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my latest pixel sig.


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It came out ok, not sure what you guys would think though, so if anyone wants it, be the first to ask me, I'll fix it up a bit too.








Edit: I've noticed I like to put alot of cash in my sig.s, well I'm big into money so just DEAL WITH IT :lol:

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can i have them???


please please

Joined Runescape: 23/01/02 |||. Retired from Runescape: 07/07/2007


Elfs creating a crystal Axe would be like GreenPeace creating a Nuclear Powered Harpoon for killing seals...

"Level 1 sailing: ability to build a failboat.'


Drops: Ahrims Hood, Guthans set FULL (minus legs), dragon half shield, dragon legs/skirt

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can i have them???


please please

Joined Runescape: 23/01/02 |||. Retired from Runescape: 07/07/2007


Elfs creating a crystal Axe would be like GreenPeace creating a Nuclear Powered Harpoon for killing seals...

"Level 1 sailing: ability to build a failboat.'


Drops: Ahrims Hood, Guthans set FULL (minus legs), dragon half shield, dragon legs/skirt

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I'm not trying to be rude but their not too good. Maybe you should use a few more colours for each item thatn just two or three.




I agree, use more colors and many of them. Also use colors that are lower on the cable table that are less vibrant and hurting to the eyes. Use the colors more towards the bottem to get a nice flat color insted of a bright vibrant color. In my opinion, they look MUCH better



"I backed my car into a cop car the other day

Well he just drove off sometimes life's ok


Alright already we'll all float on

Alright don't worry we'll all float on" - Isaac Brock

Days Hunting:4 - Kingly Imps Caught:2

Money Earned: 4.5-5m

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I'm not trying to be rude but their not too good. Maybe you should use a few more colours for each item thatn just two or three.




I agree, use more colors and many of them. Also use colors that are lower on the cable table that are less vibrant and hurting to the eyes. Use the colors more towards the bottem to get a nice flat color insted of a bright vibrant color. In my opinion, they look MUCH better


Agreed 8)




Also make a better shading in the coins... to make them more realistic.





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Ok first, there is only one pixel sig. that I have posted here the other ones my sig, and ya I agree with all of you on the coloring, I will go through it again and update it, I usualy get to exited when I come up with a good idea and forget to realy spend time shading

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Ok first, there is only one pixel sig. that I have posted here the other ones my sig, and ya I agree with all of you on the coloring, I will go through it again and update it, I usualy get to exited when I come up with a good idea and forget to realy spend time shading, also the coins are too small.

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