So, here is an idea that should keep them valuable.








I stole the idea from the SNES game Indiana Jones' Greatest Adventures.








Anyways, here are some possible uses:








Piranha river crossing (level 70 agility required) - some jungle island








The player can try to use their whip to swing on a tree branch across a river filled with piranhas. If they fail (fail rate at level 70: 17%, they will get hit 5 times with random damage ranging from 1-5.








exp gained: 89








Icicle swing (level 75) - somewhere far north








The player can try swining their whip across a large horizontal piece of ice. If they fail (rate at level 75: 20%), they fall into a pit of sharp icicles and get hit for 20 damage. (possible failure messages: "Your whip slips off the ice!", "The icy protrusion breaks!"








exp: 127








Deep ravine - some very deep cave (level 80 required)








The player tries to swing their whip on a rocky protrusion. If they fail (rate at level 80: 30%), they lose half their HP.








exp: 257








other possible places: treetops at gnome village (shortcuts), swinging onto gargoyle heads as shortcuts between castle floors, etc





Baratus [AS] max hit: 166 with Moon Battle Hammer

ixfd64 [AS] max hit: 116 with (untitled spell #2)

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only for ppl with whip? uhm... no... short cuts for every one... with that agility lvl... not only for whip users...


^^ click my sig for my lesser ranging guide ^^

jwrm22: 4816th > 99 cooking 100% f2p !1172 total! + 140mil in items.

i dont play anymore... i think rs is ruined

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Guest AshKaYu
only for ppl with whip? uhm... no... short cuts for every one... with that agility lvl... not only for whip users...








You are missing the point, it's to keep the demand for whips high, because they are continuosly dropping, unfair for the poor Slayers/Merchants.

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Jagex should NOT be baby sitting the Runescape economy. The economy is driven by the players. If the players dont want to spend 10mil on a whip, let them. The economy is driven by suply and demand - you most likly just stoped lissing to me. When the first abbydemon was slayed almost a year ago and the guy found the whip, he found he could sell it for a huge sum of money. Other players saw these leet players getting phats just by selling one whip and they started slaying. Before long there were hundreds of players at level 85 slayer each one feeding Runescape.








There are about 3,000 85 slayers in Runescape, this will be S




There are about 200k 70 atack players in Runescape, this is A








200k / 3k = 66








So now the question turns to, is it reasionable that A level 85 slayer can get 66 whips over the time span of an adverage of 5 months.








The drop rate is about 400 from views of drop logs from slayers.








400 * 66 = 25000




25000 / 150 = 166 demons a day








So for all the 85+ slayers to give a whip to everyone with 70 attack they would half to kill an adverage of 166 demons a day. I think that this estimate is reasionable. Now we must take into acount that not all 85 slayers like killing demons so that offsets our equation by a little, also some of these numbers have been rounded down for simplicity pourpeses, but to counter these there is also a lot less than 200k whips in the game because not every player at 70 atack has one.








3mil for a whip is about right considering the economys condidtion.

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Jagex should NOT be baby sitting the Runescape economy. The economy is driven by the players. If the players dont want to spend 10mil on a whip, let them. The economy is driven by suply and demand - you most likly just stoped lissing to me. When the first abbydemon was slayed almost a year ago and the guy found the whip, he found he could sell it for a huge sum of money. Other players saw these leet players getting phats just by selling one whip and they started slaying. Before long there were hundreds of players at level 85 slayer each one feeding Runescape.







You know this post was basically about adding agility shortcuts just using the whip, not about whip prices or rarity right? :?:

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Jagex should NOT be baby sitting the Runescape economy. The economy is driven by the players. If the players dont want to spend 10mil on a whip, let them. The economy is driven by suply and demand - you most likly just stoped lissing to me. When the first abbydemon was slayed almost a year ago and the guy found the whip, he found he could sell it for a huge sum of money. Other players saw these leet players getting phats just by selling one whip and they started slaying. Before long there were hundreds of players at level 85 slayer each one feeding Runescape.







You know this post was basically about adding agility shortcuts just using the whip, not about whip prices or rarity right? :?:








Recently, people have been complaining about the sudden drop of price of whips. So, here is an idea that should keep them valuable.








You sure?

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Jagex should NOT be baby sitting the Runescape economy. The economy is driven by the players. If the players dont want to spend 10mil on a whip, let them. The economy is driven by suply and demand - you most likly just stoped lissing to me. When the first abbydemon was slayed almost a year ago and the guy found the whip, he found he could sell it for a huge sum of money. Other players saw these leet players getting phats just by selling one whip and they started slaying. Before long there were hundreds of players at level 85 slayer each one feeding Runescape.







You know this post was basically about adding agility shortcuts just using the whip, not about whip prices or rarity right? :?:








Recently, people have been complaining about the sudden drop of price of whips. So, here is an idea that should keep them valuable.








You sure?








Ye, look at Axe Man Jack's topic.

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only for ppl with whip? uhm... no... short cuts for every one... with that agility lvl... not only for whip users...








You are missing the point, it's to keep the demand for whips high, because they are continuosly dropping, unfair for the poor Slayers/Merchants.








unfair lol dude they make stll 2.8mill each time for slaying abbysal monsters. they train of them and get whips. they shouldnt be to high but pretty high.


Rsn - Coruptyed, Chat-On,Msg me with HYT!

made by 4be2jue

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only for ppl with whip? uhm... no... short cuts for every one... with that agility lvl... not only for whip users...








You are missing the point, it's to keep the demand for whips high, because they are continuosly dropping, unfair for the poor Slayers/Merchants.




Poor poor high skilled players and merchanters! They'll just have to deal with it won't they?

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The overal problem with this is that it is combining two completly diffrent skills/activitys into one just to benifit a class of about 3,000 people. When Jagex does this acording to Newtonion + Murphy's Laws this will result in at the very least 3,000 players quiting.








Murphy = If anything can go wrong, it will

Newton = Every force has an equial and opisite reaction

When you add the two laws together you get that the end result is easacly the opisite as the reasult you were wanting.

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