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Oookay! Jagex! WHAT?! WTF!!!

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What's next, a rule that you can only train on pyrefiends?








i wouldn't be surprized.








something happened to andrew, and it doesn't not sound good for players








just count how many rules, updates and such were made last few weeks to make more obstacles for player to enjoy game. pretty much now it's either jagex way or banned :)

1500+ total 89 cmb; 1600+ total and under 93 cmb.

02/04/07 reached all skills 60+ under lvl 90 cmb.

07/19/07 reached all skills 70+ at lvl 93 cmb.

Prayer is good for herbs
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I agree. Jagex has taken a turn for the worse.








Can't we just live the game, and get a new cape every week? I'd be happy with that more than I would be canoeing around a whole bunch of lame quests. Oh but wait I forgot, they have moles so it automatically makes it a useful update...








Better go do those quests now, those 500gp and 200 farming xp won't earn themselves.

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I know a place that's BIG and out of the way. Go to Keldagrim, and enter the building in the midde(aka, marketplace) (accesable from both sides of the river). Climb up the stairs, and do it again. On the third floor (ground floor as first floor) there's a HUGE empty room, with a table in the middle :D Perfect for drop parties, since Keldagrim is always empty and noobs would think Reika Providence is widly. :P




The downside of this is that it's member's only :(




The second floor of Varrock's Museum is nearly always empty, and so is the huge house with a second floor that is to the North East of Falador.




hehe, i went to quite a few drop parties back in rsc on 2nd floor of varrock museum, it's still a fairly good place to hold one :wink:




sig by Misterxman


Un-Retired from RS X-mas 2009, 93/99 Fishing, 105 combat.

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This is a stupid rule, why did thy add it? :?




They said why. Thy are trying to cut down on dishonest players. Because we all know how much we can gain from lying about a drop party.

Look, if your mom still drops you off at school, you ain't gangsta, pull up your damn pants!


3 down, 7 to go

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Wow, we get banned for dropping an item elsewhere :roll: .




What's next, a rule that you can only train on pyrefiends?




EDIT- Spelling counts, kids.




Holy crap. Do you people even read? Or do you not have the brain capacity to comprehend a simple paragraph? The guy said that you could no longer advertise parties on the official forums unless they were in at Pete's. He in no way said you couldn't hold them anywhere else. You could hold a drop party in the Varrock Sewers for all they care, you just can't advertise it on the official forums.




Why the hell are you people going on and on about how you can't hold a drop party at good places anymore? Jeez, this is how rumors start and why Andrew gets angry. Unbelievable. :?

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ill say it once and ill say it again read carefully....






Mod Peter


Jagex Mod


25 Feb 2006 22:05




The drop party section of the Forum Specific Rules has been updated with the following information.




If you do not mention the location of your drop party, your thread will be removed and you may receive a forum black mark.


Remember, if you decide to organise a drop party in the wilderness, you may be accused of attempting to item scam other players, and it could also lead to a lot of flaming, therefore it is advisable to pick a safe location.




Anybody who participates in a drop party, held in a dangerous location, does so at their own risk now what they said is that you cannot host a drop party in a dangerous place which player may get killed


If this is legit then i don't see what all the fuss is about :?

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its another scam to try and get u to be come member


(i know only p2p can post on forum,but f2p sees it and wants to go,so they make it members only)




quite sad -.-




this is getting pathetic... And im not one for insulting jagex...

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This is getting bad. Why did there allow them in the first place. It could possibly be a scam aptemt and there are hundreds of people that croward in one place.


I will shoot down any one with my bitting wit, and sarcasm!

What POSSIBLE reason would someone have to make a fake like that?Does he profit from faking a picture like that? Does it help him at all?Jesus Christ, stop being so suspicious. This is Tip.it for God's sake, not RuneHQ. -_-
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