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Progress on SSBM sig thread


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I've decided to do badphooeybad's idea and am not taking requests, now this is just a progress thread =\




thanks much--






RuneScape Retired since '06, sn= Superstud07

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Ok well this is original but not the most interesting of idea's.. Basically I want a guy in black/very dark trousers + shirt and very dark shoes, also having [bleep]ey black hair but he has white gloves that stand out, the whole sig should be pretty dark. His stance should be leaning back but still standed and both his arms will be above his head but not very far from his face, he should be spinning them round eachother while he is leaning back.. Kinda hard to explain but anyway. The background should be pretty dark with a phew bright sparks of light like camera flashes, he should be on a kind of platform but it's on a ground floor.. Wow I have typed alot :lol: anyway hope you get something that you want to do :) .

Lowgravity, I want to be just like you. But...I never will be as 1337 as you. :(
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Thanks, that's a pretty good idea, and wouldn't take too long either, I might do it, but I want some more ideas first.






RuneScape Retired since '06, sn= Superstud07

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well u know who pixles are going through a glamore phase? everyone wants full dragon with a fury ammy and a whipz0r..well i have an idea that noone has ever done lol......how aout a noob piixles? like a dude in iron plate legs bronze chain, bronze med and a wooden sheild standing in front of a display case including his "rares" like a dragon fire sheild, the christmas hats and scarfs....and an iron battle axe. then he has a valut that is crackd open revealed like a pile of 1000 coins and 10 bronze bars. Also throw in a poster saying " WANTED: someone who can fix my bronze axe..no scammers pelase :cry: " ... i like this idea..and its 100% reddawn original :)

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HOWEVER, after playing rs for 3 years and finally quitting, im sick of it, the only rule is that it must be non rs related.




Did you even read his post?




Well here's my idea. I really like this game super smash brothers melee and I want a sig and i think it would be good for a pixel. :roll: If you havn't played it or heard of it I will get some pictures for you. Well I'd want three people fighting on a level. Hmmm kinda hard to explain ill just go find some pictures. *Goes on google to find some pictures.* Ahh here they are. Have this guy link_bow1.jpg His name is link shooting an arrow at this guy pika_unknown.jpg pikachu and have pickachu shooting a bolt of lighting at link like this pika_thunderbolt.jpg and maybe have this guy fox_standing.jpg fox doing this move fox_firefox.jpg at link. Have them fighting on a stage like this final_destination.jpg. Ok well I think thats it. I know its alot and hard but I think it would turn out to be an awsome pixel.


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I... love... super... smash... bros... MELEEE!!!!!!! I'm seriously consider that, thanks for the description! And yea, sorry reddawn, but im straying away from RS.






RuneScape Retired since '06, sn= Superstud07

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I'm so pumped about this sig. im on spring break so expect some quick updating, here's my idea for the pose:








Hope you like the idea so far, lemme know some changes, although its just pose testing.






RuneScape Retired since '06, sn= Superstud07

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I'm so pumped about this sig. im on spring break so expect some quick updating, here's my idea for the pose:








Hope you like the idea so far, lemme know some changes, although its just pose testing.





I'm loving it so far :)




I was thinking of getting a Metroid Prime Hunters pixel sig, possibly with Trace fighting Spire or Weavel. Would this be the original, non-runescape idea that you were thinking about? (I would supply all pics and wouldn't mind waiting.)




Can't wait for your response :)


:^_^: I drew that smilie, btw, along with a few more used by this site.

Classic bloodveld for lyph3! Although I do like the new ones.

Like a ninja, here I was, gone I am now.

BUT! I may be back! Add my new account, Dr Bloodveld!

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soz adriot didnt see that.. :oops:


Its ok, and im sorry, but I just got back from 6 hours of hangin out with some friends, i'll work on it now and get some basic character shapes down.






RuneScape Retired since '06, sn= Superstud07

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