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Family Banned (Long Read, Sad Story, Help Jagex) -UPDATED


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hmm my regrets buddy... hope everything gets sorted out.



Currently training all skills to or above 60.


Barrows drops: 87 runs done so far. Torag Platebody on 4th run. Guthan Chainskirt on 35th run. Dharok Helm on 45th run. Torag platelegs on 49th run. Ahrim Robeskirt on 86th run.

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I usually don't post... or even read these forums, but one of my friends said something about TosilX, and this thread being hillarious... Of course I've had my run-ins with TosilX... I don't play rs anymore, so I'll come out with it... ALL of it. Near the end of my RS "career" I suppose you could call it, I began heading down the black market path. I came across a lot of rs money (at the time about 115M, now it'd be around 330M), and was planning on selling the mils. If any of you wanna try this, I just have to say DON'T TRY IT! It's not worth it. I sold maybe 8M and I got scammed out of a red phat, d-chain, and a few mils. Not worth it. But here's where this part comes in. A person I met on ventrilo was willing to give me one of his accounts (he had at least 4), if I would let him borrow a Dragon Chain for a few days until he sold one of his accounts. Well... I let him. He gave me the TosilX and recoveries... but guess what!? The recovs didn't work, and he stole the account back along with the d-chain. Hrm... go figure. At the time I was still rich and had two d-chains, so it wasn't too big of deal. The reason I did it was to try rune mining. I don't beleive this story one bit... He was an wagon on vent, scammed me out of 28M, and actually gave me this account at one point. You'd think Jagex would notice the IP changing from one place in the US to Alaska in about 10 seconds. But TosilX SHOULD be banned for account sharing, account trading, and real life item trading. If I remember correctly he also keylogged people... but that part I cannot confirm. There were a lot of people on that vent who keylogged and I have a hard time keeping the straight after over half a year of not talking to any of them...




Anyone remember the swift-switch.net keylogging scam? Those were some of thet people from that vent whom TosilX associated with, and called his "friends". Don't pity this kid, and moreover, don't give him any of your hard-earned money/items.




And you are...




I haven't played Runescape since the day that RS2 was officially launched and didn't return until late Febuary.




I would actually love for you to post proof... And who said I was asking for items? I don't need them, if I don't get unbanned I'm quitting.





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I read your first post and do not have time right now to read everything between it and this post here. But my advice is to contact customer service and explain you use a router and that this is all family.




Be persistant and contact them once a day until you get it sorted out. It is a pain but if your polite and persistant you can get it worked out.




In the mean time do a major security scan of your computers to be sure there isn'T some program or ad thing that may result in the reading they are getting that you have a third party program...clear your cache, clean your history, run scans for adsm cookie and viruses to be sure your clean.




The best of luck





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The following text is a quote from: http://www.lectlaw.com/def2/s052.htm




"SLANDER - A false defamation (expressed in spoken words, signs, or gestures) which injures the character or reputation of the person defamed; distinguished from libel."




"The defaming a man in his reputation by speaking or writing words which affect his life, office, or trade, or which tend to his loss of preferment in marriage or service, or in his inheritance, or which occasion any other particular damage. In England, if slander be spoken of a peer, or other great man, it is called Scandalum Magnatum. Falsity and malice are ingredients of slander. Written or printed slanders are libels."




"The slander must, of course, be published, that is communicated to a third person; and if verbal, then in a language which he understands, otherwise the plaintiff's reputation is not impaired. A letter addressed to the party, containing libelous matter, is not sufficient to maintain a civil action, though it may subject the libeler to an indictment, as tending to a breach of the peace;"

Member of the moriquendi

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I know what it is to have been banned in error. I've been banned for 3 months when they finally realised i didn't do anything.


Keep sending appeals, be polite and explain what has happened.


You should be back then.






Good luck

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I still believe b l e e d s is your pure, you never once said it was your brothers acc anywhere ive ever read.


Your brother uses your name as an alias? doubtful.


Your friend seems to think your both the same person.


Too much evidence says your lieing, no matter how lame the storys you make up are.


i also think that he was guilty of account sharing and multi-logging and trading between accounts. however, he got banned for MACROING!! dont you guys see that theres something very wrong with jagex's way of handling bans and reports?

Are you a member with a full bank and cancelling your subscription? Are you an F2P player that wants more bank space? Check out my guide on Going to F2P with a full bank

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Dam, that sucks so much. I wish they would take some of these cases into account once in a while, or even consider that this is a posibility. I do not see how they can just accuse people like that, when in fact, if they use a router the ip address is the same, so how can they accuse people of multi logging while knowing this info?




Hope you can get yourself out of this jam.




Good luck


.:: RSC Product ::.

.:: 116 Combat ::.

.:: 1777 Overall ::.

.:: Biggest Single Drop Log Ever ::.

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Sorry this happened, but weren't you breaking the rules when you gave Jason the natures? Maybe I misread it. :?:






So what if I want to giveaway free stuff? Are they going to ban me? I dont think so. Same thing goes for his brother :roll:

~*~ Red Phat Ftw ~*~

Rsn: Lady_Salleh -F2P atm

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I was going to make a new account, a pure, because Rapman was going to help me with costs.




Ive had him about a week and today I bought members for him.








Hi B A N,




We regret to inform you that your account has been banned due to the character name being deemed as offensive to other players.




In order for this not to happen again, and for you to be able to play RuneScape with another character, please refer to Rule 1:






You must not use any language which may be considered by others to be offensive, racist or obscene.






RuneScape Customer Support




This is total cabbage and Im super A)*ETHF&WE*WEGF( ing pissed.




I had that account at 20 40 1 already, wow.

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What was the new characters name?




I don't know what to think of this story, I tend to believe people until confronted with direct proof, such is my nature. With what others have posted I 60% believe you. I think that sharing an internet with your brother should not be bannable but something still seems fishy. No flame here just observations. Good luck with getting things sorted out.





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If you guys didn't ready my little shindig, or did and don't beleive it, I could care less. I'm just warning everyone that you shouldn't trust internet people. You can post "I pity you" or whatever, just don't give him anything you earned. The best scammers are the ones you don't expect. I knew this one guy for over a year, and then the minute I let him borrow a red phat, he logs and I never see him again. 1 year of friendship for some pixel money... people are willing to use other people's trust against them. Be careful everyone.

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Do not waste your pity on this pathetic excuse of a RS "player"




For those of you who aren't aware already, I've been a user of the #runescape IRC channel on the GameSurge network for about as long as I've played this game.




"Tosi" as he calls himself on here and on there, pretends very well to be your average trustworthy player, but very quickly was discovered to be trying to pry personal information from players, relating to their recovery questions. He has been banned permanently from our channel for quite some time now, and even when he was given a chance to redeem himself, he ended up getting banned again.




If Jagex didn't detect all the out-of-game scam attempts you've pulled, serves you right that they found something else to ban you for.




Just my 2 cents on it. I'm not 100% sure what the RSN was of the Tosi I encountered, but from what I'm told on the channel, these two are one in the same.



Proud to have gotten 1800 skill total before access to fishing guild


Why make a house when you can rob one?

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Do not waste your pity on this pathetic excuse of a RS "player"




For those of you who aren't aware already, I've been a user of the #runescape IRC channel on the GameSurge network for about as long as I've played this game.




"Tosi" as he calls himself on here and on there, pretends very well to be your average trustworthy player, but very quickly was discovered to be trying to pry personal information from players, relating to their recovery questions. He has been banned permanently from our channel for quite some time now, and even when he was given a chance to redeem himself, he ended up getting banned again.




If Jagex didn't detect all the out-of-game scam attempts you've pulled, serves you right that they found something else to ban you for.




Just my 2 cents on it. I'm not 100% sure what the RSN was of the Tosi I encountered, but from what I'm told on the channel, these two are one in the same.




Who are you in chat? And if you didn't know my ban was sorted out with Shirl and a few other admins. There was a 'situation'.




and rannmann, I don't know you lol. First you say I stole your dragon chain and now I've stolen your phat also? Stop changing your story lol

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Do not waste your pity on this pathetic excuse of a RS "player"




For those of you who aren't aware already, I've been a user of the #runescape IRC channel on the GameSurge network for about as long as I've played this game.




"Tosi" as he calls himself on here and on there, pretends very well to be your average trustworthy player, but very quickly was discovered to be trying to pry personal information from players, relating to their recovery questions. He has been banned permanently from our channel for quite some time now, and even when he was given a chance to redeem himself, he ended up getting banned again.




If Jagex didn't detect all the out-of-game scam attempts you've pulled, serves you right that they found something else to ban you for.




Just my 2 cents on it. I'm not 100% sure what the RSN was of the Tosi I encountered, but from what I'm told on the channel, these two are one in the same.




So owned. So very owned.

The self-proclaimed king of bronze.

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Do not waste your pity on this pathetic excuse of a RS "player"




For those of you who aren't aware already, I've been a user of the #runescape IRC channel on the GameSurge network for about as long as I've played this game.




"Tosi" as he calls himself on here and on there, pretends very well to be your average trustworthy player, but very quickly was discovered to be trying to pry personal information from players, relating to their recovery questions. He has been banned permanently from our channel for quite some time now, and even when he was given a chance to redeem himself, he ended up getting banned again.




If Jagex didn't detect all the out-of-game scam attempts you've pulled, serves you right that they found something else to ban you for.




Just my 2 cents on it. I'm not 100% sure what the RSN was of the Tosi I encountered, but from what I'm told on the channel, these two are one in the same.




So owned. So very owned.




Yes... Very owned I am. I decided to stop by #runescape and clear some things up. It seems, along with Jagex, I was banned for no apparent reason and they dont like to admit it. This convo was with Xero, the one who banned me from #runescape in the first place.







What do you want?


Just some clarification.




I'd like to how I am a known cheater/scammer


It was an op decision, and that's the decision that was made. Your accounts have been perm banned from runescape as well, you have no purpose in our channel.


My runescape account was banned for a false reason as I was banned from #runescape


When did I ever scam/cheat anyone?


How about stealing rann's D Chain?


How about that guy is full of it? Did you see what he recently posted? Now, along with his D Chain, its seems I also stole his red party hat


I haven't even seen a D Chain (in trade window/inventory)


I read the tip.it thread, and I have to say there is a lot of stuff that doesn't add up Tosi. You may have been falsely banned for macroing, but it should have been for Account Trading, Account Sharing, Multiple Logging


Account trading and sharing?


Rann said himself that he has played the account TosiLX, therefore implying sharing.


The only logical ban reason for my brothers account would be multilogging, yes, we multilogged all the time, playing at the same time is now a crime just because we are relatives?


Tosi, I'm not going to debate your childish antics with you, you were banned and that's all there is to it. Move on, there's nothing here for you anymore.


Jagex has rules for a reason.


Don't break them.


I didn't break them, what childish antics are you referring to?


What it seems like here is that you just don't like me and I've done nothing wrong at all.


I'm not trying to be the bad guy here, I don't know why everyone thinks I'm this big bad person.


And this is not an attempt to get unbanned, just for you to stop spreading false rumors and plagueing my name with your filth.


Oh? How am I plaguing your name?


((Unbrokenxero) Tosi, known scammer and cheater, enough said.)


I don't think I posted anything on your tip.it thread.


I was the one who typed the ban.


I know you were...


a long time ago.


you triggered it when you joined.


Right, even then I was not a "known scammer/cheater"


This conversation isn't getting you anywhere, so I'm done. Bye.


Way to avoid the questions that need to be answered, I love how you just want to admit it. You banned me for absolutely nothing, nothing at all, Jagex must be rubbing off on people.


Playing the ignoring game are we? It seems all the 'childish antics' are coming from you, good day.





So very owned huh?

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Do not waste your pity on this pathetic excuse of a RS "player"




For those of you who aren't aware already, I've been a user of the #runescape IRC channel on the GameSurge network for about as long as I've played this game.




"Tosi" as he calls himself on here and on there, pretends very well to be your average trustworthy player, but very quickly was discovered to be trying to pry personal information from players, relating to their recovery questions. He has been banned permanently from our channel for quite some time now, and even when he was given a chance to redeem himself, he ended up getting banned again.




If Jagex didn't detect all the out-of-game scam attempts you've pulled, serves you right that they found something else to ban you for.




Just my 2 cents on it. I'm not 100% sure what the RSN was of the Tosi I encountered, but from what I'm told on the channel, these two are one in the same.




Who are you in chat? And if you didn't know my ban was sorted out with Shirl and a few other admins. There was a 'situation'.




and rannmann, I don't know you lol. First you say I stole your dragon chain and now I've stolen your phat also? Stop changing your story lol




Okay, well apparently you didn't read it very well. I never said YOU stole my red phat. I said someone else did because I trusted him. I used this example rather than the dchain example because I didn't really trust you too much with it. I had a feeling you might steal it, but at the time I was rich enough so it wouldn't make too much of a difference. And apparently you didn't settle your ban with shirl, because she has the power to override every ban.




[06] * Tosi ([email protected]) has joined #runescape


[06] * ChanServ sets mode: +b *!*@Tosi.youre-currently-packeting-localhost.gamesurge


[06] * Tosi was kicked by ChanServ ((Unbrokenxero) Tosi, known scammer and cheater, enough said.)




and then the evade attempt




[06] * Rapine ([email protected]) has joined #runescape


[06] <@Xero> !k Rapine You were banned for a reason, now stay out, just cuz you can use java chat doesn't make it right.


[06] * Rapine was kicked by ChanServ ((Xero) You were banned for a reason, now stay out, just cuz you can use java chat doesn't make it right.)




I think now almost everyone can poke a hole in your story. If you're gonna' lie, lie well.

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I just posted the chat logs, you were probably typing your message when I did that so nice try on trying to use the IRC ban messages that was cute.




I find it really have a friendship with you for a year and steal your dragon chain considering I quit Runescape at the release of RS2 and return 2/04/06. So I find it very, very hard to believe that I stole your D Chain.

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