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Quick guide to Evil Dave's Subquest


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Now edited for clarity!








Materials needed: Plenty of stews (or bowls, potatoes, and cooked meats), cat (kitten strongly discouraged, overweight cat cannot be used)








Skills required: Cooking 25








Quests required: Gertrude's Cat, Shadow of the Storm












1. After speaking with the Gypsy about Evil Dave, go to Edgeville. (Glory tele is the easiest way, of course.) Enter Evil Dave's, just southwest of the bank.








2. Go into the basement. Speak with Evil Dave. Ask him, "What did you eat at the secret council meeting?" When he asks you to explain the time travel issue, choose the option involving the magic forces. WARNING! The page in which you can get this option looks like a normal dialogue page! GO THROUGH THE CHAT SLOWLY! (I cannot confirm if this is the only possible option. Others may work as well.) He will tell you that his mother knew how to make the stew.








3. Go upstairs. Speak to the woman there, who is Evil Dave's mother. She will tell you that she could help you, but Dave's Hellrats stole all her spices. She will also tell you that you will need to experiment with spice combinations to get the correct stew.








4. Go back downstairs with your cat and stews (make these now using the bowl from the basement and the range and sink on the ground level). Catch mice until you have plenty of each different color spice (brown, red, orange, and yellow). You may need to catch some later. The combination of spices is different for each person, so you cannot know how much of each you will need.








NOTE: Your cat may turn into a Hellcat while rat hunting. I do not know if this is random or if it occurs after a certain amount of time. You can turn it back to normal by feeding it a bucket of milk. When wearing an Amulet of Catspeak, a Hellcat will be more rude and aggressive.








NOTE #2: The combination of spices can be any number of each of the three, or so it seems. So multiple spices can require two shakes, for example. In mine, I needed 1 orange, 2 brown, 2 yellow, and 3 red.








5. Now comes the Mastermind-esque puzzle. Add one shake of any colored spice to a stew, then give it to Dave. Dave will tell you either that one spice is correct or that no spices are correct. Repeat until you have gone through all four spices. You may wish to write down which spices Dave said were correct.








6. In a new stew, add two shakes of a spice not found to be correct in the previous step. Repeat using different spices until you have gone through the left over spices. Again note which spices you needed two of.








7. Add three of a remaining spice to another stew. Repeat as needed to determine which spices need 3 shakes.








8. In one final stew, combine one shake of the correct spices from step 5, two shakes of the correct spices from step 6, three shakes of the correct spices from step 7, and four shakes from any spices that were not correct in the previous steps. Give this to Dave. He should say that the stew is perfect. Otherwise, repeat the process to figure out what you did wrong.








9. Go back to Lumbridge Castle and feed Dave.
















I have no pics at the moment, they will come as needed.








Please point out any errors to me. I will fix them as soon as possible. Also, if something is unclear, please add that as well.








Tip.it, feel free to use this guide with edits as you feel necessary as long as I get credit.



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I tried talking to him and it does not give me the option of asking to explain time travel....what have i missed?








Me too :wall: :wall: :wall:




all you have to tell him is it is for magic and he will tell you.

My pet Boxing Tater


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I tried talking to him and it does not give me the option of asking to explain time travel....what have i missed?








Me too :wall: :wall: :wall:




all you have to tell him is it is for magic and he will tell you.








It would be really really really nice if i had that chat option. What happens is: I talk i have 3 options 1. Nice room! 2. I thought you gave up evil? 3. What did you eat at the secrec council meeting?. I click the 3rd (duh) and i start saying taht i need to know and he says that he did this last week blah lah. Then I say well its complicated then i explain it to hiim and midway I just say never mind and the chat options are over. Please!!!! help me!!! :wall: :wall:

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can u use a kitten




yes but have fun catching rats for hours.




advised to use a grown cat because the hell rats are harder to catch then average rats












wily cats would be better, they have the best chance of catching

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I tried talking to him and it does not give me the option of asking to explain time travel....what have i missed?








Me too :wall: :wall: :wall:








me too i dont get an option to tell it was magic


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The guide to the little spice game isn't exactly correct.








My solution was 2 shakes of 2 different spices.. Like this:




2 brown




2 red




3 orange




4 yellow








The guide makes it seem like each number of shakes is used only once.








So if you start doing the spice game, and when you use 1 shake and he says it's wrong for all 4 colors, you're gonna have more than 1 spice that uses the same amount of shakes.








I certainly hope that it's not 100% random on the colors and amount of shakes. Like red 2, yellow 2, orange 3, brown 3.. Or something really off the wall like that.








And yes.. USE A CAT! Not a kitten. My cat first turned into a hellcat while down there, then into an overgrown hellcat, which doesn't catch rats. Not cool :( So I had to go get a kitten to finish with, and it takes FOREVER. Kittens only have a 15% success rate with normal rats, don't know about hellrats.








Although, at this point I would imagine that an overgrown hellcat is fairly rare :)








Anyway, thanks for the guide, it really did help :) but you might want to make these additions to it.









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I have some few things to add...








Spices come in 1, 2, 3, 4 doses




Use a bucket of milk on hell(/cat/kitten/overgrowncat/wilycat) to make it normal again




Try and use a cat instead of a kitten... trust me kittens are junk.. mine got dissowned right after that :D




Go through chat ever so slowly... took me 2 hours to figure out what the heck i was doing.. :oops:

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