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Essence update may not be all bad...


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We may have to adjust our normal money-making routines a tad, but this might not be the big deal everyone thinks it is.




F2Players: You might think demand for your normal ess will drop, causing prices to fall. However, put yourself in the shoes of a P2Player. If I'm low on elemental runes, I'm going to do one of two things:




1. Make them myself


2. Buy them from another player




Now, am I going to use my valuable Pure Ess to make simple elemental runes? No, I'm going to use the cheaper ess. Where do I have to go do buy that ess? A free world.




If I buy the elemental runes, am I going to buy them from a member, who probably used Pure Ess to craft them, thus charging more for them? Or am I going to buy them from a F2Player, who used normal ess and is charging a much more reasonable price?




All in all, this update will actually cause me to visit free worlds more, not less. The demand on F2P runes and normal ess (at least from me) will increase, due to the increase in prices for Pure Ess.




P2Players: Moneymaking just got a bit easier. With the increase in value for Pure Ess, those of you who make your money from Runecrafting can cut out a very lengthy part of the process. I for one won't be selling Nature Runes as much anymore. I can probably make a quicker profit just mining the Pure Ess and selling it. That's a lot less walking through the jungles or dodging abyss PKers.




This whole update can be win-win if we let it.

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please, there is already a topic of this, use the search button.


but, now we are busy: it's a good update (im f2p, so...)




Yes, a lot of useless whining topics about it. This is looking at things from a different angle.




If a Mod agrees with you and locks this. So be it.

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P2Players: Moneymaking just got a bit easier. With the increase in value for Pure Ess, those of you who make your money from Runecrafting can cut out a very lengthy part of the process. I for one won't be selling Nature Runes as much anymore. I can probably make a quicker profit just mining the Pure Ess and selling it. That's a lot less walking through the jungles or dodging abyss PKers.




This whole update can be win-win if we let it.


I don't really know about the f2p situation too well, but your example for p2p doesn't really hold too well. You're suggesting that instead of crafting natures to make money we instead just mine pure essence? Maybe I didn't read what you wrote right, because I don't understand what you mean by " those of you who make your money from Runecrafting can cut out a very lengthy part of the process," but I doubt anyone would mine essence for money instead of crafting nature runes. Mining any kind of essence is plain and simply as inefficient as it gets. If I'm going to be spending time on rs, I'm going to use that time wisely. It doesn't make sense to be mining essence if you can craft natures. The difference of gp you make per hour is huge.

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Yes it is such a great update, that I lost the vast majority of my gp. Now I'll have to make a tad adjustment and redo several years worth of work to earn my gp again[/sarcasm]




But of course after I struggle to regain my lost wealth, what's to stop Jagex from doing some other idiotic update which costs me everything I have again? How can I go on, knowing that Jagex is prone to destroy years of my work, when I have done nothing wrong?




This update has ruined me, and who knows how many other honest players under the guise of "stopping autoers". There are just as many autoers cutting yews, what are they going to do to stop them? Why not just delete all F2p accounts, that seems fair to me.




This update was so half-baked, they didn't even give a moments thought to people in my shoes, who stood to lose millions of hard earned gp. And now we have a handful of people touting it as such a great success.




How would you like it if you logged in to find the majority of your wealth, which took years to accumulate, was gone? Vanished, because Jagex decided to throw you a curveball, and now years of work just got flushed down the toilet.




I'll tell you how I feel about it, I feel cheated. I'm mad as hell, and here you are laughing it up, good show Jagex, fantastic job. Jagex has committed an act so vile, it's beneath contempt.

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Yes it is such a great update, that I lost the vast majority of my gp. Now I'll have to make a tad adjustment and redo several years worth of work to earn my gp again[/sarcasm]




But of course after I struggle to regain my lost wealth, what's to stop Jagex from doing some other idiotic update which costs me everything I have again? How can I go on, knowing that Jagex is prone to destroy years of my work, when I have done nothing wrong?




This update has ruined me, and who knows how many other honest players under the guise of "stopping autoers". There are just as many autoers cutting yews, what are they going to do to stop them? Why not just delete all F2p accounts, that seems fair to me.




This update was so half-baked, they didn't even give a moments thought to people in my shoes, who stood to lose millions of hard earned gp. And now we have a handful of people touting it as such a great success.




How would you like it if you logged in to find the majority of your wealth, which took years to accumulate, was gone? Vanished, because Jagex decided to throw you a curveball, and now years of work just got flushed down the toilet.




I'll tell you how I feel about it, I feel cheated. I'm mad as hell, and here you are laughing it up, good show Jagex, fantastic job. Jagex has committed an act so vile, it's beneath contempt.




You have to make the best out of a bad situtation. I feel sorry for you, really. But if you use that ess to make air and mind runes and then sell them, you can make that money back. I'm going to calculate how much in a few seconds.

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Yes it is such a great update, that I lost the vast majority of my gp. Now I'll have to make a tad adjustment and redo several years worth of work to earn my gp again[/sarcasm]




But of course after I struggle to regain my lost wealth, what's to stop Jagex from doing some other idiotic update which costs me everything I have again? How can I go on, knowing that Jagex is prone to destroy years of my work, when I have done nothing wrong?




This update has ruined me, and who knows how many other honest players under the guise of "stopping autoers". There are just as many autoers cutting yews, what are they going to do to stop them? Why not just delete all F2p accounts, that seems fair to me.




This update was so half-baked, they didn't even give a moments thought to people in my shoes, who stood to lose millions of hard earned gp. And now we have a handful of people touting it as such a great success.




How would you like it if you logged in to find the majority of your wealth, which took years to accumulate, was gone? Vanished, because Jagex decided to throw you a curveball, and now years of work just got flushed down the toilet.




I'll tell you how I feel about it, I feel cheated. I'm mad as hell, and here you are laughing it up, good show Jagex, fantastic job. Jagex has committed an act so vile, it's beneath contempt.




You have to make the best out of a bad situtation. I feel sorry for you, really. But if you use that ess to make air and mind runes and then sell them, you can make that money back. I'm going to calculate how much in a few seconds.




I could buy the same ess today for 1.86 million gp, so I'm still out a huge sum of money. Not to mention, how long would it take to craft 372 thousand ess?




How about I just trade you my ess for 2.3 million air runes. I mean since I'm not in that bad a situation, I'm sure you wouldn't mind trading places with me, would you?

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I didn't say you are not in a bad situation. You're in a horrible situation. However, you need to do something.




You say that you can make 2.3m air runes out of 372k ess?




2.3m air runes x 15gp each = 34,500,000gp, 11,500,000xp(if you do it all yourself), enough to get to level97 runecraft, even if you have no runecraft experience to start.




A huge profit. I achknowlege that it will take time to make all those runes, and i'm even willing to help you for free(if you trust me enough, I really need the exp).




Edit: I currently have 2k airs and I make 4 airs / ess. This means, that if you want, I will give you the 2k airs for 500 of your ess. I'll prob have more air runes tomorrow.

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Jagex should have at least give some warning to the players before putting in this update, since it has such a economic impact. Jagex had good intentions but fail miserably in finding a proper way to stop the microers without screwing the average honest player.




I was fortunate not to waste too much time on mining essence (im f2p so in my opinion rc is useless cuz you can't make nats) but like someone mentioned earlier, despite the fact of losing possible millions of gp you should look at the positives, 1) you lucky you didn't lose any real money like the people who invested in the tech bubble a few years back and other bogus companies like enron, 2) you never had 9 million dollars worth of essence to begin with (in accounting things are not valued until after they are sold) 3)now you know not to put all your eggs into one basket.




If you still feel upset about the essence update then use this situation your to say convince yourself to say goodbye to runescape for good.



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If you still feel upset about the essence update then use this situation your to say convince yourself to say goodbye to runescape for good.




Duely noted. That is very heavily weighing on my mind.




It's very hard to quit something you've devoted so much time to. 5 skills at lvl 99, 5 more skills at or above 90, hours of merchanting and rune mining, I have so much invested in runescape, and now to just walk away because Jagex has proven themselves to be blithering idiots? It's probably the right move, but it's so hard to do.




I had such great plans and goals, but this update has smashed them. You can't get 99 smithing without millions of gp. I was working so hard to get the money to buy 99 smithing, but this update is like the death knell of hope.

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If you still feel upset about the essence update then use this situation your to say convince yourself to say goodbye to runescape for good.




Duely noted. That is very heavily weighing on my mind.




It's very hard to quit something you've devoted so much time to. 5 skills at lvl 99, 5 more skills at or above 90, hours of merchanting and rune mining, I have so much invested in runescape, and now to just walk away because Jagex has proven themselves to be blithering idiots? It's probably the right move, but it's so hard to do.




I had such great plans and goals, but this update has smashed them. You can't get 99 smithing without millions of gp. I was working so hard to get the money to buy 99 smithing, but this update is like the death knell of hope.






Wake up! This is a game! U are a living person! Runescape is a bunch of PIXELS! Bush is an IDIOT!




but seriously: " I was working so hard to get the money to buy 99 smithing" sounds a bit sad to me... "buying" skills is just not my cuppa tea. This game is supposed to be fun, not a life goal. Go out in RL and take a break on this GAME! I admire ambition, but I think you take this too serious. RS should be a game, not a time investment. You should be able to stop at all time. You say you invested so much...aren't you taking this a bit too far? Welcome back into reality, either quit whining, or quit RS!



Other data was removed when acoount got hacked...

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You're suggesting that instead of crafting natures to make money we instead just mine pure essence? Maybe I didn't read what you wrote right, because I don't understand what you mean by " those of you who make your money from Runecrafting can cut out a very lengthy part of the process," but I doubt anyone would mine essence for money instead of crafting nature runes.




Yup, low level nature runecrafting is more interesting then mining the essence yourself up to a price of ~120gp ea for rune essence - providing the higher runes don't change in price. If the production of pure essence is a lot lower then the demand, this update may even create higher runes' prices though, and thus allow for an even higher rune essence price as well.

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Yes it is such a great update, that I lost the vast majority of my gp. Now I'll have to make a tad adjustment and redo several years worth of work to earn my gp again[/sarcasm]




But of course after I struggle to regain my lost wealth, what's to stop Jagex from doing some other idiotic update which costs me everything I have again? How can I go on, knowing that Jagex is prone to destroy years of my work, when I have done nothing wrong?




This update has ruined me, and who knows how many other honest players under the guise of "stopping autoers". There are just as many autoers cutting yews, what are they going to do to stop them? Why not just delete all F2p accounts, that seems fair to me.






This update was so half-baked, they didn't even give a moments thought to people in my shoes, who stood to lose millions of hard earned gp. And now we have a handful of people touting it as such a great success.




How would you like it if you logged in to find the majority of your wealth, which took years to accumulate, was gone? Vanished, because Jagex decided to throw you a curveball, and now years of work just got flushed down the toilet.




I'll tell you how I feel about it, I feel cheated. I'm mad as hell, and here you are laughing it up, good show Jagex, fantastic job. Jagex has committed an act so vile, it's beneath contempt.




You have to make the best out of a bad situtation. I feel sorry for you, really. But if you use that ess to make air and mind runes and then sell them, you can make that money back. I'm going to calculate how much in a few seconds.




he might be the one who is merchandising rune ess or the controller of those autoers. btw, if u r a member, all ess will go straight to pure not oridinary ess. thus, u hv nothing to lose.



41 att, 1 def and 1 prayer

F2P for life

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he might be the one who is merchandising rune ess or the controller of those autoers. btw, if u r a member, all ess will go straight to pure not oridinary ess. thus, u hv nothing to lose.




They key word here being if you were a member. I have never been a member, and so I have lost very much indeed. My ess were not converted, and thus dropped in value overnight.

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You might think demand for your normal ess will drop, causing prices to fall. However, put yourself in the shoes of a P2Player. If I'm low on elemental runes, I'm going to do one of two things:




1. Make them myself


2. Buy them from another player




Now, am I going to use my valuable Pure Ess to make simple elemental runes? No, I'm going to use the cheaper ess. Where do I have to go do buy that ess? A free world.







not so true.have u no tread the entire update?it says if u are p2p u will RANDOMLY get pure or normal ess. so members may be getting normal ess than pure



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"It has been brought to our attention that some free players who used to be members have had their essence converted into pure essence which they now can't use.


Don't worry, we are aware of this and are working to fix it. In next week's update we will make it so that whilst free players can't mine any more pure essence they can however still use/trade any which was automatically converted.




If you haven't already read it, then please see the previous news post entitled Rune Essence adjustment for more details on the Rune Essence changes."




I am a little confussed about this update ... it is not clear if you can still buy ess from free players then log into a members world and have it already converted into pure ess on a regular basis ... if so I have nothing to worry about and this update wont ruin my business with my friends in the free worlds :?:

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This update has ruined me...




... Jagex has committed an act so vile, it's beneath contempt.




Lim, please know that due to many of your previous posts, you've earned a certain level of respect from me. That's why I hope you don't find what I have to say condescending.




An update on a video game, no matter how much it depreciates the value of in-game items, will never "ruin" anyone since the decision to play the game is purely voluntary.




As for Jagex, it is their game. As long as the updates affect everyone, it can be considered fair. If everyone is given the same disadvantage, nobody is disadvantaged.




In the short term it may seem like a devastating blow to the RS Economy, but I'm curious to find out what this will mean long term.




I have a feeling the players of RS are resilient enough to bounce back and adapt in such a way as to make this update - maybe not a good thing, but - not as bad as everyone thinks it will be.

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Dr. elephant, im happy to say i couldn't agree with you more...


you are one person who i have seen in alot of posts that help people and you have good ideas, for that i respect you




this is a very important idea and should be stressed because many people are whining and crying because "jagex is ruining runescape, jagex destroyed my buisness, jagex stole my lunch money" :lol:




many people do not realize that this will boost f2p's economy and help us, not destroy f2p completly...

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It is destroying f2p!!!


members have almost no need of basic runes aymore, they use staffs, and if they need they gonna buy normal ess from us, thats whright...


But the autoers wont stop minenng ess... why should they? And they will offer loads off es son low prices, and noobs like me are doomed.


i'm a ess merchanter and i bought 2 days be4 update for 70K ess...


now im stuck with that crapy normal rune ess and members dont ned them anymore.

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It is destroying f2p!!!


members have almost no need of basic runes aymore, they use staffs, and if they need they gonna buy normal ess from us, thats whright...


But the autoers wont stop minenng ess... why should they? And they will offer loads off es son low prices, and noobs like me are doomed.


i'm a ess merchanter and i bought 2 days be4 update for 70K ess...


now im stuck with that crapy normal rune ess and members dont ned them anymore.




I'll make the same offer to you I made to Lim(since he seems unintersted in my offer). However, I would be loseing a lot of money if I were to do it for free. Now, I make 4 air runes an essence, but when you give me the ess, you're going have to pay me like I make 3 runes per essence.




Example: I can make 1000 air runes with 250 ess. So I don't take any losses in time and money, you'll have to pay me 333 ess.




That is, if you want ot take my deal.

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Thanks utter492.




It is destroying f2p!!!


members have almost no need of basic runes aymore, they use staffs, and if they need they gonna buy normal ess from us, thats whright...


But the autoers wont stop minenng ess... why should they? And they will offer loads off es son low prices, and noobs like me are doomed.


i'm a ess merchanter and i bought 2 days be4 update for 70K ess...


now im stuck with that crapy normal rune ess and members dont ned them anymore.




Count me as one member who will be in the market for normal ess. I can only use one staff at a time and since many spells require multiple elemental runes, I'm going to need to keep up a supply of all of them.




I certainly am not going to be wasting my valuable Pure Ess on lowly elemental runes, so what used to be rare trips to free worlds will now become quite common as I buy normal essence from my free-playing counterparts.




Maybe the price of normal ess will decrease, but the demand surely won't.

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