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~ Gold's Pencil Drawings.... Hum... ~


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Ok, here are a few drawings I did at the weekend.




I've been doing pencil sketches for a while now, but only recently (a year or so) have they been more realistic.




These are just concentrating on features; mainly the eyes, nose and mouth. When I pin those, I'll start doing faces and then possibly whole bodies. :o




GIFs seem to suck for this... But I decided twas better than massive PNGs or ugly JPEGs.




These were all parts of an A4 Piece of paper, scanned in.






So here they are:






Hmm, yeh, so in this one I really buggered up the eye on the left, and the mouth got dirty-rubbered. :(


Quite happy with most of this though.








Mouth mainly, then nose, but the nose is a little off centre... :|








Just small parts again. - Small facial parts I mean... Don't go thinking... o_O


Square nose... Iris looks strange..




I really hate GIFs... Totally gets rid of my shading.

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look good i think, much better then i could do lol




only thing that looks a bit "scary" is that the right (left on screen) side of fave looks a lot darker around the eyes.




in the bottom eye i think the pupil (i think, black bit?) could do with being a little bit bigger.






bah, anyways, im jst trying to help n make myself feel helpful although im probably not being, coz im stupid lol.




dowsysarch :)




edit : said i was stupid, i was talking bout the eye that said "ignore this eye" lol

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That's great, thanks for feedback. :)




I tend to use randomly sized pupils, but recently I've started making them bigger, after making my friends stay still so I could take a look at the eyes. :P




Forgot to mention: No reference, just what I've (tried to) pick/ed up.




Eyes are mainly what I've been trying to get right, so hopefully people will like those most. I've only got other things in there to try give some idea towards it.... Eyes = plain, face = more interesting ...




Stupid Gifs... :(

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I didn't use colour, I don't have any decent colour pencils in skin tones.




But meh, don't forget imageshack has a limit of 1024kb and I think that first one was pretty close if I remember rightly... As the original scanned part of that (Cropped) it was 6Mb... @_@

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Meh, yeh, thanks for the tip, I'll try it out.




But those sketches are basically to try and get eyes right, then I added a bit of 'shading' to get it to look better (to me, anyawy) and a nose and mouth to complete the image as to give it more depth.




But yeh, thanks for the comment. :)

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Eh... i really dont like not-cartoonish drawings unless they're done nicely.. i mean in this one there is an eye looking in... a different direction then the other eye and its just like a face staring at you like its coming out of sand or something... it needs a head and body and color.



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Eh... i really dont like not-cartoonish drawings unless they're done nicely.. i mean in this one there is an eye looking in... a different direction then the other eye and its just like a face staring at you like its coming out of sand or something... it needs a head and body and color.




Do you not read!?!?




But those sketches are basically to try and get eyes right, then I added a bit of 'shading' to get it to look better (to me, anyawy) and a nose and mouth to complete the image as to give it more depth.








Thanks for the comments anyway, people. :)

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