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Scammer with no back bone


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I was in Varrock east bank and decided to try to sell off my old mithril armor (full set with square instead of kite shield). I'm the type of person that merchants hate :P I take low prices because I either don't care or don't know what the item is worth.


So this guy offers me an addy simmy for my mithril outfit, and I'm thinking "I wanted gp.. but w/e, I have a friend who could use this" so I accept, and I see the addy scimmy in screen two, but then when I accept the trade, it's gone! I report imedietly and he runs off. I'm kinda crushed that I don't get to surprise my friend with a shiny new weapon, but it's no big deal.


Then the guy comes back and says "thanks for the free mithril noob"


and so I tell him "thanks for letting me report you", he freaks out and says "dam! you want the 10k for armor?" He sends a trade, offers me the full mithril and 4k.. heh.. I accept and he runs off. I can't exactly take back my report, and I don't feel bad about it. Because he attempted the scam in the first place, he deserved to be reported. I'm just glad I can resell the armor and buy my friend a weapon now :)

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thats halarious, how did he think you wouldnt report that? I hope he gets banned for not using his brain skill.


RS name- Lunar3klipse, banned 3-16-06: found out theres a new appeal system, I get an extra appeal, fingers crossed.


BTW: Ill give someone a serious dollar, if I can use more than 30kb for a sig size :/ its my hosting for crying out-loud.

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That makes no sense. if you saw the addy scimmi in screen 2 why didnt you get the scimmi?


either he made a mistake, or there is a very serious bug going on. imagine that being abused, not with a set of mith armour, but with a dragon chainmail or something. people will be very angry....

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That makes no sense. if you saw the addy scimmi in screen 2 why didnt you get the scimmi?




I'm not sure, I was really confused, so I reported it imedietly, hopefully they can see withdrawn items during offer, I asume they can. But it read on the second screen. And ya, either he was really good or really new to scamming cause... mithril armor?! come on... that's so cheap :roll:

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