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Cave Slimes?


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Okay, so for my last slayer assignment I was assigned 14 Cave Slimes. Last time I went to them, I died. Lost my white beret :( But anyways, can anyone tell me what I should take to them? Last time I took food, anti poisons, and a candle, and just my normal armour. Any suggestions as to what I did wrong there, and how to fix it?

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I'd take something better than a candle, if you haven't got access through the caves of Lumbridge basement, a spiny helmet is a must. Oil lantern> is important, the rest go out easily and having a naked flame is asking for an explosion.



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Okay, so for my last slayer assignment I was assigned 14 Cave Slimes. Last time I went to them, I died. Lost my white beret :( But anyways, can anyone tell me what I should take to them? Last time I took food, anti poisons, and a candle, and just my normal armour. Any suggestions as to what I did wrong there, and how to fix it?


Really? I lost 4m :shock:


Just take the bullseye lantern...if you dont have any ask someone to make it for you

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Yes as Imcleith said take the Bullseye Lantern. It never extinguishes unless you manually do it. For the caves I would suggest you start up Lost Tribe Quest and then you can get to the Cave Slimes easier and start up the Tears of Guthix quest much easier as well.




A word to the wise, never take an expensive item into an unknown territory. Read up on places either here at Tip.it or at the RS Knowledge Base before you go adventuring.

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Cave slime will poison you. You need antipoison and yes bring food. You might have died before if your slayer level wasn't hight enough. But now that it's an assignment you'll be to "de-slime" the caves! Happy hunting.



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