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Don't believe everything you read.


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Basically true. I agreed with you until you got to this point.





If youÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢ve never, ever in your life made a mistake or a misjudgement, then maybe youÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢re entitled to criticise Jagex, but the rest of us need to take a chill pill, and get on with playing the game by the rules. That way, Jagex can get out from under the deluge of whining and complaining and concentrate on making the game better and dealing with the difficulties so much success so quickly brings to a company.





When a company cheats me of my money, they are not entitled to praise or respect. If Jagex sets up a system that bans paying members and Jagex cannot control this system, then Jagex should either hire enough customer support, not accept more members or change their rules. Because, last time I checked, just saying "I tried really hard not to" doesn't cut it when you're accused of stealing other people's money. Unfair bannings are just that.

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Well... Great thread.




Of course now I feel stupid for the many times that I have taken people like that seriously. I always was too naieve for my own good. :(




There is more than one side to every issue; thank you for pointing out the flip side of the Customer Support one.




Im going to have to use that 5$/5k entitlement thing. :D

If you dont take steps to ensure that you're protected, you void all right to complain when stuff goes wrong.
Join the petition for a new bank page layout!


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I agree with eels. Sorry.




I also believe Jagex crunched their numbers well - if there are free servers AND they are adding more it is only because it makes profit, not because thye are nice and wish ppl all over world to enjoy the game at their (Jagex's) expense.


Many of those that mentioned 'free' game also appear to forget that free servers aren't just ad revenues they also generate new, paying players.




It's true that Customer Support is not an easy job. So what? I am unaware of ppl being rounded by Jagex at gunpoint to support their clients. I worked at Tech Support myself, and I MUCH rather do that than be a miner or policeman or a waiter ....or work outdoors.




I quit smoking recently and, even tho' I cut right down towards the end, smoking cost me about 4x as much as 2 rs account (for myself and my son), so relatively $5 pm isn't a lot of money. Neither is $10 pm. It's a kind of money that doesn't get noticed in most monthly budgets (unless one is a child earning very, very little). However, 10 cent ph does not appeal to me either.


I pay maybe 5 times as much for satellite channels, but that is MUCH better value for me, as in my household satellite gets a lot more use than runescape. Therefore, I think comparing runescape to cable or dial-up internet (!!!) was like comparing apples and oranges. You need to compare like with like - rs compared with current, or at least recent, online games!


And then, unless you're really unaware of current market, rs comes out very poorly against the competition.


Compare it to, say, Eq - game that is well past it's best days, in fact I'm not sure if it's up anymore. Graphically and scope-wise insanely superior to runescape @$10pm (twice the money)


How about Guild Wars? 1 payment for, again, vastly superior game and free server use.


For what it is, really, @ $5pm runescape isn't cheap.


And the problems seems to be (from what I read) that everyone is reporting everyone else for anything. This is because they are mostly children that want to be mods and believe the more reports they do - the more likely it will be they will become one.




Original poster - I hope not only you become a mod yourself, but become a senior mod - selecting and training pmods so at least they have an idea of what it is thats reasonably expected of them.

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I'm glad somebody has taken the time, effort and quality to make a thread like this. I know I couldn't be bothered.




Not only that, you've taken the time to cover each point extensively, made the post coherent and, above all, interesting to read. Brownie points for you, pal!

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To date i have always had a response from JAGEX when i speak to customer support, unfortunatly all i have ever gotten is a auto response saying they got it, and once another auto response saying i wasnt specific enough. (bug report, on highscores after that big update a while back - the best way to report is a pic and that isnt allowed).





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niceley put

You can't ever find a place that's nice and peaceful, because there isn't any. You may think there is, but once you get there, when you're not looking, somebody'll sneak up and write "(bleep) you" right under your nose. Try it sometime. I think, even, if I ever die, and they stick me in a cemetery, and I have a tombstone and all, it'll say "Holden Caulfield" on it, and then what year I was born and what year I died, and then right under that it'll say "(bleep) you."
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  • 2 weeks later...

Can someone explain to me why this is stickied? Fear of Jagex, or what? Is tipit going to regard the first post as mantra from now on or what? The thread poster has some points, but as I explained in my first post here, he is not correct in his assumptions.

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Very interesting post. Helped me realize some of my minor problems on Runescape are not as big as some of the others players have. I need to take the time to see if I can fix it myself instead of relying on Jagex Staff to answer my questions.

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