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Senior Pranks


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Holy thread resurrection, Batman!




The best prank idea I've heard is filling the hallways with little paper cups full of water. Wall to wall paper cups, all full of water. The reasoning is that the human mind won't allow the body to just stomp all over the cups and clear a path, because that would make a mess, and the mind isn't attracted to messes. So people would have to pick up the cups one by one in order to clear the hallways, even though it's easier to just run through the cups and get water on the floor. Exploiting the irrationalities of the mind for foolish entertainment. :lol:




Another one was leading a few cows up to the top row of the bleachers in the basketball gym. Sort of like cows-in-the-2nd-floor, since they won't go down stairs, but the problem would be multiplied by the fact that the cows are standing on some very narrow bleacher seats approximately 2 stories high. There would be no way to get them down without killing them. :lol:

the russians are the best! Hands down!
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Trapical that was AWESOME! Such a good read! I was amazed at the sheer complexity of your plan and i had no idea they would get so pissed that police got involved rofl! I think its awesome no one ratted on you either, it wouldve happened for sure here.


Ha, thanks. Yea like I sort of mentioned above the only thing that made the secrecy possible was our grade extreme devotion to our class and to "aught five" We did the prank for the prestige of the entire class and we all wanted it to go flawless. In the end it all came down to luck though, I'm sure some us were hairs away from cracking under the interrogations.


And yea as for the cops, well I guess thatÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s what you get when you do something in Wisconsin, the state with the 2nd lowest crime in the US. Nothing ever happens here so when something does, the Police get pissed that someone dared to do something in their state and have all the time in the world to focus on it.




Hey Trapical, you wouldn't happen to be in Madison would you? I think something like that happened at my school. :-w


rotalsnarT laciffO

Solving the confusion once and for all

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i heard most seniors dump freshmans in trashcans in the hallway








Lucky for me I never got thrown in a trashcan when I was a freshman.. However I'll be a senior when my bro is a freshman.. :-k :-$




Whenever I was a freshman I was new to the town (well.. country. Moved to Germany my freshman year). I became friends with someone who was in 8th grade at the time (we were the same age, I still talk to him a lot on vent :D. Great gamer buddy). Anyways, his sister was a junior at the time so I ended up knowing here.




I think I eneded up knowing more juniors/seniors that year than freshman.. Kind of an odd year really, I was probaly the only freshman that sat on the "junior" stairs. (we had two different stairsets, juniors and seniors basicly had their own set they claimed, and thats where they sat in the morning/ect.)







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I prank we did for April fool's day was to put buckets of cold water on the doors of strategic importantnce like the staff room, the vp's and priciple's offices right before school and in every room we put them on worked. On the other ting about drugs is that our school has an ultra-strict thing where if youre caughtÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ãâæimmediatly expelled.



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That was awsome Tropical. I'm sure the leaders will become good military generals :P




I'm a Freshman right now, and the only prank, or close-to prank, me and 2 friends threw these little strafoam cans things which the lunch people put salads, chili, and stuff. These things are very easily broken...so we got a bunch of fruit-salad and chili ones and hid behind a dumpster wall. On the other side where small 6th graders. We threw 'em over and bombed the 6th graders. They got scared and ran off-we even covered some people in chili :lol:




Amazing thing is we never got caught. Plus we didn't do this once, but this was the funniest time. We lauched hundreds of these things and ketchup packets and NEVER got caught. :-k

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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I'm willing to bet that 99% of the stuff posted in made up.


I swear on my manhood that my story is true. I wouldn't lie about something as big as that.


However, oddly enough, I want to agree with you. I can't help but think that like half these stories are at least exaggerated if not entirely false. :?

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