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Everything posted by reversal

  1. Thanks to all those who posted ^_^ V LOL, don't tempt me armybuilder because I have considered doing that. Thanks eyetouch. I see that you own a white phat. I have considered a goal of getting a white phat but that is might be outrageous because it's just really hard to make any money on f2p =(. But a guy can always dream!
  2. Hi all just wanted to post my greatest achievement in RS. I finally achieved 99 smithing entirely while being an f2p player. Been a player since RSC back in 01. Never got a chance to pick up any rares either because either I wasn't playing at the time or peoplewouldn't bother sharing how they got them or I just gave up caring. The path to 99 smithing was tedious, boring, yet inspiring, lucky, and very profitable at different times. Nonetheless I'm happy that I stuck with it. ^_^ Earliest RS memory was when Bluerose13x (sp) was smithing and she made me mith plate with my bars when she was just around lv 70 smithing at the time. Anyhow, here's my oldest pic of my bank back in Nov 4 06. Here's a bank pic back in Dec 5 06. This pic is special because of the following pic. I was browsing the Tips forum and found a guy selling Santa Hats for 13 mil when they were worth much more at that time. I quickly log in game and got very lucky. The Date was Dec 6 06. That's me on the right. Jan 17 07 Bank A special moment back in Feb 07 when I got PMod status. Unfortunately I'm no longer a PMod cuz I was inactive for a period of time and Jagex at the time was having its Pmods register their accounts with emails but since I didn't I was stripped of PMod =(. My last recorded bank before I went inactive. May 14 07. I was on and off between 07 and 09. Came back Late Nov 09. Current Bank Lastly my stats Thanks for Reading !
  3. Hi I decided to join in and throw in my 2 cents. First of all I'm an f2p and I hate price manipulators. Here are my reasons why: As stated above, people who use the GE are being taken advantage. That fact in itself is enough to pissed people off. Pursuing self interest is generally not bad and it should be encourage because we live in a democratic society. What the self interest is dictates whether it is frown upon, IE Tiger Woods' current situation. As for not wanting to "waste my time" statement , I'm a lv 97 smither and I've been playing RS since 01 with about 3-4 yr off. I recently estimated that I've spent an equivalent of about 71 days of my life lving up my smithing skill as independently as possible. I'm also a lv 87 miner who has only powermined for about 30k xp. By being as self-sufficient as possible I've accumulated an insane bank for any f2per, currently 211 million in bank worth. However I admit that I had some help and it reasonable to say that with any goal going to lv 99 the help of others is required. What my beef with price manipulators is that they act like a middle man who don't do any work except for the seconds required to put in an order at the GE. They take a cut of the money off of the hardworking people for doing almost no work. With how the GE works and trade limits as they are, it seems as if they have a monopoly on the resources and could charge max prices because they have the consumers at their mercy. Back in the old days where merchants were able to make money independently without the aid of others. They were only able to influence their own prices because of the volumes they were operating with. The convenience they offered to consumers like me usually warranted the high prices, though I still frown upon them usually tried to buy supplies from the workers directly. Demand is not manipulation. Here's this point I want to about supply and demand. As we all know the general rule of supply and demand says that the market should reach an equilibrium. When one factor is rising, the other factor is pulled to restore equilibrium. However with price manipulators the shifts in the market are so sudden that no equilibrium can be establish thus consumer get taken advantage of. With most merchant clans today the new recruits are often taken advantage of and that explains why such clans are so active in recruitment because they need a fresh batch of suckers every time. IE the fellow in the tips market forum trying to buy brass keys. However not all items follow the previous example of a volatile price index. For example rune ores prices have been steadily been increasing. Reasons for this increase? Definitely not because there has been an steady increase of high lv smithers but because of price manipulators. Because of these high prices you would think that there should be an equal pull for miners to mine rune ores for these higher prices. No. That is because human nature is to take the path of least resistance and why should any player put in the time and effort to do such a task to earn money when you can simply become a price manipulator themselves. A prices manipulators have another drawback, one not readily seen. Because of the exaggerated promised of wealth of being a merchant, more and more people are trying their hand at it. This is bad for two reasons. This is creating the mindset of being lazy for maximum returns. Because merchant clans are the current fad, it's drawing mostly f2p players to them and away from what they do best, gathering resources. Also I accuse some merchant clans purposely luring in your average f2per (teenage guy) in to take advantage of. For example, gold bars. In my perspective they are generally low demand and high supply because of the great smithing xp that is obtained from smelting them. Crafting gold bars are not economical so most members try to sell them. By tricking f2pers into buying them at max, such members (not all, just the SOBs) minimizes their losses. For f2pers to get screwed over and over by these clans and others, Jagex is potentially losing players and customers. For P2p who want a fair level playing field, they probably end up playing some other mmorpg.
  4. I'm have been an f2p player ever since rs opened and have been playing on and off. I am currently almost lv 99 smithing and it would be great to get a skill cape. however I have no intention of joining p2p because of the disrespectful attitudes some p2p players and the addictive nature of rs. however if given the opportunity to purchase the ability to wear a skills cape on f2p i'd be more than happy to do so. and to coincide with this feature, p2p members who gone back to f2p should automatically be able to wear their skill capes as they please without having to pay for this feature. lastly skill capes are about accomplishments and not about who's p2p or f2p.
  5. IMO, don't smelt 150k steel bars. I've personally have smelted around 50k. Not sure exactly but after a while I lost track of them. I'm a lv 94 smither and a lot of my smithing xp was done through smelting steel, addy and rune. If you still are smelting 150k steel bars then consider this. Assuming you do 400 bars a hour (based on my experience) it will take you 375 hours to complete this task. If you were working full time, 40 hours a week, it will take u about 9 weeks to do. If you are still determined to do it then I salute you. =D>
  6. 1 Sarcasm. 2 For f2p they would be if my idea was implemented. 3 Most that I've met are and those that aren't are still on my friend's list. They'll complain because skills just became harder to train. That's the only reason why they would flame and whine to jagex. 4. To be good at an argument, one must see both sides. If members are as annoying as you think I think they are then I should have stopped playing rs. Four of the longest friends I have on rs are members. I'm simply stating my experience when doing business with p2p players. Also it is uncommon for a p2p to show any sympathy f2pers, so I consider you as an exception. 5. I find reading your argument difficult to read. If you haven't noticed the macroers are getting worst. Either more people are cheating at rs and creating a higher demand for rs gold, or more people are using macroers to cheat or macroers are being replaced at a faster rate than jagex can ban them. Cycle goes: macro sends resources to players, macro sends gold to gold farmer, gold farmer sells rs gold to players for real life cash and repeats itself. Which component would you remove and how would you eliminate that it to break this cycle? The only other way that I can think of resolving this situation is if any p2p player is caught buying rs gold then not only do they lose their account they get a $500 fine.
  7. Never stated nor was implying that it was a crime. But it is with almost absolute certainty when you see someone selling 20k yews it's a fairly safe assumption that macroing was involved. Elaborate pls? If my idea was to be implemented this moment I stand to lose around 9 million dollars. Now if were f2p for any significant period you should know all to well how hard it is to make money. I rather lose that money then to continue being sneered at by arrogant, egotistical p2p players. Them = macros? I'm lost as to what you're going on with this. If macroers are unwilling to make p2p accounts then is sounds like you said they'll make f2p accounts. No they would not because there's no point because they will have no one to sell to, especially yews. In my previous posts I stated that all resources collected in f2p worlds can only sold to f2p players. If an f2per becomes a member then same rule applies. If the new member say for example takes his ores and smiths them into bars, then he's able to sell them to p2p players. The only significant impact would be an explosion in the number of yew macroers. Other than that there shouldn't be any other change in p2p. Already got macroers fishing sharks and mining pure ess so things are already at a low concerning p2p macroer issues. Also players buying rs gold shows you how pathetic some people are wiling to cheat at a virtual game. Beside most probably p2p buys yews harvested from macroers anyway so I'm just simplying suggest that the macroes go to p2p worlds.
  8. It's because most p2p would rather buy supplies from lv3 chars which get their resources from their macro accounts. It just reaffirms that most p2p are lazy and will obvious never want to work harder than they have to. Unlike p2p, f2p players have hardly any choice when it comes to resource collection. Also it's a crime for any p2p that has to work harder than they should. It seems training for 99 skills don't require balls anymore. Yes f2pers are the majority of the working class in rs or at least on the lower end. If all macroers were gone, then f2pers would get better pay for their resources. I always see p2p coming on f2p worlds ripping off f2p players. I hate the fact that when it comes to yews, f2pers are p2p's bi0tches. I'm sure if Jagex did find a fool proof way to get rid of macroers, the majority of p2p will [bleep] and cry about how much harder it is to train their skills. If you're gonna cry about it then you probably don't deserve it. When has a respectable professional player ever whined and complained about how hard it is to win a championship? Also where did i say that macroers are the only suppliers of the free world? F2pers can not match the amount of resources produced by 24/7 autoers and gold farmers that get paid pennies to play. There are already p2p autoers/ gold farmers so I sure they can afford to make more. And if there's a chance they can't, then it's a point for rs. No, yew f2p autoers will go extinct, most f2p lob autoers will die off since there will no longer be as many buyers going for 99 cooking. Lastly ess autoers are less of a problem. Most f2p players are too poor to make any money on rc so most would just mine the ess themselves.
  9. Then fletching may be more of a respectable skill cape goal than it is now. If what others have said is true then the f2p macroers would just move onto p2p worlds and thus the supply will stay the same. What difference then would it make to most p2p players who simply buy their supplies. True. But one 5 sec report from a player can lead to banning a macroer, autoer that spent hours to lv up and $5 for membership. If jagex was efficient in banning p2p macroers and gold farmers then my point would make sense but I see where you're going. Ditto, just showing my thoughts. The obvious. Before the pure essence update. P2P really only had autoers at catherby and the flax fields. Now they are EVERYWHERE! Maybe it did do something, maybe it didn't. I guess it depends which way you look at it. It depends on how u look at it. If i remember correctly you used to see a non stop parade of lv3s mining ess on f2p worlds. Comparing then and now it shows that there was some improvement as a result of the pure ess. The fact that people adapted, macroers adapted and jagex wasn't forces to undo pure ess shows that the change was a success.
  10. 1)Supply and Demand I'm gonna have to throw an economics textbook at the next person who complains about the price. Look it up in wikipedia. 2)It just shows how unwilling p2p players are to collect resources. 600 ea per yew is almost twice as what it is now. Wouldn't that tempt more p2p players to cut and sell yews. 3)P2p wannabe mods have more autoers to report. 4)If enough autoers, gold farmer get banned and banned again to the point where it's no longer practical to sell rs gp then they will quit. 5)Autoers invasion of p2p is as much as a concern to me as f2p bank space is to you. 6)Gold farmers get gold to sell to players by selling their macroed goods to players.
  11. As I stated earlier, supply and demand. If i see 5 players selling me 10k yews it would make sense that I would buy from the player offering the cheapest price. Also I heard that jagex bans macroers faster on p2p than on f2p. If Jagex bans more macroers, then more new p2p macroers daily thus more money for Jagex.
  12. Pure/Normal ess is the basis for the model. Also why can't f2p use what they collect? As an f2per myself I refuse to wc because of the macros and because it's a resource I can't use. First of all in economics there's the law of supply and demand. When the f2p yew macros disappear, cost of yews will indeed skyrocket. However these high prices will then lure more p2p players into cutting yews and selling them. If enough p2p cut them then the market will stabilize. However, if the market doesn't then it just shows you how much p2p would rather do other things then do repetitive tasks like gathering supplies. I hate how a large number of members come to a f2p world to take advantage of noob labour. F2p autoers would make even less money. Why? The f2p economy will solely be based on smithing, mining, fishing and pking. Most of the money in RS is in p2p hands. With that, f2p skillers are not going to be able to afford high prices that you project autoers can have. For example, addy bars before summer were 2k ea, mid summer was 4k ea because of the high p2p demand for bolts. Take out the p2p element and f2p prices for materials will drop.
  13. I lost at least 1 mil from being scammed. If i were to scam and get caught I would lose 100+ mil and my char which I spent 2 yrs lving.
  14. The resources are still usable but you just can sell them to p2p, only f2p. I'm sure jagex can put the code regarding people switching between f2p and p2p. Should be the same coding that tells p2p players u can't trade p2p items in f2p worlds. Add coding that says f2p resources can't be traded in p2p worlds.
  15. Make all resources collected in f2p worlds only usable in f2p worlds. Therefore resources such as yews, rune ess, raw lobbies, ores, and any other resources will not be able to be consumed by p2p players. It is without a doubt that p2p players are the biggest consumer of resources. It is because of p2p players that macroers, gold farmers exist. For example if such a rule was in effect there would not be a single yew macro/gold farmer cutting yews the next day. Why? Because yews have no value in f2p worlds. Jagex has the game set up so that f2p yew cutters can't even use their yews in a useful way (firemaking is useless in f2p). For example if a player mines ores to make up addy bars they become a member, they still will not be able to sell these ores to another member. However if they were to smelt the ores into addy bars then they will be able to sell to another member. Perspectives: F2p yew cutters go extinct and f2p miners will be hit with price cuts. P2P yew cutters and miners will get slightly higher prices for their supplies. I am aware of the financial chaos that would occur if such a rule was in place. As I miner/smither i will stand to lose millions but i would rather lose millions than to have macros/gold farmers in game and p2p players ripping off f2p.
  16. Let's look at things from a Jagex perspective: Hypothetically speaking there are 20 Jmods, 6k Pmods. So for every Jmod they have to take care of 300 Pmods. On each day say there are 150 of those pmods active and they send in 2 reports each so 300 reports in total. Every report takes 1 mins to evaluate and act upon and thus will take 5 hrs to complete. Now this does not even include the thousands of reports that the average player sends in. My point is both Jmods and Pmods are overworked and underappreciated. Jmods try to find the ideal players but they are hard to come by. Sure it's not a perfect system and no recruiting system will ever be. If you make a positive difference in RS then hopefully you'll be rewarded with mod, but don't be a mod for the sake of being one because mods like those are useless.
  17. Fine I'll be willing to pay $0.10 a month for the ability to wear a skill cape. Out of all the features letting f2p players wear skill capes would hardly cause any effect to the p2p world. Besides Almost all non-combat skills in f2p are useless to train to 99 anyway. Personally I would like one but it will make no difference to me as a f2p player. I would rather have 4 more bank spaces than a skill cape any day.
  18. To further elaborate, in both instances i did talked with it over with a jmod and apologized. I do not regret it because if another similar situation occurs I would have to be quick to use the ignore function or else the temptation may be fulfilled once more. If jagex enforces a 100% accuracy with mute reports then therefore muting the two players disqualifies me and then I accept the consequences of my actions even if I get demodded. I'm not p2p, I've always been f2p and I can ensure you that with the majority of younger players being f2p the tendency of abusive behavior is higher than in p2p. If i'm being verbally abused chances are the offending player would be abusive to others. By temporarily muting them it may save other players some grief and perhaps encourage the offending player to see the error in his behavior though most would probably be like "ZOMG, damn pmod, damn jagex for picking such ***** pmods." If abusive behavior can be clearly identified I sure it would be added as a rule. Jagex's code of conduct states that they wish all players to treat others with the respect they wish to be treated with. By my example if I'm abusive then I accept being muted too. I may not be happy about it but it's my own fault. Therefore I will refrain from being abusive to prevent my freedom being taken away again. Lastly my previous post was meant for the author of the topic.
  19. Yes it does, thanks for confirming the fact that there is a problem with the current system when scumbags like you get nominated. I think you missed my point. 2 Bad reports among a few hundred really makes me unfit to be a mod? Say I should be removed as mod for actions which only amount to less than 1% of my total actions? You only know that part of me and already I'm a scumbag. He without sin cast the first stone buddy. I did feedback from Jagex and they showed patience and mercy. These two morons acted disrespectful to me in such a way I've never been treated before in rs. Surely in such cases the ignore list would be the appropriate action but I was provoked in such a way it didn't seem fair to take the uncalled for abuse. You acted like an [wagon] then you should be prepared for an [wagon] kicking. People act like morons online because they can get away with it. Jagex strives to have a 90% percent and higher accuracy when in comes to reporting. Also what about the rest of my post? It seems you only focused on the part which was for your side of the argument. If I'm really unfit to be mod then by all means, it is your duty to send in complaint to jagex to have me de-modded. If not then quit complaining about this situation if you are not going to fight to improve it.
  20. 1) Runescape is still going so it seems that the current mods are doing fine. 2) Bad things are always overblown out of proportion. There's always someone posting/complaining about some great injustice yet rarely does anyone ever mention anything about the kindness of others. 3) People have beefs with mods and vice versa. Mods have it worst because of the extra responsibilities they have. Mods have to report rule breakers, help others, deal with harassment, other mod responsibilities, and lastly play the game itself. 4) If there rogue mod out there then crucify him and not the whole mod community with him. Instead of starting argument on forums send in a complaint, though the handful of jagex mods probably get thousands of them daily and may not resolve the issue. 5) I'm a pmod and on two occasions I muted two players without actually breaking a jagex rule. I don't regret muting them either. Also people should be aware that their actions will be accompanied by the appropriate consequences. Two unjust muting amongst the hundreds of reports that i've filed to jagex hardly makes me an abusive mod. If it does then may the hand of Jagex smite me. 6) All mutings and bannings are first reported by pmods and then are confirmed by jmods. Do like it then take it up with the jmods.
  21. Doesn't adding someone to ur ignore list also blocks out their trades? I thought it did.
  22. stopped playing for 2 months. started up again and continued lving up smithing. sold one of my santas and apparently due to inflation, my bank value went up in value. enjoy the new pic!
  23. I will politely say no. confidential: something to keep secret. disclosed: to show.
  24. They only sell them for so high because some people are willing to pay that much for it. Some: being two or three rich noobs that are careless with their cash. And, here's the proof that it's within the rules (as sad as it is): Note the bolded part. Because JaGeX wants this game to remain capalist propaganda (from the Chinese official viewpoint), they are unwilling to set maximum prices. And this is sensible. (I'd still like to see those selling charcoal for 50k to get chewed out.) Paying 100k for a polished button a scam? Try debating that with the several people who've bought it and later finding out that it's worthless. Here' a theory, scammer are poor and lazy. Wants to find a quick way to earn cash. Goes on search engine and finds a site offering quick rich schemes. Moral of the story? Scammer are not original and most likely went to a site which offers unethical ways of acquiring cash. Probably the same site offering damn autotypers. Solution, report all such sales of useless items.
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