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New Capes

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Don't know if it exists yet, but I'm rather fond of a certain type of cape. This cape covers one arm (the other remains uncovered yes) and the most of the back yet not like regular capes. If anyone knows the musketeers it's a bit like that, I think its very fashionable :D and it would score with the crowd, and how hard can it be to implement an ordinary cape? You should also be able to see some folds in it (makes it prettier).



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Yes, I agree. Princes in Medieval times sometimes wore them. They sort of make a "upside down stairs" sort of shape. Zig-zaggy and every section is folded over the next. I'd find a picture, but I've already got a million windows open. :P




I would like to see them, though. Perhaps a new quest?



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I don't think Runescape could support that kind of graphics. Plus that kind of cape would just restrict your movement.

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I don't think Runescape could support that kind of graphics. Plus that kind of cape would just restrict your movement.




You're joking, right?




If that were true, we wouldn't have legends capes. This is the same feature, except with the longest part being in the middle and the cape getting shorter on both ends, it's be longest on one end, and get shorter all the way to the other end. Same concept.




Oh...and if it couldn't support "these kind of graphics" then how is it possible for us to have the fire cape, which is the only animated wearable item in Runescape?




Plus...remember...they updated the game to make things like this more possible.



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Hehehehe, Runescape can't support a cape implement, that would have to be it. I still think it is a nice idea, and would be popular, of course if it would be, they'll make it p2p and I don't get anything.



Achieved quest (07/08/2009), woodcutting (28/06/2010), attack (21/07/2010), strength + constitution (07/08/2010), defence (26/09/2010), summoning (13/01/2011), herblore (03/03/2011), cook (31/08/2012), firemaking (01/09/2012), magic (08/09/2012), prayer (16/09/2012) and ranged (29/10/2012) capes.

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I do love capes, i'd like more of my favourite items on rs: hats, boots, a new outfit that you can have on when you're not wearing any armour. (the default one) and possibly white d hide because it would look cool 8-)

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Yeah that's what I mean, I used to watch Gundam Wing for a long while as well, it's good serie. I'd use it for my prince outfit.



Achieved quest (07/08/2009), woodcutting (28/06/2010), attack (21/07/2010), strength + constitution (07/08/2010), defence (26/09/2010), summoning (13/01/2011), herblore (03/03/2011), cook (31/08/2012), firemaking (01/09/2012), magic (08/09/2012), prayer (16/09/2012) and ranged (29/10/2012) capes.

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Yeah, I even tried it with red dye out of despair. I love a bit more napoleonic clothing style. Like the outfits in Cossacks 2 the game.



Achieved quest (07/08/2009), woodcutting (28/06/2010), attack (21/07/2010), strength + constitution (07/08/2010), defence (26/09/2010), summoning (13/01/2011), herblore (03/03/2011), cook (31/08/2012), firemaking (01/09/2012), magic (08/09/2012), prayer (16/09/2012) and ranged (29/10/2012) capes.

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And if the cape covers the left side I think it would be kinda weird to have the shield stickin out of the cape, maybe work that out by making it so that you can't equip a shield while wearing it(some exceptions of course e.g. god books). Or the cape wouldn't show the shield, untill something attacks you and the cape flings back and the shield pops out, just a suggestion though.



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Or you can use your brains and let the cape be not too long, and it is perfectly possible to show the shield while wearing the cape.



Achieved quest (07/08/2009), woodcutting (28/06/2010), attack (21/07/2010), strength + constitution (07/08/2010), defence (26/09/2010), summoning (13/01/2011), herblore (03/03/2011), cook (31/08/2012), firemaking (01/09/2012), magic (08/09/2012), prayer (16/09/2012) and ranged (29/10/2012) capes.

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I was talking to the one before you :D Gold Tiger



Achieved quest (07/08/2009), woodcutting (28/06/2010), attack (21/07/2010), strength + constitution (07/08/2010), defence (26/09/2010), summoning (13/01/2011), herblore (03/03/2011), cook (31/08/2012), firemaking (01/09/2012), magic (08/09/2012), prayer (16/09/2012) and ranged (29/10/2012) capes.

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