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auto'ers , scammers, hackers...[longish read]


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I have been on tip.it quite some time now, and 60% of the posts i see are about..


- I have been hacked.


- I have been scammed


- omg.. look at the auto'ers.




I ask people to put a stop to this... For auto'ers , scammers , and hackers are a FACT (except for hackers but i will get to that later), we all know they are around and we all know we can do nothing about it.






JaGex has been try'ing their best to get writ of auto'ers because they ruin this game more then anything, even since runescape started they have been try'ing to fight auto'ers. And they fail everytime. this is not because JaGex is not smart enough to put a stop to them, this is because they software to operate these "auto'ers" are getting more and more advanced everytime. These auto'ers are being created by a large group of programmer's with almost if not more programming skill.




We know jagex made a drastic dessision affecting the Rune essense but this was because they were fedd up with it. These people put so much effort in making a game and it was a dream come true for Andrew to see he's game become so big and populated, he is really sad that there are people ruining it for him and people across the globe.


Secrevices must be made.






Scammers, the lazy people,


These are real people operating a "fake" or just normal character trying to get a few extra bucks from other people their grief.


These are infact not mean people, this are only just people who are never teached to do anything else, they started this game see'ing only "Selling rare black lobster" or "selling tile 100k" and other stupid things like that.


They think this is the ONLY way for them to make money.


JaGeX made the best solution they could for this problem, they made the second trade screen everyone who does not look closely into this screen has a chance to get scammed. this is not JaGeX fault or the scammers fault even, this is your own mistake! you fell for this and you pay the price, if something is too good to be true, trust me, then it is.....


Always watch the second trade screen for atleast 5 seconds to make sure!






Runescape CAN NOT be hacked.


The #1 reason this is so, is because runescape has its own programming language, and the only one knowing about this are the JaGeX staff.


runescape is mixed with the JAVA language, so there must be 1 crazy smart hacker to figure out how to actualy hack the source code of this game and whatever.


You people reffer to hacking whenever you log on and you're password has been changed or you are missing items.


this is 100% your fault.


The only way someone can have acces to your account is:


1. You have been stupid enough to type your password in any other site then runescape.com


2. You have given your password to a friend


3. You have downloaded an illigal program that would effect runescape.




These are the only options there are. you can not get a keylogger from just going to some random site, you could but Microsoft put a stop to this by making the internet programs extra secure.




JaGeX has made sure to put alot of security messages all around runescape and the site. if you only just took the time to read these and pay attention you will never ever get scammed or hacked.




Ansver's to some questions:




IP ban's are impossible because people will just use an IP spoofer wich will mask your IP adress and make it appear as something else.




The software used by auto'ers will never become public as they are too advanced and valueable, they are only used by sites that sell runescape gold ( these same people sell gold for real money for other games )




If you see an auto'er hit the REPORT button and report them, same goes for scammer.




and please, stop posting these things on the forum because they add no value to the community.




The end.

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Your asking us to do somthing that is built into are DNA, like not spamming.... are you sick dude?




Edit: "auto'ers , scammers, hackers..." don't spoil the game for me, they don't effect me at all but noob's ( not just low levels) effect me they get right under my skin, i just play the game you dont like that all peaple are talking about is the scammer auto'ers and hackers ( i use the term hackers loosly) as most of them couldn't hack there way out of a jam roll with a chainsaw but this i just another post about them!

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Runescape CAN NOT be hacked.


The #1 reason this is so, is because runescape has its own programming language, and the only one knowing about this are the JaGeX staff.


runescape is mixed with the JAVA language, so there must be 1 crazy smart hacker to figure out how to actualy hack the source code of this game and whatever.




Nothing at the Internet is 100% secure, not even our precious Runescape. It doesn't matter what language have they used to write the actual game, their databases are always vulnerable. If Jagex had somehow managed to make it impossible to hack, they would now swim in dollars, pounds, euros or whatever they wanted, instead of updating rs.




Anyways, Jagex has had a surprisingly good security. The loopholes haven't really caused any damage to the players. Also, most likely a good hacker wouldn't waste time (and risk being caught) just because of few party hat sets. Not even if they were sold at ebay for hundreds.



I'd rather die for what I believe in than live for anything else.

Name Removed by Administrator ~Turtlefemm

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You are right on that one, but do i really have to explain to people that it would not be worth for a hacker to go over months and months of trying to even get an string of text out of the jagex database so they get some lvl 60's password and take their rune scimmy?




Also, the security JaGeX has over their servers are 70% of the time not their's.. Hosts are forced to have solid security.




edit: ps: i did not make this post to talk about internet security and such.

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That was Rs1. Jagex had no idea of what they had to do about security back then. well they did know but little, they had 4 servers wich were all located in 1 country, if i remember correctly, runescape was back then a 4 man company?




now they learned from their mistakes, had money to hire proffesionals.


I just made the hacker comment to make clear to people that no living soul would ever attempt to hack runescape just to take THEIR items away.




But yes, i have to agree with you both on your reply's but still i stand my point :)

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Actualy the term hack means to gain unlawful access to a computer, file, or a game account etc. this can be done by any means, the process of tryping in random words to try and log on to a runescape account can be classed as hacking.

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hack1 ( P ) Pronunciation Key (hk)


v. hacked, hackÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâ÷ing, hacks


v. tr.






Informal. To alter (a computer program): hacked her text editor to read HTML.


To gain access to (a computer file or network) illegally or without authorization: hacked the firm's personnel database.






To write or refine computer programs skillfully.


To use one's skill in computer programming to gain illegal or unauthorized access to a file or network: hacked into the company's intranet.


To cough roughly or harshly.




Source : http://dictionary.reference.com




What you reffer to is : guessing. not hacking.

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Ok, Runescape's server packets are encrypted, but that doesn't mean RS isn't written in java. Just as all data packets sent back to the server are encrypted. It just means you have to figure out the encryption. However, it would take quite a lot of know-how to even attempt that, plus the encryption is probably dynamic (meaning the encryption keeps changing).




Hope that clears things up.




Oh and do any of you remember the day that AutoRune was used to make tons of phats and even to kill the bankers in RSC?




FYI: AutoRune is a program (long dead) used in RSC to edit server packets to spawn items, and even to kill bankers!




To RoswellCrash:


AutoRune was made in a few hours... not months. It just intercepted all packets being sent, you could then inject data into them and send to server.

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1.) The software used by auto'ers will never become public as they are too advanced and valueable.




2.) They are only used by sites that sell runescape gold ( these same people sell gold for real money for other games )







1.) not true at all, im not going to give names, but there are 2 main clients, and many forums, with thousands of users with info on both, try google before posting incorrect info.


2.) again not true, many people besides those companies (if you can call them that :)) use auto programs, the number is huge




edit: btw, runescape IS written in java, i probably broke rules finding that out for sure, so thats all im going to say

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i never said runescape is not written in java, i said it was a mix of java and Andrew's own language..




As for the auto'ers programms... all those people using downloadable versions of "auto" programs use either a simple macro program or the lamest program on earth, wich is named the same as a personage in the lion king... if u know what im talking about..




Anyways the REAL auto'ers are company's


the rest are just a bunch of script kiddies who know nothing at all..

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"auto'ers , scammers, hackers..." don't spoil the game for me, they don't effect me at all but noob's ( not just low levels) effect me they get right under my skin


Tell me about it...today some noob with a d long kept calling me "Mr. Sheman", "tacky old lady" and "gai" because I was wearing my infinity hat :roll:

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the ppl that steal rs passwords are crackers, not hackers, since the can wrongfull entry to ones comupter





Aefx(started 11/1/2002) Cb: 200 TS: 1900+
Bmms--Jr(Started on 1/24/06)(Banned 11/13/09 ) Cb: 119(pre-eoc) TS: 1700+
Bmms(Started 8/?/2001)(Banned 1/24/06 ) Cb: 101(pre-eoc) TS: 1350+

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Java is the base code and even in classic java was use but it was not only java, it was also andrews code. Which i have to hand it to andrew is a pretty complex thing, but alas it wouldnt take to much time of a dedicated hacker to figure the code out. Thankfully there are no hackers that are dedicated enough to do it.


I just came back from a long break. Back on bob.

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i never said runescape is not written in java, i said it was a mix of java and Andrew's own language..




As for the auto'ers programms... all those people using downloadable versions of "auto" programs use either a simple macro program or the lamest program on earth, wich is named the same as a personage in the lion king... if u know what im talking about..




Anyways the REAL auto'ers are company's


the rest are just a bunch of script kiddies who know nothing at all..


if i remember, the name people gave the lang. was regex...


the auto'ers, i know your dead wrong, for an easy reason, after rs2 came out, i autoed (not anymore, it ruins the game) there were many comminuties dedicated to them, that i had(have) friends in, so i visit them periodically, not for the auto programs, or w/e, but trust me, its not script kiddies, i know what im talking about

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i never said runescape is not written in java, i said it was a mix of java and Andrew's own language..




As for the auto'ers programms... all those people using downloadable versions of "auto" programs use either a simple macro program or the lamest program on earth, wich is named the same as a personage in the lion king... if u know what im talking about..




Anyways the REAL auto'ers are company's


the rest are just a bunch of script kiddies who know nothing at all..


if i remember, the name people gave the lang. was regex...



Isn't that the name of the infamous bot writer?

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