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well im really just posting this because its so Frigen annoying to have to keep repeating it.








Pixel sigs are done in MS Paint (Microsoft Paint) or just Paint, almost all computers have it so you dont have to download/buy it. There drawn pixel by pixel (a pixel is each one of those tiny little squares). They can be in many different styles, depending on how detailed/cartooney they are. Correct me if im wrong, but usually the outline is done in black, and then the shading/colouring is filled in. They take a VERY long time to make.








Most people who like pixel sigs, like them because they are made 100 percent by the artist and not by some program.








Im not even a pixel artist so im not quite sure, if anyone wants me to add something I will.








Can we get this stickied or something because it is getting REALLY REALLY REALLY ANNOYING.








Also if anyone has questions post them here too.

Lazyboy164 - 126 combat - 16 99's - 2215+ Total


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Also add that they need to be saved in .png for good quality and low file size. Formats like .bmp make huge file sizes, and .jpeg have a horrible image quality despite the low file size.








(Off topic-Lazy sorry I still don't have your avatar done, I hope by later tonight, tomorrow at the latest, had to go do stuff in RL so didn't have time until now)


Pixel sigs by me.

Pixel Art

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in what year does pixel sigs originate to :P




I made my own sigs since I joined sb, all except the bg done in ms paint ;)




but recently I have made commercially availible pixel sigs :P




so Ive made em since sometime in 2002/2003

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