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Tip.It Players vs RuneHQ Players

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I use runehq sometimes. Sorry, crew, but they have better quest guides, and the city guides really come in handy sometimes. However, RuneHQ hurts my eyes to look at.




Same thing here. They actually have pics in their guides.. :x But looking at white text in black background. :evil: (eyes light on fire and my head ruptures on the sides)

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I like Tip.It, who ever writes the RuneHq quest guides need a spelling check. The spelling and grammar on that site is horrible. And the Tip.It website looks better than RuneHq. The Item Database is really helpful though.




On Topic: A war would be fun, but it would be incredibly difficult to organize. There would be mass confusion and lag. People would pile the high levels. You would need to bring a mini-team to survive the first 20 minutes. The level 120's and mods/administrators would be attacked on sight. Imagine 50+ people attacking one person at the same time.



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What? When? Where? Why? How?




Anyways..yeah, Tip.it > Rune HQ




i agree..n lots of LAGG but also lots of free stuff :D unless u dont lose yer stuff wen u die..i think u couldve described it better..also is this non mem and mem? and wut happens wen one teem wins? do u lose all yer stuff wen u die? etc etc..




overall this idea's ok, tip it would own tho :twisted:

\:D/ Ray::P2P::::Roaming Around::::Phat me pl0x?::::Beamster:: \:D/


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Id love to see that happen, and then all the different clans will just join up with their members and kill everyone of. There is no winner in wars, except maybe the looters.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I know what to do. Well spilt up the battles for 3 worlds! THen we have smaller lags! Besides I dont think you guys would want me to fight for you..




Tipit= RShq

l5v2s.gif<-- this one better work.... >__<


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OMG runehq quotes runescape directly for thier news! what type of cheap plaguizers do that? thier newspaper sucks, they kill your eyes, and they got those 2 big banners all the time! Plus zybez's item guide is sooo much better.




If we orgainize a war have the members take um on in castle wars and have the nonmembers have a fight lvl 49 wildy!




We'd own those plagueizers so bad.

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Runehq i'd say had better things for a long time, but tip it is now increasing in its quality of quest guides. Runehq rapidly releases its guides which is nice, but the quality is not very good and is occasionally wrong and leaves out information. Tip it takes the time to write a thurough editted guide that is correct. A battle would be pretty awesome tho...we'd own :twisted:

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From what I've seen in runehq, it's full of people who bump their thread every 2 seconds even if it's on the first page and people who make short useless threads with the capslock on just to get post count even though they know the thread will be locked. Tip.it is full of nice, respectable, high lvl players who would be the majority in numbers but would completly pwn runehq imo.

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