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Ontario Literacy test


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I just finnished doing my 3 hour Literacy test that all students in Ontario must pass to pass highschool. It was not that hard, but i can definitly say i didnt get an 80%.




Anyone else took it today (all students in Ontario take it the same day).


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Guest GhostRanger
I just finnished doing my 3 hour Literacy test that all students in Ontario must pass to pass highschool. It was not that hard, but i can definitly say i didnt get an 80%.




Anyone else took it today (all students in Ontario take it the same day).




Does that mean you got less than an 80% you think? Also, would less than an 80% mean failure or is that just a random number? (I'm not familiar with any of this :P)

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80%=A/B+, somwhere around there. A pass for all thing now is 50%, so if I atleast get a 60, im happy. Although you never actuly find out your mark, its either pass or fail.




All test are sappoused to be the same, but i found out today, one question was diffrent at random. Mine asked: Chose a season, and describe how it makes you feel. But other peoples test said: What do you see yourself doing in the futer, or something like that.


Sig by Ikurai

Your Guide to Posting! Behave or I will send my Moose mounted Beaver launchers at you!

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Took it last year. That means I get the morning off. And in theory I should be going this afternoon, but I'm not.




Ahh same, so I guess we're the same age?




My school gave us the entire day off this year, although according to the TDSB they weren't supposed to. They made the afternoon an unofficial, optional "tutorial" day, just so they could say they didn't realllllllllly give us the day off :lol:




Btw, you won't get a percentage on your results. It'll just say if you passed, or failed. :wink:

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