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I need to know the levels and the HPs of all the monsters. If the level is there then I know the HP.




UPDATE: I now have all the LEVELS, if the monster has a question mark beside its name I need HIT POINTS. Thank you everyone for your submissions




Vampyre Juvinates:




Path 1-59(Dust:37-40, Kill:?)more precise would be nice


Path 2-90(Dust:101, Kill:?)


Path 3-119(Dust:?, Kill:?)






Path 1-79(116)


Path 2-109(126)


Path 3-139(161)






Path 1-Riyl Shadow-80(76)


Path 2-Asyn Shadow-110(95)


Path 3-Shade-140(?)




Swamp Snake:


Path 1-80(120)


Path 2-109(126)


Path 3-139(130)




Giant Snail:


Path 1-80(?


Path 2-109(?)


Path 3-139(?)




Tentacle Monster


Path 1-N/A


Path 2-N/A


Path 3- 4 tentalces (lvl 99/136) head lvl 140 (NEED HP FOR ALL 3)




Thank you for your help.








Tip.It Crew




sticky done by Lightning

'scaper since 2001


Tip.it Crew 2003-2007

- Guides and Beastiary



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Path 3: I've dont this one enough times to remember the levels.


Shades: Fiyr shadow, same as in tombs under Mortton


tentacle monster: 4x99 tentacles and level 140 head. If you poison one tentacle, the whole monster get poisoned, which is very useful. Regarding correct name well it's Tentacle and Head - nothing else. Both tentacles and head examies as "I'm glad I can't see the rest of it!". When you kill a tentacle, you get a message "You slay a tentacle, the swamp creature seems to weaken".


Ghasts: 139


Giant snakes: 139 (skinning the snake by using knife with dead snake give 2-5 snake hides)


Snails: 139


Juvinates: 119




Path 1: monsters of level 80 (Riyl shade, same as in tombs under Mortton)


Path 2: monsters of level 109 (asyn shade, same as in tombs under Mortton)




Will take a closer look for details on path 1 and 2 and edit this post. Here is a newbie question: how do I find out hp?






Path 2:


Juvinates level 90. Guthix balance can turn them to vampire juvinate level 64). When turning into human form , they give you a gift certificate - adamantite hatchet, mithril legs, full helm, 2h, square shield, scimitar, black battle axe, 10 nature runes, and level 2 clue scroll


Giant snail level 109


Asyn shadow level 110


Swamp snake level 109 (skinning the snake by using knife with dead snake give 2-5 snake hides) - examines as "a very large snake that thrives in swamps"


ghasts level 109




Path 1


Juvinate level 59. Can turn to a Vampire juvinate level 64 when guthix balance is used on them. Give gifts as black chain body, steel skirt, ruby ring when turning human from guthis balance.


Ghast level 80

Please think before you ask a question. If you ask the right question, its much more likely you get the answer you are looking for :)




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the most technologically advanced way to gather HP... count as you go :P I write down each hit. You could also calculate it based on the exp gained. Only thing is try and notice if it gains hp or kill 4-5 and give them all to me.





'scaper since 2001


Tip.it Crew 2003-2007

- Guides and Beastiary



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Thanks everyone. That info is very helpful. Keep it coming! You will all receive credit in the bestiary for your submissions. I really appreciate your help!





'scaper since 2001


Tip.it Crew 2003-2007

- Guides and Beastiary



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im doing a lvl 2 path with eppel i encountered the no bridge river cut 3 short vines made a long vine and that was all i encountered and i got for a reward 83 noted rune ess and doing same patha gain with eppel and i encountered 4 lvl 110 shades with 95 hp and then 4 lvl 109 giant snakes with 126 hp and i get for a reward and got a blue fishing book and did it again lvl 2 trail with eppel and encountered nothing and got for a reward 27 rune ess and doing another run now lvl 2 path with eppel encountered 4 ghasts which only attack eppel if they ethereal wont attack when they attackable then had to cross the river with the 3 short vines made into a long vine and then like 5 feet from the river i encountered a bog which i crossed by and i cut a stick from spiny bush and used the stick on the bog to find a path through it and for a reward i got and i got a blue tomb of learning for a woodcutting



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Thanks, slowly but surely I am getting all the HPs. Keep posting if you have them.







'scaper since 2001


Tip.it Crew 2003-2007

- Guides and Beastiary



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