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What you think of my idea?


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I thought of an idea for an update...




We all know the salve, is there to stop evil forces from the east breaking through into the main of runescape. I think that they should break through, and there should be a war on runescape. All of the east of the salve (such as the vampyres, undead things) against the rest of runescape (such as the white knights and black knights).




At the start of the war you should pick a side, and fight for that side. If you picked the evil, then you kill as many of the good forces as you can, and the opposite if you choose the good side.




The war would last for a set time (lets say a month).. and the further the evil forces get through runescape, the more they change and destroy it, turning runescape more evil.




For example, if everyone helped the evil side, and left the good side to fend forthemselves, the evil things from east of the salve could go through the whole of runescape, altering it. (slightly like the way your appearence changes if you've ever played the Xbox game Fable). ..destroying the buildings, killing the plants.. turning the tree's into dead/rotton trees etc.




After the set time, the war would end, and if the people say made it all the way to the start of the members area (west of fally) then that area would stay all evil.. and the monsters would stay, but killing them wouldn't remove them (that area would stay evil, and would be just like any other combat area). So effectivly, evil vampyres, leeches, shades etc could be all throughout runescape and not just to the east of the Salve.




Then which ever side wins.. either the good side keeps the forces to the east of the salve where they belong, or the evil side breaks free and progresses through the rest of runescape... all of the people who chose that side at the start of the war get prizes depending on how much they helped. For example, if the good side won, they would get prizes dependant on how many bad monsters they killed.




There could also be some new monsters created for it, suchg as more high level mosteres (such as KQ lvl or even the lvl 700+ equivelant) especially made for the war, to add some challenge to it. Obviously, the more of these higher level monsters you defeat, the better the rewards.




I think this could be a good idea.. activly letting players decide how the face of runescape changes.. for the better or for the worse. It would have to happen on just one or two worlds though because otherwise it would be difficult. and then the result of the war on them 2 worlds gets applied to all of the rest of the worlds changing them for everyone.




I know it's got a few flaws, but I'm kinda think about it now.. plus I sometimes find it hard to actually write my idea's down.. but let me hear what you think about my idea.

92/99 Fishing | 119/120 Combat | 92/99 Firemaking | 94/99 Fletching | 1878/1900 Total | 85/85 Slayer | 80/80 Prayer



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i like the idea, but from wat i know bout programming and all, it would be very hard to keep track of like everything thing you kill and like calculate for the prizes and all. it could be done i guess, but it would be hard and take a long time.... nice idea tho

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Read the Behind the Scenes - April:




the biggest update this month will be Pest Control, a brand new player vs monster minigame. The Void Knights are a military order who have helped serve Guthix and his penchant for balance since the early 4th age. It is their job to ensure that the flux of good and evil that come through to Gielinor each day remains constant, but there are some beasts they find more difficult to accept than others. The portals they have found are nothing but pure evil, and so must be shut down at any cost. Protect the Void Knight from the invading hordes for 20 minutes or go and destroy their portals yourself while your friends rebuild the smashed barricades left behind you. With 6 new creature types and boats visiting the portals as soon as enough volunteers are available, we are confident this game will become a firm favourite for fans of cooperative gameplay.




Well i think it wont be the same as your idea (its quite a nice idea) :) , but when this update will come out, all of us can join forces to kill some agressive monsters! :)

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But his idea involves the entire world of RuneScape! Alas the Empire shall spread! *Star Wars empire music in background* Muhahahahaha! :twisted:




I'll go for Zammorak!

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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