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Hard time getting into crowded worlds?


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I know somepeople wont even take the time considering going to world 2 or 1, simply because it takes them a long time to get in.




This is a simple, yet effective way, and doesn't involve a 3rd party client.




Well, the only downfall is that you have to get into that world first, then it will work.




So heres how you do it: (for example)


I go into world 2 (manually, only 1 or 2 at the max times should do it)


Then, when everything is done loading, just go up to Favorites tab of your Internet Browser, and click add to favorites, naming it anyway you want.




Its that simple. :D


NOTE-Probably the first 15min it doesn't work, it has done this to me when they made the new game engine. When it doesnt work, it will just take you back to the RS homepage. Dont worry about this, just play a little bit, and try again later. :)




I hope this helps some people! :D

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0o Thanks for that... now i can finaly get in world 6 when i want to :D

(15:14:25) <Vidi> Peter likes barbie xD


(15:14:30) <Peter> totally


(15:14:46) <Peter> I've got all the accessories

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This only works till they update the game again.




I notice when there are updates that I lose it working from my favs and it just takes me to the homepage

- My skills are now really, really lame ! Time to fix that! -

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Wont the adress bar stay as runescape.com?


coz the whole page runs on java ur IE bar wont tell you the exact link... but when u link to it in favourites, the IE knows the hidden link and takes you to it ....


I guess :? :lol: :lol:


Join the sodb now!

Thanks to misterxman for the great avatar!

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i use a world switcher that automatically keeps trying to world if it's full.




Why not just say SwiftSwitch?


And back on topic, I actually knew trhis way back in Rsc. I thought it didn't work in Rs2 though...


Great tip, thanks.

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i use a world switcher that automatically keeps trying to world if it's full.


Why not just say --illegal third party client--?


No. 3rd party clients are not illegal. Tip.it bans people for it, but that's their own rule. JaGeX specifically stated that they are not illegal.

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Doesn't work for me in firefox :(




neither...something firefox CAN'T do... :o :o :o




FireFox can, too! You just need my home made Mozilla extension. It finds the "hidden" link for the page, and puts it in the address bar replacing "runescape.com". Bookmarking at that point is easy.And yes, I'll send you a copy. $850 CAD.

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