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Phat VS Smaller Rares


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Dunno whether this can be classified under general. But nvm, mods pls move it if it is in the wrong forum.




K. Phats prices range from 85 - 220 mill. Purple - Blue.




Mask sets range from 34 -40 mill. Red, Blue, Green




Santas range from 7.8 to 8.2 mill




Idk abt the other prices.




But what i wanna know here is about the speed of the rising of prices of each rare.




1 year ago, santas were 600k.




2 mths ago, mask sets were 18 mill.




1.5 yrs ago, red party hats were 5 mill ea. White was 8 - 10 mill




5 mths ago, purple party hats were 33 mill.




These prices are as accurate as my memory allows. I have been playin runescape for over 2 years.




I owned party hats once before i got hacked. now i hav a mask set.

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About 1.5 years ago when I bought a white phat for 11m , santas were about 200k each, which meant I could have bought 55santas which would made me way more than if I kept the phat and sold it today, but I was stupid and sold the phat when it was 36m. :(

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2 years back (or some time like that), I had bought a santa 200k... I took a break from rs to play another game and when i cambe back, i sold it for 500k and a ton of items (not knowing the change in price). It was worth one mill... Then I bought god armour, thinking it would go up the same amount as rares, which was a stupid investment... Now I regret selling my santa :(


Well, I the only reasons for the rise is the loss of rares to the ban, and the fact that it's a rare...

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ohhh man you think that santa hat sale was bad? ugh i just wanna kill myself for this but back in rsc, about 5 years ago the.....first christmas they dropped santa hats? Well anyways i had 1 when they dropped em and then there was one over next to draynor. It was pretty funny, there was another guy that was just as far away as i was and we both raced to it - i beat im by a milisecond (and laughed in his face after that). So i was wonderin "what to do with two santa hats?" and i told my friend that i had two


He wanted a santa hat cuz he didnt get one and since he was my friend and i just started runescape at the time (i was major n00b) so he told me 600gp for it i was like "Yah 600gp!! thats good" well then i sold the other one for 1k (thats what they were goin for those days) but now i look back on that day and i just wanna cry, "The Day I Sold a Santa Hat for 600gp"

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eh.. not so bad.. i sold a yellow p hat for 363 gp when they first came out.


then 2 greens for a r2h and a 100k (that was a lot back in rsc)




what was funny was that i got one of the greens from a person who bought my cracker. Then they used it on me thinking they would get the p hat 100% chance. They weren't very happy when i got it and they got a chocolate bar lol :) Would have been a bad day for them =P




I wish i kept my hats :*(

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I've been killed wearing a red h'ween....that is losing it for no gain, lol. But it was my own fault, I was watching tv and wcing yews... That one only costed me 6m, my new one is 15m, so it sits in my bank while I wc now. :P




Indexed Picture 1

Indexed Picture 2


Killed my maxed Zerker pure April 2010


Rebooting Runescape



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