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best f2p powerranging spot?


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i'm a pure ranger with 79 range and i'm purchasing tons of bronze arrows to train with (150k-200k). i am wondering where the best place to power range (not pick up arrows) and constantly be able to shoot is. I am purely f2p so no members areas please. are there any better than hobgoblins? also, does anyone know how much exp for every 1k bronze arrows i would get?

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i'm a pure ranger with 79 range and i'm purchasing tons of bronze arrows to train with (150k-200k).


i am wondering where the best place to power range (not pick up arrows)


You can get about 5 times as many shots if you pick them up...




and constantly be able to shoot is.


I am purely f2p so no members areas please.


are there any better than hobgoblins?


Use a multicombat area. Parts of Fally and the Varrock sewers may work well.


You could try shooting from the key room in the Varrock sewers into the 4 zombie room.


Those zombies will probably last longer (newbie hunting area)


than the mossies further in and it's closer to the bank.




also, does anyone know how much exp for every 1k bronze arrows i would get?


Well, with bronze against the Crandor Island lessers I average about 4 damage per shot,


so maybe 4*4*1000 = 16k range exp.




Hope this helps.

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i am dropping my arrows, i want to get xp fast, that is why i am dropping. the lessers are easy to pick up and you wouldnt be constantly shooting if there is someone else there i want spots like hobgoblins near the crafting guild.

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  • 7 months later...

My favorite place to train range is on minotaurs in the stronghold of security. Theres a nice fence to hide behind, and is crowded with dozens of lvl 27 minotaurs. But i like it because they drop iron arrows, so i never have to buy any arrows at all. So if u haven't bot the arrows already, i recomend save urself money and try this place. But if u really want to power range, try varrok sewers(skeletons), hobgoblins near crafting guild, or if ur high range, do lessers.

Life is a joke. Yeah, I don't get it either.

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black knights in lava maze? there are many of them and u can stand across the lava..

Hey Nicrune007 , Whats Your Username?


99 Ranged on 2/6/07 99 Hit Points on 9/5/08 99 Defense on 26/4/08 99 Attack on 14/2/09 99 Strength on 25/2/09 99 Slayer on 13/9/09\:D/

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