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Just started thinking if it would be cool to be able to transform into many different monsters other than monkeys and imps that raise certain skills while your in that morph. Also im not a member so i don't know what players can currently turn into. :(




I've got quite a bit of detail, I think. Here goes.... :D




Name of Skill: Morphing




What it does: Allows players to transform into animals, plants, items that can help them in certain tasks.




What You can transform into:Items, Animals, and Plants.






Level 1: Spade


Level 5: Bronze items (eg. bronze dagger, bronze pickax, bronze 2-hander.


Level 10: Iron items


Level 15: Steel items


Level 20: Black items


Level 30: Mithril items


Level 40: Adamant items


Level 60:Rune items


...if you guys can think of anything to add then please do...


When you become an item you can do something as that item.


Eg. If you become a spade you will be able to dig the spot you are standing in. If you become a dagger you can stab an opponent.


Note: While you are transformed you will lose points in the morphing level. Just like prayer.


You can also be attacked so that people can't turn into items during fight to escape dieing. Also when you are a item and just lieing on the ground you can be picked up by other player (if in your setting you put accept aid to the 'on' position). This can be done in the wilderness if you are pking with a clan. Though if the person holding you dies you do not go to lumbridge with him/her. You are dropeed onto the ground and remain in your morph until your points run out. If you run out of points while someone is holding you then he/she drops you and you morph out of your shape.






Level 1: Flowers


Level 5: Shrubs


Level 50: Trees


...Can't think of anything else...


Dont know what this would be useful for but....


Wait I have an idea. When you morph into a plant, shrub, tree your white dot will not show up on map, so you can surprise people. :lol: But if that person walks on you (you need to be a flower) you lose hit-points and your hp bar will show up. Also you can not be attacked in anyother. You can not turn into a plant until 10 seconds after the end of combat.






Level 1: Chickens


Level 5: Rats


Level 10: Cows


Level 20: Bears


Level 30: Hill Giant


Level 75: Lesser Demon


Level 85: Dragon


...Like I said before I'm not a member therefore i dont know many monsters, please feel free to add...


Turning into These animals/ monsters have their own benefits.


Chicken: You can fly over fences


Rats: You can go through small crevices


Cows: You can break down fences :lol: don't really know


Bears: Increases your strength by 10, and can run fsater/longer


Hill Giant: Increases your strength and defence by 10


Lesser Demon: Increases your defence by 10, Your attack by 10, and your strength by 15


Increases your Strength, Attack, and Defence by 20, can breath fire, and rune a bit faster after enemies.


You can still be attacked as a animal/moster and you can still die. You also can get to your inventory so that way you can eat and use potions etc.


Well thats all, please add something if you think it will make this better.


Sorry but I don't have pictures, I tried but they looked absolutely horrible so i skipped that part.




EDIT: Forgot to tell you guys how to gain experience.




There will be building or training centres. Where a person will give you a task to preform into something, and when you succeed you will gain experience




If you guys think this isn't so bad, then post and i'll come up with something more detailed.

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an pretty fun thing to add :P i know a game that is like the same as this but i lost the name of it:P


but... that also makes runescape go even more laggy:( and look at it now already




but if ya think itll work out than ask mod or member they can do more with it than non-members




btw im a member myself :wink:

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Seems like a very fun and interesting idea, but is it really usefull? It seems to me that it would be more of a waste of jagex's time and resources and would not be very wildly popular with the scapers, but that's just my opinion.




Well thought out idea though.

EDIT - Signature far exceeds our sig limits but since it's so colourful you can keep it.

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Guest TaDaraCampbell

not to rant or flame, but wouldnt this sounds quite pointless, who would want to keep morphing into things all day, sounds more worthless then fm

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i think this ideas kool..im not mem so i dont no if u can turn into monkeys..i would if this thing actually works lol or into into a dragon er sometin..




pretty good idea, jus forgot one thing, member er non member?

\:D/ Ray::P2P::::Roaming Around::::Phat me pl0x?::::Beamster:: \:D/


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There is rumours of Summoning late this year or early next year.




This was a leak last summer,people seem to have forgotten about..

All Quests completed

99 Thieving achieved on January 10th, 2008

99 Defense achieved on August 3rd, 2008

85 Slayer achieved on July 31st, 2008

6 Dragon boot drops, 14 Whip drops

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Summoning and Necromancy (which JAGeX has confirmed), when released, will render your precious skill useless. Anyways, what is the use in changing into a spade, can you USE yourself?




This is basically a fun skill only, so it shouldn't be a skill at all. If you really like to morph, get your easter ring and rub it.

Why do you resist? My experiments are only helping humanity push the boundaries of the Art of Toxicology... you should be proud to be one of my victims.



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Summoning and Necromancy (which JAGeX has confirmed), when released, will render your precious skill useless. Anyways, what is the use in changing into a spade, can you USE yourself?




This is basically a fun skill only, so it shouldn't be a skill at all. If you really like to morph, get your easter ring and rub it.




Well the use of changing into a spade would be this....


i reckon for farming members need a spade for some odd reason, well intead of having it in your inventory you cuold instead morph into a spade and use it on the sport, it opens up an inventory space for use




But thinking it over it is kind of stupid :lol:

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No, you don't get it. If you change into a spade YOURSELF, well a spade can't move, right? It needs another person to use it.




So as a spade... how are you going to dig a hole YOURSELF? You are the spade!

Why do you resist? My experiments are only helping humanity push the boundaries of the Art of Toxicology... you should be proud to be one of my victims.



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No, you don't get it. If you change into a spade YOURSELF, well a spade can't move, right? It needs another person to use it.




So as a spade... how are you going to dig a hole YOURSELF? You are the spade!




lol :oops:

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I like the idea about plants, but you should just be able to buy some ring or something for that.




The items idea is pointless, because it would not be worth it training that skill just to turn into something you can just get out of your bank.




If people could turn into monsters, they could become way too overpowered.




Also, I dont see any good way of training this skill. Like I said, though, your idea about the plants was good. :D

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this has been around for a while and i have been reluctant to click it, because i was afraid i was gonna see some really stupid not thought out post. Well, despite that i'm not very fond of the idea...seems a little..not unnecessary but just a little excesive, it was very well thought out, i comend you for that. But getting exp is to vague, the point is also vague...just tweak those and think of some things and i see no problems with it.

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Go into Castle Wars. You can morph into a sheep or a rabbit there. Implement animal-morph rings. I don't care. Just don't implement morphing as a skill.

Why do you resist? My experiments are only helping humanity push the boundaries of the Art of Toxicology... you should be proud to be one of my victims.



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The idea sounds good, except for the new skill, they should just make it branch off of magic or prayer, creating a ring to transform into items, a necklace for changing into plants, and an amulet for changing into animals. And they shouold also require you to have your combined level of prayer and magic to equal the animnals combat level, and just require a certain level like 5,10,15,etc for the objects and plants . They could also make some of the basic ones non-member, like changing into animals upto bear or Hill giant, objects upto steel or miht items, and up to willow trees. And instead of a training place, they should make leveling sort of like slayer, you get an assignment to go and a study some animals, plants or objects, and once you study them for long enough you can change into them.

There's no such thing as regret. A regret means you are unhappy with the person you are now,

and if you're unhappy with the person you are, you change yourself. That

regret will no longer be a regret, because it will help to form the new,

better you. So really, a regret isn't a regret.

It's experience.

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its a gd idea but like wad aquariusman said, it shouldnt be listed as a new skill. probably as a minigame or something. if it really must be a skill, hmph. maybe we can make it a monster. like say, if you can morph into a lesser demon, then you can do the damage the demon has on others. that would be cool - you a lesser fighting another lesser. or a bronze dragon vs a bronze dragon.




the only problem is. wad can stop a lvl 3 from morphing to a lvl 300+ kalphite queen in wildy?

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its a gd idea but like wad aquariusman said, it shouldnt be listed as a new skill. probably as a minigame or something. if it really must be a skill, hmph. maybe we can make it a monster. like say, if you can morph into a lesser demon, then you can do the damage the demon has on others. that would be cool - you a lesser fighting another lesser. or a bronze dragon vs a bronze dragon.




the only problem is. wad can stop a lvl 3 from morphing to a lvl 300+ kalphite queen in wildy?




I think i stated this but when you transform into a monster your combat level stays the same, its just that for the particular monster you morph into you get a additional bonus to your combat levels

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