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Bad PSU? Check the voltages. Also you might want to check the temperature of your hardware.




Could be it was overheating. I did leave it on all weekend with the world on 2. (not logged in of course) What is a psu? and how do I check the voltages?

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Power Supply Unit. And you check the voltage in BIOS.
. Tnx now how do I do that? Command prompt?




And so its shutting down as a defense mechanism for overheating?




Ill try turning it off and leaving it off all night and see if that helps.

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Good idea, how many times has this done this anyways? because if you have automatic updates going on, after they finish they will restart your computer in 30 seconds if you dont click "restart later"


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80/80 Fletching

60/75 Woodcutting

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I sent the error report to microsoft and this is what they found:


Error type : Windows stop error (A message appears on a blue screen with error code information)


Solution available? : No (see Next steps)


What does this error mean? : Windows has encountered an error from which it cannot recover and needs to restart


Cause : Unknown device driver


Computer symptoms : A message appears on a blue screen with error code information (for example: e.g. 0x0000001E, KMODE_EXCEPTION_NOT_HANDLED)


Additional steps for you to take : Important: Please continue to send error reports so analysts at Microsoft can study and try to correct the problem as quickly as possible




Information about this error




You received this message because a device driver installed on your computer caused the Windows operating system to stop unexpectedly. This type of error is referred to as a "stop error." A stop error requires you to restart your computer.




Next steps




We have analyzed your error report and at this time are unable to determine the exact cause of the error. However, Microsoft will continue to analyze this error report to try to determine the specific cause of the error. If we are able to find the cause and correct it, and you encounter the same problem, you will receive an updated response that includes instructions for resolving the problem.

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Good idea, how many times has this done this anyways? because if you have automatic updates going on, after they finish they will restart your computer in 30 seconds if you dont click "restart later"




I shut the comp off all night and when I turned it on again, it rebooted within the 1st 5 minutes so its still doing it alot.

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Have you recently installed new hardware?




nope. nothing. Thats why this is so weird. Actually I never saw a blue screen. It just reboots with no warning whatsoever. Later today it froze, then the next time it was on it went hours with no problems.

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