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Messing around while bored.. ;)


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Lol so after walking around world 2 looking for freebies and messing around with people I come across this mod and he's like saying to people do this don't do that whatsoever. There's like so many people asking him things and stuff so I thought "oh well.. lets mess :P"








I run away so he's off minimap and add him and pm him








lol he got mad didn't reply anymore :P then i go to him and he's buying laws i think. I trade spam him for a while saying selling laws 1k ea til he left :D




Then I looked for another mod who asked me not to post pic here lol :lol: I did the same asked him to be my bf and he's like "im a guy" :S Im like omg me too be my bf please. Started "blow kiss" every1 around was saying "ewww" "gae" "fhag" so i reported all lol. Mr. Mod hopped :P with private on and i hopped again :P he then kindly asked me to stop so i did.






Lol thtsa my boring night in rs :roll:



If a turtle doesnt have a shell, is it naked or homeless ?

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im not breaking any rules k0m0d0.




now get back on makng buddies


:lol: Now that, is owned




Should I trow my self against the wall untill my blood forms his name in it?


Nahh, not worth.




Its sure that you dont even know what Sarcasm means Lucas. Poor you.


And seems that isnt me who will be making buddys, huh?! :wink:





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the title sounds like a dirty movie descrition "watch these two mess around while bored"




not that i watch anything like that "whistles"




here's some random fact - my lawn is so emo it cuts itself...




anyway its sorta like one of the refs at a bb game... player goes "can i get a T for thinking something?"




Ref goes "no"




Player says "then i think that call was a piece of $#1T"



New sigzor^^

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