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Lmao that is amazingly original!




Great idea and great work, though the chairs look a ittle too small.




All partyhats look a little 2d...




You also might want to use better text, that really lets it down.




Great job though. 7.5/10

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nice! im loving the perspective, but if you added a horizon i think it would make it even better. Great job though! 7/10(fix the 2d items and add a horizon and 8.5/10)





"Let your feelings be like that of a monkey in a pinata, hiding inside with the candy hoping that the kids don't break through with the stick."

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The grass looks a tad under-detailed.


The perspective's pretty good, though. ;P


Bit more shading would help it out a bit more... Try to make it look less 2D.








Now for some normal Alex-postin':




Woooah! Excellent! She should lend me like, 40 bucks man. I wanna go down that slide. ;P


It really has

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Well I like it, it's like the kind of pixel I used to always want to have, a money sig. But here are a few tips on how to improve:




The signature doesn't have too much shading on it, so putting way more shading into it, will make it look 3D. At the moment everything looks quite 2d. Especially the obsidian shield and party hats. If you don't know how to shade, look at some tuts. If you do, and aren't very good, keep trying.




The grass is underdetailed. Just putting dots and lines won't make it look good. You have to have quite a lot of detail in the grass to make it look good...




The text is alright, could be better.. A curly text would look awesome on this sig.




The chairs are ok, but a little more shading could help.




The perspective is good, I love it so nothing needed there...




Lastly, the money looks pretty bad and just lines in the pool. So if I were you, add more circles everywhere and maybe somewhere on the grass add a couple of piles of money. That'll complete the pixel.




Also, I think I agree with that it would look good with a horizon but I dunno.. It's really up to you there.. That's sorta an iffy subject...




My rating as it is: 6/10, pretty good, I like it.


Rating if you fix it up with these tips: 8.5/10, it'd look alot better.




Hope these tips helped you!!


Add me ingame: Lnterest. I am back.

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Look average and the pool hurts my eyes badly. I suggest more work to be put into the pool and the rares/valueables.




And I also realise your current sig is larger then the required size. :wink:



Thanks Metroid for the siggy and dark_shadow for avvy! \:D/ :thumbsup:

<3 wendy

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