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New idea for game


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hello runescape players






i got a suggestion to put on in free worlds






u no the buildin house thing, but limit the amout they can do in there house, so more worlds plz, plz think about this idea and replie if u like it or not




cheers Game mad2 :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: [/b]

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I think you are trying to suggest F2p POHs, however it is difficult to understand what you wrote. I also don't understand how POHs would give more worlds.




F2p are unlikely to receive this update as POHs are more suited to P2p. Construction was meant to drain away some of the money in RS. Most of the money is in P2p.

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oh rite, soz, wot i ment was:




if they allowed free players to build houses we would hav more stuff to do, plus its fun lol, but only give us a limited amout of wot we could go in the house! :?




does tht make sence? Game mad2

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Why couldn't you just write clearly in the first post? :roll:


F2p more updates? If you dont pay=you dont ger updates.

"The cry of the poor is not always just, but if you never hear it you'll never know what justice is."


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Though I do think that possibly that frees should be able to visit houses, maybe not use members teleportals or glorys on the walls, but everything else should work if its feasible in free player.




Other than that no it doesn't make sense to give free players POHs.



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Well, I might be nice for free players to visit members houses without beign able to enter dungeons or use stuff, but other than that no free players should not have Construction at all.

Why do you resist? My experiments are only helping humanity push the boundaries of the Art of Toxicology... you should be proud to be one of my victims.



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I am anticipating the new update. Even if it is bad (which seems likely), it will be a welcoming change to the monotony of Free Worlds.

Why do you resist? My experiments are only helping humanity push the boundaries of the Art of Toxicology... you should be proud to be one of my victims.



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:oops: im jst suggesting more stuff for free players to do, like me, im lvl 30 and the only quest i got left is dragon slayer! :twisted:




but meanwhile i need to train up, i thought i could do something different, and thts y im jst suggesting stuff

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You're level 30 and you don't know what to do? Quite sad...

Why do you resist? My experiments are only helping humanity push the boundaries of the Art of Toxicology... you should be proud to be one of my victims.



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oh rite, soz, wot i ment was:




if they allowed free players to build houses we would hav more stuff to do, plus its fun lol, but only give us a limited amout of wot we could go in the house! :?




does tht make sence? Game mad2




well first off, try spelling right and using proper grammer. No, no and no. Construction is a p2p update and not f2p. Period the end, this is not gonna happen notice f2p's first actually game update is coming out in this month, and its nothing like a new skill. THere are no more new skills for f2p!

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