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Sprained Ankle


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thanks i sprained it the most stupid way too








we were having an indoor exebition for football I play defensive end so I wasnt expecting to get the ball but some dude fumbled and i ran for a touchdown cause everyone was all mixed up and didnt know where the ball was. But heres the stupid part it gave us the win so we celebratedm in the endzoneand somehow the big burly linebacker stepped on my foot the wrong way and whallah instant sprained ankle

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Sit with your ancle up high, and keep something cold on it (ice pack, frozen veggies etc). Just make sure it's wrapped in a towel or something so you don't get frostbites. After it stops hurting try to walk on it, and try standing on one foot to train up the muscles again. I'm an expert at spraining my ancles. Once I managed to take out both of them at the same time. (Don't ask, it involved some stairs and was not pretty :oops: )





Ty Jeppoz for making it. Thx to the Pup for finding it after it got lost :D And thx to Kill_Life and Turtle for the ava.


Stoltenberg, 22/7-11: "We will retaliate with more democracy" In remembrance of Oslo/Utøya. May we never forget, nor be pulled down to the level of the beast

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Get you mom to play Monoply with you. That's what I did when I sprained my ankle.








3/3 times I owned my mom.








Thats... an... um, great achievement... You should be proud...




Just rest it, gives you an excuse to be on the web >_>

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Use the RICE acronym.








# Rest:




The first 24-48 hours after the injury is considered a critical treatment period and activities need to be curtailed. Gradually use the injured extremity as much as tolerated, by try to avoid any activities that cause pain. Often using a splint, sling, or crutches is necessary to adequately rest the injured body part.








# Ice:




For the first 48 hours post-injury, ice the sprain or strain 20 minutes at a time every 3-4 hours.








The ice pack can be a bag of frozen vegetables (peas or corn), allowing you to be able to re-use the bag. Another popular treatment method is to fill paper cups with water then freeze the cup. Use the frozen cube like an ice cream cone, peeling away paper as the ice melts. Do NOT ice a sprain or strain for more than 20 minutes at a time!! You will not be helping heal the injury any faster, and you can cause damage to the tissues! Learn how to ice an injury here...








# Compression:




Use compression when elevating a sprain or strain in early treatment. Using an Ace bandage, wrap the area overlapping the elastic wrap by one-half of the width of the wrap. The wrap should be snug, but not cutting off circulation to the extremity. So, if your fingers or toes become cold, blue, or tingle, re-wrap!








# Elevate:




Keep your sprain or strain as best possible--try to get it higher than your heart if possible. Elevate at night by placing pillows under your arm or leg.








It applies to just about every kind of minor muscle-related injury. I hope you feel better soon so that you don't have to miss too many games. ;)

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I sprained my ankle a couple days ago.








I put ice on it, which didn't help much because I waited a few hours beforehand.








Elevation works, if you've got an extra chair (folding kind)




The swelling is caused by broken blood vessels leaking fluid into surrounding tissue.




Also try not to walk on it if you can, EVEN if it doesn't hurt because your ankle is still healing.








It's been four days. I'm wondering if I should go to my karate class tonight.


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I hurt my ankle quite a bit playing football (Soccer), and the only it seems to heal for me, is getting right back up and continue playing/walking and not resting. Obviously, it's not the right way to heal it, but almost all the time it works. I don't recommend you do what I do, but I do recommend the RICE technique that someone said prior to me. It is the most logical way to heal your ankle.

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seriously, sprained ankles dont need treatment. save that crap for when they break.








it does help if you keep it moving, that way it doesnt get a chance to stiffen up which is when it hurts.








as for pain, get over it its just sprained

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