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RAte My SIg =)


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I'll use the Good/Bad point system






-Tect dont really goes with, its a nice font, but if you can put it in the bottom or upper left or right, it would be better, so you could use full opacity


-Use a simple 1px border, it fits better.


-Using the small text you can change the animation to another position, making its better too. The animation is good, ust the position isnt.






-Nice pixel! Nice Shading




It would be better seen by fixing the bad point, so the pixel would be more visible :P





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I'll use the Good/Bad point system






-Tect dont really goes with, its a nice font, but if you can put it in the bottom or upper left or right, it would be better, so you could use full opacity


-Use a simple 1px border, it fits better.


-Using the small text you can change the animation to another position, making its better too. The animation is good, ust the position isnt.






-Nice pixel! Nice Shading




It would be better seen by fixing the bad point, so the pixel would be more visible :P










-I believe it's a rip - check out his post count, plus i've seen this before

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I'll use the Good/Bad point system






-Tect dont really goes with, its a nice font, but if you can put it in the bottom or upper left or right, it would be better, so you could use full opacity


-Use a simple 1px border, it fits better.


-Using the small text you can change the animation to another position, making its better too. The animation is good, ust the position isnt.






-Nice pixel! Nice Shading




It would be better seen by fixing the bad point, so the pixel would be more visible :P










-I believe it's a rip - check out his post count, plus i've seen this before


I tought it so, but i said to my self, maybe not, maybe its just a coincidence, but now you said it, I really think it too... I'll check too :D


I knew I've seen that pixel before...




@hobos: Nice start mate... you will go far like this...





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Dunno who originally made it. It could have been quer or grim jokes - It's both in their styles. I'm calling upon a mod to see if they have any ideas


Yup, I was trying to find it, but I failed..


And Albosky was here mins ago..


I think you should know Yoda, that if its a rip, its a very unhones thing to do...





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This is clearly a rip...As was already stated don't rip sigs, not from here and not from any other source!




Rippers will be caught and are not tolerated on this forum.









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