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Dance Dance Revolution and Ratchet & Clank 3


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this may seem like an odd pair, but i play both online, so i want to see if anyone else plays them online and what their screen name might be.




Update: also, if you play DDR then which arcade is your usual Haunt and what is you best song score (on heavy mode)




Best score: AA


Haunt: Palace Pointe, NC




Update: if you Play Ratchet & Clank 3 online, then post your screen name and your favorite mode




Screen Name: Kaos


Favorite Mode: Siege

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I play down at a movie theater about 10-15 minutes from my house. Good old 50 cents and joint-premium.




I've AA'd R.A.P




A'd A on Oni.




and i've AA'd across the nightmare on doubles oni.




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I have DDR Extream 2 for PS2. Unfortuantly, i can get my ps2 online, but i play it for an hour each day, and its a good work out. Im fairly good at is, seeing as i can get an A on almost all songs on light, and am starting to get c'son some standards.


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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I have DDR Extream 2 for PS2. Unfortuantly, i can get my ps2 online, but i play it for an hour each day, and its a good work out. Im fairly good at is, seeing as i can get an A on almost all songs on light, and am starting to get c'son some standards.


Extreme 2 is one of the worst US releases on PS2 in my opinion..




Extreme 1 and Max1 and Konamix are beasts




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I love DDR.




Personally, I think 5th Mix is the best one available. But Stepmania is always nice because then I can play hundreds of different songs. I've gotten a bit rusty lately though, as I haven't played so much, but it's still fun. I should start up again.

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wonderful, a ddr thread.... i am getting pretty ok... i can get an A on most 8-9 leveled songs, the only thing is that i can do it about once and then im friggin tired as hell. lol.. oh and if anyone is interested, http://www.flashflashrevolution.com .. basically, its an online stepmania.. not bad considering how it use to be... if anyone gets a score on that, post it and ill try and beat it ^_^


1543 Skill total, 100% F2P

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wonderful, a ddr thread.... i am getting pretty ok... i can get an A on most 8-9 leveled songs, the only thing is that i can do it about once and then im friggin tired as hell. lol.. oh and if anyone is interested, http://www.flashflashrevolution.com .. basically, its an online stepmania.. not bad considering how it use to be... if anyone gets a score on that, post it and ill try and beat it ^_^




You do know there is Stepmania Online?




As in actual online clients for Stepmania? Fun stuff bro




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