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vetran looking to rediscover runescape


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I've been playing since 2002 but quit after the new "more complicated" runescape came out. Well im back and want to know what to do first when learning everything thats new. I'm level 83 combat, 73 magic the rest of my stats are around 60-70. Right now im on f2p and want to relearn the game b4 i go back to p2p. All i got now in my account are some really usesless p2p stuff and something really expensive. :P 8-) Where should i start?









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Lol what a time to come back and a blue on your head!


Good to have another veteran back, enjoy RS2!


I don't know what it is, but something keeps telling me you "own"?

"When you're happy it's like you're a bird; you can fly. The only trouble is, you need other birds to fly with"

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Get a bank pin and lock up that Phat! Do not sell it and just wait it out for a while and see if you can wait it out for the price to rise even further.




But besides that if you're looking for information on what's new you should peruse the Tip.it site and check out their guides also there's a new "Kbase" which is the Runescape Knowledge base made by Jagex.




The game is essentially the same except it got a face lift, a few of your old haunts may have been changed around and combat is a notch or two different than in RSC. Get your bearing in F2P before you jump back into the members world. Try earning a little cash by merchanting Death and Chaos runes. Also you could take advantage of the minimal price of "Rune Essence" and start crafting your basic elemental runes, then go off to the members world and mine "Pure Essence" and sell for great amounts of profit.




Whatever you do, good luck to you.

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