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making tuna potatos... HELP!


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  • [*:3l8b2ee8] Get a potato, and cook it
    [*:3l8b2ee8]Use pat of butter with potato (butter can be got from churning milk)
    [*:3l8b2ee8]Get a bowl, a knife, a cooked tuna, and a cooked sweetcorn
    [*:3l8b2ee8]With the knife and bowl in your inventory, use the sweetcorn with the bowl
    [*:3l8b2ee8]Use the tuna with the bowl
    [*:3l8b2ee8]Use the topping with the potato and butter.




I think that's it, from what I can remember

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Its funny how so many people don't know about tuna and potatoes. People are always buying sharks and if I trade them tuna potatoes, they just laugh and call me a noob.




What is the price for tuna potatoes? I usually sell them for 1200.


- Affliction - 100 Combat - 9/15/06

Merchant / Skiller


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I firstly spend a half-hour or so harpooning in Catherby to get my tuna stocks up. Then I do a few farming cycles at the Ardougne allotment, growing sweetcorn (plus limps and herbs). While you're waiting for your sweetcorn to grow you can milk the nearby dairy cow and churn the milk into butter, pick and bake the nearby potatos and thieve the master farmer for more seeds.




Then, once I have a good number of sweetcorn (roast them on the way back to the bank from the allotment) I load up my inventory so that I have a knife, some other piece of padding and then 13 bowls and 13 tunas. Line them up in your inventory such that you have one of each in the bottom right corner (similar setup as for power-fletching). and use the tunas on the bowls. BE VERY CAREFUL NOT TO EAT THE TUNA OR THE SWEETCORN. Once you've finished, you have 13 bowls of tuna, open up the bank again and withdraw 13 sweetcorns. Repeat the using process so that you have 13 bowls of tuna and sweetcorn, withdraw another 13 empty bowls, bank the full ones and you can withdraw 13 tunas. Rinse, repeat.




Once you've made all your mixtures do the same thing for potatos and butter. withdraw 14 of each and just click butter, then click potato. (you don't have to worry about eating the butter, just the potatos - but they're dead easy to obtain).




Once you've buttered all your potatos then you can withdraw your buttered potatos and bowls of mixture in batches of 14 and use the toppings on the potatos.




Happy cooking.

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I managed to sell 600 of them for 2.5k each, a few days after they came out. Nowadays, I can't find any buyers at all, at any price. They always seem to think I'm selling tuna, sweetcorn, and potatoes separately :?

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