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The TipitGallery Neighbourhood


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Ive came up with the idea of a whole tipit neighbourhood, it works like this:




Every artist will claim an own house, and they can colour it to their own masterpiece.




Ive started with this (colorful) house, for example:








and the result: 40+ houses, with your very own house in the row.




(I will update it as soon as there is a new house. The row will be longer soon.)




Good Idea? if it is, you better be soon there, you dont want to be NR 32 right? :lol:



[Tip.it Moderator from Dec 10, 2006 to 03 Sep, 2008]

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I think I've done this right.




You didn't make it too clear. But hey! :)




Here's mine. :D












:? Uh-oh, pjb21 claimed no.2 as in house number two.. this is going to turn out like Pixel City #2... everyone reposting over others houses.. :oops:



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I think I've done this right.




You didn't make it too clear. But hey! :)




Here's mine. :D












:? Uh-oh, pjb21 claimed no.2 as in house number two.. this is going to turn out like Pixel City #2... everyone reposting over others houses.. :oops:

Its impossible to refresh in 9 minutes time between 2 posts...




Youve done this right, It isnt unclear at all: -Just add a house from yourself :) -



[Tip.it Moderator from Dec 10, 2006 to 03 Sep, 2008]

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Ive came up with the idea of a whole tipit neighbourhood, it works like this:




Every artist will claim an own house, and they can colour it to their own masterpiece.




Ive started with this (colorful) house, for example:








and the result: 40+ houses, with your very own house in the row.




(I will update it as soon as there is a new house. The row will be longer soon.)




Good Idea? if it is, you better be soon there, you dont want to be NR 32 right? :lol:



[Tip.it Moderator from Dec 10, 2006 to 03 Sep, 2008]

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Do they have to be so big? They seem to have a lot of wasted empty space. I think you could make this work just as well, or better, by making the houses smaller so more detail happens and you can fit more houses in one pic. :) I'd add mine but they're too big and I don't want to leave so much empty space due to house being so big. :P


Pixel sigs by me.

Pixel Art

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Do they have to be so big? They seem to have a lot of wasted empty space. I think you could make this work just as well, or better, by making the houses smaller so more detail happens and you can fit more houses in one pic. :) I'd add mine but they're too big and I don't want to leave so much empty space due to house being so big. :P
thats ok, I ll work on it tomorrow, gotta go 2 sleep :wink:



[Tip.it Moderator from Dec 10, 2006 to 03 Sep, 2008]

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I have an idea for how this would work easily with alot of people..would take a little work and would have to link to an external page to view but..here goes:




1-Someone sign up for some random free webhosting service


2-Write a bit of javascript that sets up an array of images and displays them in a row




would be something like this (mind you this is java pseudo-code, i dont know javascript)




Image[] imgs = new Image[*];




imgs[0] = *house 1*;


imgs[1] = *house 2*;


imgs[2] = *house 3*;






for(int i = 0; i < imgs.length; i++)




*however you display an image*(imgs);






3-host that script on a page and post a link here




I'll try to write the real script if I get a chance.

You make it sound like running through a few level 87 monsters is hard which it really shouldn't be at your level.



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I have an idea for how this would work easily with alot of people..would take a little work and would have to link to an external page to view but..here goes:




1-Someone sign up for some random free webhosting service


2-Write a bit of javascript that sets up an array of images and displays them in a row




would be something like this (mind you this is java pseudo-code, i dont know javascript)




Image[] imgs = new Image[*];




imgs[0] = *house 1*;


imgs[1] = *house 2*;


imgs[2] = *house 3*;






for(int i = 0; i < imgs.length; i++)




*however you display an image*(imgs);






3-host that script on a page and post a link here




I'll try to write the real script if I get a chance.

I think ur one of the few people who can actually write own scripts... but thanks for the help :wink:



[Tip.it Moderator from Dec 10, 2006 to 03 Sep, 2008]

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Decided to say forget the script it wasn't worth it..but I still made the neighborhood.




1-State your name and which house you want (pre-existing people keep theirs)


2-I'll change the blank house into a reserved house


3-Either post or PM me a link to your house


4-I'll update the neighborhood with your house and keep a running list of who owns what on the page as well.




Links: (In progress)






Well it seems to block the link but it went to yahoo's free site, so just replace "Not Allowed" with what belongs there







You make it sound like running through a few level 87 monsters is hard which it really shouldn't be at your level.



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I made a house that's a bit smaller, maybe what mxm was wanting. If you don't want to use it, it's fine. I made only one, because I have an idea:


You create the house, then submit that one, then at the end put them all together, if you want. This way, you don't have to worry about people posting over other people's work.



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