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F2p deaths


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Hi, I just got mage 41 and i realised I hadn't got or got the money for any deaths. Any monsters I can kill for a load of deaths?

Proud Legionairre of the 10th Legion of Kandarin.

Search for "The 10th Legion of Kandarin" on RSOF to join a small, friendly clan!

270 Quest Points and counting

Remember - In the gene pool, there is no life guard. :P

You're not getting my point. If you had an IQ above room temperature you would.
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lesser or greater demons? :)


99 Attack - 99 Strength - 99 Hits - 99 Magic - 99 Smithing

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Zx7r Ninja (Currently Training) Updated 2/14/09: Ags Achieved on 2/15/09

75/75 Attack 89/99 Strength 50/50 Def 78/85 Hits

***Owned a Bandos Godsword since 59 Combat***

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Thanks for that, where do I find greater demons?

Proud Legionairre of the 10th Legion of Kandarin.

Search for "The 10th Legion of Kandarin" on RSOF to join a small, friendly clan!

270 Quest Points and counting

Remember - In the gene pool, there is no life guard. :P

You're not getting my point. If you had an IQ above room temperature you would.
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Hi, I just got mage 41 and i realised I hadn't got or got the money for any deaths. Any monsters I can kill for a load of deaths?


You won't get many Death rune drops from monsters in F2P.




Your fastest supply is probably to buy them from players or the mage stores in Varrock and Port Sarim.




But, why do you want Deaths?


They are the hardest hitting F2P PKing runes available, but other than PKing,


they are a very expensive way to kill monsters or to raise your magic skill.




Otherwise, look in the Tip It monster list.


They list the following F2P monsters as Death runes droppers:


Wizard, Fortress Guard, Bandit, Hill Giant, Black Knight, Moss Giant,


Chaos Dwarf, Ice Giant, Ice Warrior, Lesser Demon, and Greater Demon.




Hope this helps.

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Umm, no that didn't help that much :oops: . I said I didn't own much money and that I didn't want to spend much. I want to use deaths to Pk.

Proud Legionairre of the 10th Legion of Kandarin.

Search for "The 10th Legion of Kandarin" on RSOF to join a small, friendly clan!

270 Quest Points and counting

Remember - In the gene pool, there is no life guard. :P

You're not getting my point. If you had an IQ above room temperature you would.
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I am referring to when you siad " I hope this helps"

Proud Legionairre of the 10th Legion of Kandarin.

Search for "The 10th Legion of Kandarin" on RSOF to join a small, friendly clan!

270 Quest Points and counting

Remember - In the gene pool, there is no life guard. :P

You're not getting my point. If you had an IQ above room temperature you would.
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I am referring to when you siad " I hope this helps"


There was a lot more to my post than just "Hope this helps"


In addition to his advice to buy them from players/shops, he also gave a list of every monster that drops deaths, which answers your question. Not helpful?

Youth ages, immaturity is outgrown; ignorance can be educated and drunkeness sobered, but stupid is forever.



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Oh, sorry, must have skim-read and missed the bottom bit. :oops:

Proud Legionairre of the 10th Legion of Kandarin.

Search for "The 10th Legion of Kandarin" on RSOF to join a small, friendly clan!

270 Quest Points and counting

Remember - In the gene pool, there is no life guard. :P

You're not getting my point. If you had an IQ above room temperature you would.
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why not make airs?




You only have to make 15 airs to have the money for 1 death and since you can get atleast 25 airs per load you can easliy get the money for deaths. Remember that at lvl 11 you get 2 airs per ess 3 at 22 etc. If you don't have the money for ess you can just mine it. Easy money right there. Oh and if you continue with magic then you will need every air you can get your hands on. So you can do that to help your mage lvl as well

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Oh, sorry, must have skim-read and missed the bottom bit. :oops:


But this part


Otherwise, look in the Tip It monster list.


was part of the original post.




That link, if you had bothered to use it,


lets you search for all of the F2P monsters that drop deaths...




Wolfboy's basic comment is still valid.




If want help from the community


then you really need to develop better manners...

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Mate, lets just stop this stupid flamer ok? Tip.it is meant to be the site *without* flamers 8-)

Proud Legionairre of the 10th Legion of Kandarin.

Search for "The 10th Legion of Kandarin" on RSOF to join a small, friendly clan!

270 Quest Points and counting

Remember - In the gene pool, there is no life guard. :P

You're not getting my point. If you had an IQ above room temperature you would.
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Mate, lets just stop this stupid flamer ok?


Tip.it is meant to be the site *without* flamers 8-)


That sounds good to me,




but, remember, you started it all with the unhelpful comment of


Umm, no that didn't help that much...


when a link was posted that directly answered your question...

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why not make airs?


Oh and if you continue with magic then you will need every air you can get your hands on. So you can do that to help your mage lvl as well


Or, alternatively, he can just save up for an Air staff for maging and just make Air Runes for profit. The staff will pay for itself after a few Magic levels.


Part of the Star Traks network. (^^Clicky!)


Irony: An amnesiac rediscovering they have an eidetic memory.

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U may think this is a really nooby way of training mage, but i did it till lvl 51 mage. i mined my own ess. made airs and minds out of them and used a fire staff with them to use fire strike. its alos a good way to get rc up. by the way im f2p. hope this helps


My rsn:bubleboy1000

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