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Shoot first, ask questions later?


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Generally interogation is the first step to take, right? But what about when you come across a rule-breaker in Runescape? If you find someone who is breaking a rule, it generally only takes you 2 seconds (4 if they have a long name) to report them, then sometimes inform them that they can kiss their pixel-butt goodbye.




But sometimes...I feel bad, because after informing someone that they have been reported, they explain, and sometimes I may have been mistaken. Unfortunately I can't really take my report back.




So...how do other people react? Do you think jumping to the report button imedietly is a good idea?

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It really depends how bad the rule-breaking was




If you see "**" dont immediatly report- take a look at what it is- the censor is kind over-protective sometimes- if they are item scamming maybe trade a second time to see if they just messed up on accident.




Like I said- it all depends- try to analyze the situation before reporting





Errr, *needs a sig*

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It really depends how bad the rule-breaking was




If you see "**" dont immediatly report- take a look at what it is- the censor is kind over-protective sometimes- if they are item scamming maybe trade a second time to see if they just messed up on accident.




Like I said- it all depends- try to analyze the situation before reporting






You shouldn't be reporting based off stars alone. Assume stars are literally what they are - stars. You shouldn't really be reporting if the situation isn't black and white. Obviously the report receivers are competent enough to judge well enough what happened, but you don't need to be in positions where you feel like you shouldn't have reported someone - in that case you probably report too often in the first place. If it's obviously reportable then report it. If it doesn't seem that bad, don't risk the reported person being unjustly banned.

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Obviously the report receivers are competent enough to judge well enough what happened, but you don't need to be in positions where you feel like you shouldn't have reported someone - in that case you probably report too often in the first place. If it's obviously reportable then report it. If it doesn't seem that bad, don't risk the reported person being unjustly banned.




Recent situations I've had weren't because of being report-trigger-happy.




Example1: I saw someone saying some really rude things in the middle of Varrock, and I honestly thought they were inexcusable, and reported immedietly. Then I discovered that someone else had told him to say those things for free armor. So really, the guy who was giving the free armor was breaking the rule (encouraging others to break rules) but I wasn't sure how to report that.




Example 2: I walked into a bank to find many people yelling at a guy for trying to scam (he was claiming to be selling a frog token). I reported the mess and then he spewed out that he didn't know it wasn't tradable, and logged. Now, if he was telling the truth, then I reported him falsely, but he could very well have been lying to try to keep out of trouble.

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I identify bots first before reporting them. Yes, bots don't respond. Usually their owners go somewhere else and let the macro thing do the rest.




75% of the time I have my public chat turned to friends...this always makes me scared that people are reporting me for being a bot.

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I always give people a warning before reporting them for rule-breaking, preferably by PM if possible, something along the lines of ' stop doing that or I'll report you' makes the point quite clearly. If they dont stop, I hit that button. I'll also put their name in my friends list for a while in case I come across them doing it again a few days later - if I do there's no second warning!

Why is 'common sense' so named, when there is so little of it about?

Welcome to puberty, we've been expecting you.


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75% of the time I have my public chat turned to friends...this always makes me scared that people are reporting me for being a bot.


Lvl3 mining rune ess alone? That's quite suspicious :/

[Admin Edit: Innapropriate Text in sig removed]

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75% of the time I have my public chat turned to friends...this always makes me scared that people are reporting me for being a bot.


Lvl3 mining rune ess alone? That's quite suspicious :/




Ya, I'm suspicious of level 3s in that default outfit, but I honestly don't know how to proove they are bots, so I ignore them (or wait for a random even to kill them).


I don't talk much, but I usually wear an odd outfit, like full rune or the frog princess with ammy and tiara, so I deffinately don't look like your traditional bot :P Hopefully no one has reported me :?

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That's not suspicious, as long as you are random like me. RC for 5 minutes, mining 5 minutes, craft 5 mins and so on.




Eh, I can get bored, but sometimes I'll continuously do one activity for 1-3 hours straight. I read forums though so I generally don't walk in a straight line :P And I get logged out a lot :lol:

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I only report people who for item scamming, armour trimming, password scamming, alt+f4 scamming and selling or trading accounts. Occasionally I am moved to report when a particularly vulgar and nasty individual persistently uses sexually explicit language in a derogatory manner regarding somebody's mother or sister. Racism doesn't bother me much, but I do realize that RS is predominantly a children's game, so I understand the need for political correctness. Sexism does bother me to a degree.




Generally I believe in free speech and I don't believe people should get into trouble for just typing some swear words, or being abusive in a non-sexual or racist way. When it gets too politically correct, you end up with a culture where little rule Nazi's use the system of reporting to entrap unsuspecting people of generally good nature into getting themselve's into trouble.

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I think we should give Jadex some credit. The way I see it, especially as far as autoers go, when someone's reported, Jadex watches them closely. They have ways (or so I've heard) of telling if someone's clicking the same pixel each time, or their clicks are timed perfectly apart, etc.


As for the other rules (scamming, abusive language, etc.) they can look at the snapshot and figure out what to do about it.

Youth ages, immaturity is outgrown; ignorance can be educated and drunkeness sobered, but stupid is forever.



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Shoot first, ask questions later?


Well...there are more American servers for a reason...




lol. gun control in runescape pl0x.




about autoers: jagex doesnt identiy autoers based on reports. their super special anti-macroing device allows them to monitor the actions of all players and they can tell when a suspiciously default-looking level 3 is clicking in the same place essence run after essence run.




on bad reports: if you think that someone is doing something wrong, then report them. jagex will not ban someone just because you thought that the stars that appeared when they typed were swear words. they make sure that there is genuine evidence before banning. granted, there is the odd case of what seems to be an unfair ban. jagex employees are human, after all.




bad language: this is a childrens game. in a previous jagex poll, it showed that the majority of rs users were youngish. thus, we shouldnt let bad language and censor abuse run rampant. we complain about the little kids in the game. just think about the affect our bad language is on them, and then ask why they are so bad in game. to the person who said that racism didnt bother them: well it should. we live in a modern society. you would think that we could live without racism. it states that racist comments are against jagex rules, so do report those making racist comments.




in general, if you think there is something suspicious going on, look into it, use your discretion, then report.

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Racism doesn't bother me much, but I do realize that RS is predominantly a children's game, so I understand the need for political correctness. Sexism does bother me to a degree.




Generally I believe in free speech and I don't believe people should get into trouble for just typing some swear words, or being abusive in a non-sexual or racist way. When it gets too politically correct, you end up with a culture where little rule Nazi's use the system of reporting to entrap unsuspecting people of generally good nature into getting themselve's into trouble.




I'll agree with that.

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I have acutally got reported for macroing when all I can do is type really fast.


The guy didn't even see my spelling mistakes every few lines and how I stop to talk to him when he told me that is was macroing.




Jagex sent me an e-mail telling me that I got blackmarked, I just kind of laughed, then died a little inside.

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The reason I generally get paranoid about talking to rule-breakers first is that occasionally they get smart. They take an unusually long time to answer you, and you lose your 60 second evidence of them breaking the rule.




I bet jagex can see more that 60 seconds. They could probably see any amount.

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i simply never report..its a waste of time


i mean..go too any yew spot there's a load auto'ers


try buy stuff in world 1...get one after the other scammer


mine in mining guild? well dont go there if u dont like autominers :P




i tried before too report..on about 200 reports i got 2 ppl banned


so just leave em



As a finishing touch,god created the dutch :)

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I report all marcoers, scammers (1000 type of item, then it turns to 100, "Jagex blocks ur pass *****-are the the ones I automatcily report).


Then if this guy's swearing like crazy (Catherby beach :roll: ) I report them.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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