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Saga of the saradomininst---Chapter 1 thru 4


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Christian looked at the board. It was a wooden bulletin board, hung in the Blue Moon Inn. It hd the words "Clan Recrutment" on it. Below that was a piece of paper, with several different clan leaders posting all kinds of information. One caught his eye. Follow Saradomin was the title of the posting. He looked down. There was a short comment. It simply read,




"If you are a follower of Saradomin, and a strong warrior, then join the Fire Of Sardomin clan. We are a PKing clan, but of a special type. We kill ONLY players who are skulled, or are wearing or using Anti-Saradominist symbols, equipment, or worship. We also work peacfully to promote Saradominism, and help others in a way that would please him.








You must have:




A cape of fire (Which you earned yourself)




A full set of weapons and equipment, we WILL NOT SUPPLY




A holy symbol




A powerful faith in Saradomin






You must not have:




An unholy symbol




Zamorak or Guthix Armor




A strong Faith in Zamorak, Guthix, or any other god before Saradomin






Other requirements:




lvl 99 prayer (prayer denotes devoutness)




a complete prayer book








Rules and uniform:




You must ALWAYS wear your holy symbol




You must always wear either your cape of fire or the clan cape




NEVER wear any Zamorakian or Guthixian symbols, armor, or the like




Never attack somebody who hasn't been attacking others himself.








Christian looked down at his steel armor. He was but a simple level 37, and the most powerful enemy he had ever killed was a black knight. But he was a strong follower of Sardomin, and wanted to join. He knew it would be hard, but he was commited. He WOULD get his cape of fire, and he WOULD get 99 prayer.






-----to be continued

"Dost hath not giveth thy name 'noob' to thy brethren...

...Or thou art must considereth thyself a noob as well."

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Nice start, you need to mention however that you may not worship any other gods other than Saradomin, as there are those who like me follow gods outside the mainstream Religions and if this is gonna be outside of the game context then you need to make the story a bit more realistic than you need 99 prayer(its just not believable in real life)

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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So there Christian was, a month after first seeing the clan advertisement on the wall. He had gone to increase his skill in fighting and in prayer. He had finally fought and vanquished a pickaxe-weilding chaos dwarf. He had to fight very many creatures for experience. He buried all the bones, and now he had enough prayer to enter the monostary. He had bought a holy symbol. He had gotten it blessed. He was moving ever closer to being eligible to join the powerful clan Fire of Saradomin. He had sold his steel armor for some mithril, and was soon to be able to wear adamant. He decided to go PK, for a greater challenge and some spoils of battle.




He remembered the clan rule that said, "No PKing somebody who has not already PK'd somebody else." He knew that there was some weird way to know. A killer had a certain way about him, you could see it in their eyes. Many people imagined a skull symbod above their head. It was simply a way to tell.




It was then that he saw her. She was running with all her might, from a man in dark, black armor. The man had a green sword, much like his own adamant scimitar. He looked into the girl's eyes. Innocence. She was scared for her life. He could see the evil look on the man's face, even through his helmet. He gave chase.




He caught up to the man, and thrust his scimitar into his back. The man turned around, and Christian saw an unholy symbol around his neck. The killer slashed his sword with all his might at Christian. Christian lifted up his sheild, which nearly broke under the force of the blade. The killer drew back his sword for another attempt. Christian had his chance. He thrust his scimitar forward with all his strenght, directly for the small spot between the killer's helmet and breastplate. The killer jumped back, only hurt slightly. He attempted to stab Christian, and the sword peirced through his armor, causing Christian to slow down, and hold his wound for a brief second. THe man came at him again, slashing with everything he had. Christian raised his sheild, and the force of the sword pushing on his sheild threw him onto his back. The killer tackled him, the point of his sword in front. Christian braced himself. THe sword peirced the flesh on his arm, and it left a bleeding wound. Chrisian summoned all his strength, and uttered a short prayer to help him. He thrust the mann off of him. The man rolled over, and Christian dove on top of him, swinging his scimitar directly through the man's armor, stabbing the heart. The killer rolled over, coughed, and his body went limp. He dropped his sword and sheild. Christian picked them up, along with the unholy symbol and some food.




He ate the food, to make himself fell better. He then started a fire, and dropped the symbol into it. He could have sold it, but, regardless of his profit, that could be considered an act of Zamorakianism. He left his fire to burn itself out and continued along his journey. The young girl was nowhere to be found. He buried the bones in an old cemetery, and headed south, to buy some more food, so he could continue his adventures.




----to be continued

"Dost hath not giveth thy name 'noob' to thy brethren...

...Or thou art must considereth thyself a noob as well."

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Christian looked off he bow of the ship. He saw the island coming up before him. He knew why he was going there. He was on a mission to slay the dragon and be rewarded with the privelidge of full rune. As the ship came ashore, he stopped for a second. Was he really ready. Yes, he was. He hiked to the top of the mountain, and down into the dungeon. He fought the many creatures guarding the Dragon's lair, and opened the door to the dragon. He stopped, clutching his holy symbol in his hand. He prayed quickly, and charged the dragon.




The dragon looked up, and saw Christian running at him. Startled, it roared. The roar was frightening, but Christian was undeterred. He continued running, despite his fear. He jumped toward the dragon, imbedding his sword deep into it's flesh. The dragon screamed and roared in it's low, loud voice. Christian pulled the sword out, and swung again. But he didn't have time. THe dragon roared fire from it's mouth. Christian quickly held up his sheild, and it creaked and strained against the flame. But it prevailed. Christian charged the dragon once more. He slashed his sword deep into it's stomach, creating a long gash. The dragon reared up and brought it's claws down into Christian's back. The claws made bright sparks against his adamant platebody. The force of the dragon's foot threw him hard against the wall. He rolled back onto his feet, his sword held high. The dragon lunged at him once more. He held out his sheild, and it took the blow, bending against the dragon's weight. The hit disoriented him for a minute, but he fought back. He uttered a short prayer to Saradomin, and dove at the beast, stabbing his sword deep into the beast's neck. The dragon collapsed in the ground, growling. There it died. Christian was teleported away from the island, back home, where he went to finally buy his rune. He was one step closer to joining the Fire of Saradomin clan.

"Dost hath not giveth thy name 'noob' to thy brethren...

...Or thou art must considereth thyself a noob as well."

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What happened to that girl in chapter II? Did she continue running? Will he ever see her again? What was she doing in the wilderness?

Pm me if you need anything proof-read, I may not be very good, but I am always willing to help.

A Seal Clubber is me!

A Oxygenarin is me!


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Wait Zaros is telling me something("PLAY-SOUNDTRACK"=STATIC)








No Zaros feels better if he did not reavel any more to you at this time

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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HEY ZAROS! SHUSH! Don't be giving away the next part of the story. I wrote Sailors & Warriors for fun, and then I decided to make a bigger story out of it. But you don't need to be giving things away like that. >=(

"Dost hath not giveth thy name 'noob' to thy brethren...

...Or thou art must considereth thyself a noob as well."

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Zaros wishes to speak again("PLAY-SOUNDTRACK"=STATIC)








Zaros does not wish for you 'PUNY MORTAL' to feel unhappy that he has told the story, but as a good he does not like you telling him to be quite




(Disclaimer: This post may or may not reflex what Zaros, Archimage or any other Zarosen believe. Any smites that are as a result of this are purely co-instant.

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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(Disclaimer: This post may or may not reflex what Zaros, Archimage or any other Zarosen believe. Any smites that are as a result of this are purely co-instant.




that is the thrid coolest disclaimer ever (I forgot the first but the second is on a radio show)

Pm me if you need anything proof-read, I may not be very good, but I am always willing to help.

A Seal Clubber is me!

A Oxygenarin is me!


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If my sig wasn't full I would add it.




You ever get the impresion that we are sort of the same(great minds think alike(or you are just very lucky)) We seem always to argue or agree, never a 'Well i sort of agree'

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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Guest AshKaYu

I think you should explain how he raided the Dark Knights before this quest . . . I mean, Dark Knights=Evil. White Knights=Good=Saradomin

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Christian looked up from the rock. He had been feverishly running and climbing all day, to get himself in better condition. He wanted to be faster, more agile, so he knew he had to exercise. He was drinking from a glass of water when he saw her. She was running across the agility course, jumping over everything in her way. He closed his eyes. He had seen her before, but had never talked to her. He thought back to his first encounter. She was a young warrior, training in the wilderness. Christian saw her just in time to find a vicious killer attacking her. He attacked the killer, and had won. But she was nowhere to be found. She had run away during the fight.


He finally realized how beautiful she was. Gorgeous blonde hair, deep brown eyes, and a body that would look great in a pair of platelegs. He realized that this might be his chance to meet her. He walked over to the end of the path she was running. He sat down, pretending to mind his own business. She finally came to the end of the path and lay down on the ground, breathing hard. He knew he had a tendency to embarrass himself with girls, but he didnÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢t care. She finally caught her breath.



"Dost hath not giveth thy name 'noob' to thy brethren...

...Or thou art must considereth thyself a noob as well."

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Hehe nice to see that creativity. Using a cannon to fire balls downwards. You do have to be slightly more realistic though...you either need it so its set in the rs world of minute long battles and stats, or the real world of second long battles and luck.

Well I knew you wouldn't agree. I know how you hate facing facts.

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Guest AshKaYu

I really like this series. Also, maybe instead of platelegs, you could put plateskirt, because platelegs are big, and reveal nothing, while the skirts end slightly above the knee.

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I understand what you say about pl8skirts. but, the reason I said, "A body that would lok good in pl8legs" is to describe her figure. The person that the charactar is based on is tall, and has a nice figure. and a pair of pl8legs would fit that figure perfectly. (I hope the real person isn't reading this!)

"Dost hath not giveth thy name 'noob' to thy brethren...

...Or thou art must considereth thyself a noob as well."

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