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How to spot someone using a macro


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Probably this subject has been posted before. Howver, in the current circumstances (jagex changing essence) and a conversation I have just had with a group of people (who didn't know how to detect a macroer), I feel that this ought to be raised.




So, how do you spot a macroer? Check the following :




1) Lev 3 combat wearing nasic clothing




2) Always uses the same spot




3) Follows EXACTLY and PERFECTlY the same route back to the bank




4) NEVER runs




5) Ignores random events




6) Character names are in the form xxxxx1, xxxxx2 etc, eg. fred1, fred2, etc.




Just watch the suspect and see if more than 1 of the above applies. If it does REPORT the character using the Report Abuse button. Don't be afraid to do it - if the charcter is genuine they won't get banned, as Jagex has ways of obtaining proof.

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i have done a experiment in non members doing almost thos same things and i got called a autoer like a millin times. (just so u know i WAS NOT usig a autoer




yeah but you acted like one.. (on purpose)... so obviously your going to be called an autoer.

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1) Lev 3 combat wearing nasic clothing WRONG,can be higher lvl..




2) Always uses the same spot WRONG..can use different spots




3) Follows EXACTLY and PERFECTlY the same route back to the bank




4) NEVER runs..WRONG again..saw many of them running




5) Ignores random events WRONG some do talk to randoms




6) Character names are in the form xxxxx1, xxxxx2 etc, eg. fred1, fred2, etc. WRONG..can be any name




there..nice guide u have here lol :roll:



As a finishing touch,god created the dutch :)

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1) Lev 3 combat wearing nasic clothing WRONG,can be higher lvl..




2) Always uses the same spot WRONG..can use different spots




3) Follows EXACTLY and PERFECTlY the same route back to the bank




4) NEVER runs..WRONG again..saw many of them running




5) Ignores random events WRONG some do talk to randoms




6) Character names are in the form xxxxx1, xxxxx2 etc, eg. fred1, fred2, etc. WRONG..can be any name




there..nice guide u have here lol :roll:




well lets see.. they were higher then lvl 3, they run, respond to randoms, and use different spots.


did NASA make that autoer? :roll:

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1) Lev 3 combat wearing nasic clothing WRONG,can be higher lvl..




2) Always uses the same spot WRONG..can use different spots




3) Follows EXACTLY and PERFECTlY the same route back to the bank




4) NEVER runs..WRONG again..saw many of them running




5) Ignores random events WRONG some do talk to randoms




6) Character names are in the form xxxxx1, xxxxx2 etc, eg. fred1, fred2, etc. WRONG..can be any name




there..nice guide u have here lol :roll:

You don't need to be so negative. Just because you don't agree with him doesn't mean he's wrong. Lighten up.
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1) Lev 3 combat wearing nasic clothing WRONG,can be higher lvl..




2) Always uses the same spot WRONG..can use different spots




3) Follows EXACTLY and PERFECTlY the same route back to the bank




4) NEVER runs..WRONG again..saw many of them running




5) Ignores random events WRONG some do talk to randoms




6) Character names are in the form xxxxx1, xxxxx2 etc, eg. fred1, fred2, etc. WRONG..can be any name




there..nice guide u have here lol :roll:


well lets see.. they were higher then lvl 3, they run, respond to randoms, and use different spots.


did NASA make that autoer? :roll:


Check out the fishing guild. Those things are possible. :wink:

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1) Lev 3 combat wearing nasic clothing WRONG,can be higher lvl..




2) Always uses the same spot WRONG..can use different spots




3) Follows EXACTLY and PERFECTlY the same route back to the bank




4) NEVER runs..WRONG again..saw many of them running




5) Ignores random events WRONG some do talk to randoms




6) Character names are in the form xxxxx1, xxxxx2 etc, eg. fred1, fred2, etc. WRONG..can be any name




there..nice guide u have here lol :roll:


well lets see.. they were higher then lvl 3, they run, respond to randoms, and use different spots.


did NASA make that autoer? :roll:


Check out the fishing guild. Those things are possible. :wink:






:o :shock: . coolio!

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1) Lev 3 combat wearing nasic clothing WRONG,can be higher lvl..




2) Always uses the same spot WRONG..can use different spots




3) Follows EXACTLY and PERFECTlY the same route back to the bank




4) NEVER runs..WRONG again..saw many of them running




5) Ignores random events WRONG some do talk to randoms




6) Character names are in the form xxxxx1, xxxxx2 etc, eg. fred1, fred2, etc. WRONG..can be any name




there..nice guide u have here lol :roll:




I didn't write this to get flamed. It is intended to enable people to spot a potential macroer using a simple macro, which is the most common. I agree that there are more complex macros, but if you watch one long enough a pattern will emerge. Howevr, basically these people are after a quick buck and so will normally use simple macros doing very simple repetative tasks.




As a programmer by trade I could quite easily develop macros that would be extremely difficult to detect. Howevr, I would not, as I use RS as a diversion away from the pressures of work, and like to join in with the spirit of the game.

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yup. nice guide you have there. i consider myself a "professional auto detecter and reporter extrorinaire!", so i find myself in concurrance with that most astute assertation (i just wanted to say that today :) ) although if i were to make an autoer (which i wouldent. i deplore those reprehensible cheaters), i would find a macro that would randomize times and other stuff to make it harder. i am sure "brave" here knows much morea bout this that i, because i onley dabble a bit in ti-83 basic and a little VB, so i dont knw anyting about programming.




i follow the autoers and try to talk to them. if they "happen" to stand there for awhile after wcing their tree down, then they are also normally a macorer.




its fun that while wcing yews in egeville, iof there is an autoer there (which is sooo easy to spot...) then he/she will get reported by everyone there. its fun!


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